Monday, September 30, 2019
Background With the promise of making this country into â€Å"Digital Bangladesh†the government of Bangladesh introduced its first notebook to target the segment of the people of Bangladesh who can`t afford to buy a costly big name laptop. Doel is the first Netbook made in Bangladesh by Telephone Shilpa-Songstha Limited, which is situated in Tongi, Gazipur. Named after the national bird, Doel is the first ever laptop brand to be assembled in Bangladesh, which is believed to revolutionise the high tech industry of the country.With the aim to bridge the communication gap between our people and ICT, by providing laptops at an affordable rate, this initiative provides scopes to build capacity, train local manpower and strengthen the country’s ICT expertise. At present, Shilpa Songsthe Limited has manufactured four different classes of Netbooks: The Basic DOEL Netbook, DOEL Primary Netbook, DOEL Standard Netbook and DOEL Advanced Netbook Need for Research: To know and under stand our county as potential market for laptop computers I need to know what customer and potential customers’ perception towards a Bangladesh made laptop.Would it be lucrative industries for laptop manufacturing will depend on how accept Doel as a Bangladeshi laptop brand. Should other home grown brands come up with line of laptops for general people. Problem Definition: Prospect of Doel the first notebook made in Bangladesh Objectives * Know Perception towards Bangladeshi laptop brand Doel among laptop users * Assess Prospect of rising industry surrounding laptop/notebook computers in Bangladesh * Find out the Factors that Influence people to buy notebook /laptops Research Design The research will be done by conducting survey on users and potential laptop users in Bangladesh.The survey will also cover the segment of people who cannot afford laptops but might be benefitted by it. That means rural businessman, students, SME owners etc. Data Collection To conduct the research we need data and statistics of various kinds. Data will be collected from both primary and secondary sources Primary source: sample survey on users and potential laptop users of Bangladesh Interview Secondary sources: News articles Publications on ICT industry in Bangladesh Websites Blogs Data Analysis Data analysis will be done using statistical software spss.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Lance Armstrong
For a period of 1 2 years, Lance Armstrong lied about doping to the entire world. In the process he selfishly ruined multiple live. A man who would ruin lives and Ile Just to ride a bike Is truly selfish. Because the drugs that Lance Armstrong used and lied about can enhance his performance, and are banned, he should get his medals taken away. Lance Armstrong has been racing since he was 19 years old and has gone to win 7 tour de France titles. He founded the Livestrong charity which helps out cancer patients. Lance Armstrong was accused of doping during all of his races.He sued those who accused him of doping and ruined their reputations and even lives In the process. He later on confessed to his doping after appearing on the Oprah Winfrey show. He also admitted that he has been lying about it for 12 years. Because Armstrong cheated, he does not deserve his medals. In the article by Ashling O'Conner â€Å"I'm the fall guy: Armstrong puts a historical spin on his cheating†Arm strong tries to Justify his actions. It is un-sportsmen like to try to justify cheating and lying the way he did. He obviously has no respect for the sport and others.In nother article titled â€Å"Lance Armstrong tried to donate around $250,000 to USADA†Brent Schrotenboer mentions Armstrong's attempt at a bribe. Someone who tries to bribe like that has something to hide. Armstrong knows what he did was wrong and is willing to do anything to cover it up. Even if it means ruining lives in the process. Armstrong ruined so many people's lives during all of this. In the article â€Å"admission' Just another Lance ploy†Greg couch explains how Armstrong ruined people's lives. Armstrong demonstrated how selfish he is by suing all those Innocent people for all that they have.He Is selfish and should have his medals taken away from him as a token for the lives he has ruined. In another article by Liz Clarke â€Å"Armstrong confesses to doping†it gives examples of Arms trong threatening people if they told about his doping. This is just more evidence the Armstrong is generally not a good person. It does not matter If he had to dope In order to win. If he needs performance enhancers to win a race, then he shouldn't be racing at all. Just because everybody Is doping doesn't make It okay. It should make him feel better knowing that he can beat a bunch of people that need drugs to do better.And the drugs that Armstrong used can badly harm your body after a while. Lance Armstrong admitted to doping and using performance enhancing drugs. Because he did not win any of his races in his career by his own abilities, he should have his medals and titles taken away from him. So what everybody Is doping. So what he wouldnt win If he dldnt. Because he thinks that he needs to dope In order to win a race, and he does, his medals should be taken away from him and given to the next person who did not test positive for banned drugs. Lance Armstrong By Agentbilly3 Fo r a period of 12 years, Lance Armstrong lied about doping to the entire world.In the process he selfishly ruined multiple live. A man who would ruin lives and lie Just to ride a bike is truly selfish. Because the drugs that Lance Armstrong used and lied those who accused him of doping and ruined their reputations and even lives in the Armstrong tries to Justify his actions. It is un-sportsmen like to try to Justify cheating Brent Schrotenboer mentions Armstrongs attempt at a bribe. Someone who tries to â€Å"admission' Just another Lance ploy' Greg couch explains how Armstrong ruined people's lives. Armstrong demonstrated how selfish he is by suing all those innocent eople for all that they have.He is selfish and should have his medals taken away they told about his doping. This is Just more evidence the Armstrong is generally not It does not matter if he had to dope in order to win. If he needs performance enhancers to win a race, then he shouldn't be racing at all. Just because e verybody is doping doesn't make it okay. It should make him feel better knowing that he can beat have his medals and titles taken away from him. So what everybody is doping. So what he wouldn't win if he didn't.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Analyzing three poems by three different poets Assignment
Analyzing three poems by three different poets - Assignment Example The mother is sad because of her failure to execute her roles effectively as a mother. Brooks portrays a feeling of remorse, longing sadness, and incomplete destinies that the mother had hoped to achieve. In the third line of the poem’s second stanza the mother is sad because she cannot breastfeed the babies since they are dead.There is a sense of guilt and resentment for aborting the babies. The mother also expresses sorrow and justifiable reasons as if yearning for forgiveness. In the last lines, the poem vividly portrays mother’s love for her aborted children. The mother shows deep love for the aborted infants even though she knew them only for a short while. Therefore, the mother used depicts deep emotions for her children yet she aborted them. She is sentimental and sensitive and at the same time heartless because she aborted her babies. The poem has a smooth flow and vividly elucidates the events occurring in a straightforward manner. The poet used short lines with abortion personification employed as exhibited in the first line of the poem. Gwendolyn uses imagery style in the third line of the first stanza of her poem, she cites a mother referring to her aborted babies as damp small pulps. Therefore, the image of the aborted babies vividly displays in the readers’ mind. Imagery, death and feelings in the poem are concrete as they serve their roles for usage effectively. The mother is a symbolic representation of real life women and their actions plus associated consequences. Therefore, the poem plays a crucial role of warning women who opt to commit abortion. Structure -wise, the poem has a regular rhyme scheme, which the poet properly portrays especially in the first stanza. However, it is inconsistent and is majorly end-rhyme. Gwendolyn also employs the use of repetition for emphasis as well as contributing to
Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective Essay
Crime Problem from an Historical Perspective - Essay Example Involvement of American society to the functioning of the justice system plays a vital role against crimes in a democratic environment. The societal behavior against crimes in United States is strong which deliberately reacts on justice system and present Hate Crime Laws in 1990 by George H.W. Bush (Terril, 2009). These laws protect civil society in which Attorney General is required to collect data on crimes which are committed because of the victim’s religion, race, disability or ethnicity. In Russia, after protests from the society against crimes raised, the government took serious actions and made a Federal Security Service (FSB) which now investigates crimes of national and international scope and provides security to the civil society. In 1996, under Russian Federal jurisdictio system criminal justice system started which solve many problems of the society. Criminal act is an act or possession under the laws of government which poses a violation of laws. The serial rapist is a crime without weapon, using physical force to do this crime and this unique criminal behavior must be controlled (Terril,
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Saigon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Saigon - Essay Example Buddhism is Saigon’s predominant religion that was introduced to the city during its domination by the Chinese, as well as by Indian preachers (Grey 34). Confucianism was also introduced by the Chinese but, interestingly, it became important after Chinese domination ended because the resulting monarchy viewed its political philosophy as more favorable. Finally, Taoism was also introduced by the Chinese and especially appealed to the local Saigon residents because of its polytheism and mysticism (Grey 38). Saigon’s history is mostly associated with war and destruction by most in the West, and for good reason. After being at the epicenter of Vietnam’s struggle for independence against the French, it again became the focus of attention in the US’ anti-Communism war in Asia during the 60s and 70s (Vo 51). The fall of Saigon in 1975 marked one of the biggest military defeats for the US and, soon after, its name was changed to Ho Chi Minh City. There is more about Saigon than its position in the War for Vietnam. The City is well known for its independence from outsiders despite its occupation by Khmer settlers, the Chinese, the French, and the US (Kent 41). The fall of Saigon to Communist forces also marked the end of direct military interventions in South East Asia. Moreover, Saigon’s contribution to popular culture cannot be overlooked with numerous movies and books about what its fall meant to the free
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Case Analysis on Ryan Air Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Case Analysis on Ryan Air - Essay Example The Ireland-UK market was Ryanair’s initial target market, which it successfully managed to capture. By 2003, however, its route system had expanded to serve 86 destinations on 133 routes across 16 different countries. The heart of Ryanair’s current strategy is based on providing no frills service with low fares designed to stimulate demand, particularly from budget conscious leisure and business travelers who might otherwise have used alternative forms of transportation or who might not have travelled at all. Another strategic position adopted is Ryanair’s point-to-point short haul flights. Ryanair chooses to fly to regional airports rather than the larger national airports due to the favorable cost terms received. This facilitates the passing of low fares and has the added bonus of being less congested therefore aiding in flight punctuality. This offers convenience to clients, especially those constantly undertaking business trips, in terms of time and cost. The possession of both Regional and secondary airports is another current strategy. Airport charges include: Landing fees, loading fees, aircraft parking fees and noise charges. By acquiring regional and secondary airports, Ryanair is able to reduce these fees. This is because these airports are less congested and are anxious to increase their passenger output. The external environment refers to the factors that are out of control of the firm. These are factors tat the firm cannot be able to control could be because of market forces among other reasons. The external environment within which a business operates has a great influence on its mode and extent of its operations. The PESTEL framework (Appendix A) categorizes environmental influence into six main types: Political, Economic, Social and Technological, Environmental and Legal (Johnson and Scholes, 2002). Focusing on the Political environment, there has been
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Theory and Explanation in International Relations (Honours Component) Essay
Theory and Explanation in International Relations (Honours Component) - Essay Example Smith believes that the distinction between explanatory and constitutive theories is basic ontological difference that emerges out of the differing ways in which IR theorists see the social world. (p27) If one examines what this argument is saying, one could very well use the science/antiscience scheme wherein scholars are divided in the way they see the social world with one favoring the concept of a natural social world – something that is outside of our theories; while the other, stressing that such world is what we actually make it. Explanatory theorists explain the end of the Cold War in the context of the chain of events that that have transpired over time. Types of this theory such the positivists and the realists offer additional details to the fundamental position on the subject which include the attempt to locate the causal roles that are played by particular elements in the chosen object domain for future use or to predict future events and trends. What this means is that explanatory theory is all about making sense of what is given, based on the facts and about attempting to understand their modes of operation. (Cox 1981) A number of authors use this dimension to the theory to explain how they seem to solve problems. The idea is that explanatory theories are concerned with making the world work better â€Å"within clearly defined, and limited parameters.†(Dunne, Kurki & Smith 2007, p26) Otherwise, Morgenthau (1978) maintained that when theories are divorced from facts they became informed by pre judice and mere wishful thinking. (p4-29) On the other hand, constitutive theories follow an entirely different track in theorizing about the end of the Cold War. It does not dwell on the causal theories or the questions that ask the whys and hows. Instead, it is concerned with the â€Å"properties of things by reference to the structures in virtue of which they exist.†(Wendt 1998, p105) Because of this, theories that
Monday, September 23, 2019
Main Themes and Ideas in Marxs Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Main Themes and Ideas in Marxs Thought - Essay Example Communism is a culmination of a period in history where there will be an abundance of material wealth; where the articles of production will be distributed according to every one’s need. It is a stage where Marx predicted, that will inevitably occur due to the conflicting forces in society. Karl Marx despised the idea of private ownership and capitalism. He believes that in an economic structure where the means of production or industry are owned privately, it will only be managed by the rich and the upper class, calling it as a â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie†and will only serve their self-interest. And because of these, conflict or social tension will be inevitable and will eventually lead to the downfall of the bourgeoisie. This process of â€Å"dialectical materialism†, where the thesis collides with the antithesis will bring out the synthesis or the rise of the masses. Marx argued that these structural contradictions in the private ownership of produc tion by capitalism will cause its own demise, giving birth to Socialism which will ultimately lead to Communism. To quote Marx: In countries where modern civilization has become fully developed, a new class of petty bourgeois has been formed, fluctuating between proletariat and bourgeoisie, and ever renewing itself as a supplementary part of bourgeois society. The individual members of this class, however, are being constantly hurled down into the proletariat by the action of competition, and, as modern industry develops, they even see the moment approaching when they will completely disappear as an independent section of modern society, to be replaced in manufactures, agriculture, and commerce, by overlookers, bailiffs and shopmen. ." (Karl Marx, 1848) The result of this conflict or tension will result in a new system called Socialism. This synthesis will topple the â€Å"dictatorship of the bourgeoisie†and will be replaced by the â€Å"dictatorship of the proletariat†. But this stage is only transitory. In the end, Marx espoused that this will eventually result on the ultimate stage where there will be an abundance of everything; where class distinction is no more that even the existence of states will no longer be necessary. The by-products brought by capitalism and private ownership like urbanization will increase the number of the working class or proletariat. And as their ranks increases, so will their consciousness. This class consciousness will eventually make them understand that they have to better the system (class struggle) to better their lot. Marx argued that if the private ownership of the means of production will be taken over by the working class, this would inspire a social movement that will benefit everybody equally. This will result in a society without an oppressive class in a system that is less susceptible to cyclical crises.Â
Sunday, September 22, 2019
How Pizza Has Evolved Essay Example for Free
How Pizza Has Evolved Essay As of late, pizza throughout the United States is consumed on a daily basis. Each year, the pizza market is a $30 billion industry. However, during the early years of our country pizza could only be found in high Italian populated neighborhoods located in big cities like Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia. Due to the increase in popularity and marketing strategies to compliment it, pizza went from peasant food in the 1700s to what it has become today. Marketing for pizza was born in 1993 by a pizzeria named Patsy’s. Patsy had the idea of having someone walk down the street eating a slice of their pizza to expose their product. It was genius because as a country our culture is very big on convenience and consistency. Since then marketing for pizza never looked back. Slices at the time were not considered normal but slowly changed peoples attitude about the whole idea. Since then marketing for pizza never looked back. Still the pizza market was small and not extremely profitable. It didn’t really take off until WWI when some troops returned home and expressed in the paper how handy and delicious it was over in Italy. This was great publicity because if the troops, who were stationed in Italy, say it is good it must have some truth in it. In our culture it is socially acceptable to be creative and an individual. So a couple troops created the deep dish pizza which was invented at a place called Pizza Uno in Chicago and they are still serving out pizzas today. As the country was growing and pizza was in more demand, the way about preparing and serving it had to evolve so it would be able to satisfy the consumer’s needs and wants. In 1958 two brothers created a Pizza place like none before. Pizza Hut today is an international franchise with over 6000 stores nationwide. In the beginning Pizza Hut only had one store, but as soon as they realized their business was doing well they expanded. Understanding what the consumers wanted out of their pizza parlor made it easy to branch out and provide their product to people all around the area as consistently as if it were at the original location. Dominos pizza took this idea further and then some. Since time is money and people are always on the go, Dominos was able to satisfy these demanding needs with several strategies. Instead of having to drop everything at that moment and go pick the pizza up, Dominos was able to bring the pizza right to the doorstep for free. To make their brand as consistent as possible and not have one person making a pizza differently from another store Dominos created a strong system for their company. Dominos was able to make a dumbed down process of constructing a pizza, and NASA’s hot air oven to give it that perfect cook every time. All of this was great but there was still a problem with the temperature upon arrival at someone’s house. So to fulfill the customer’s needs of warm pizza, thermal bags were created to sustain the heat for the ride in the car. Finally to push their product and service even further Dominos began to advertise to the customers about their new delivery in 30 minutes or less strategy. It showed that their product was consistent, reliable, and convenient. These two companies have perfected taste and how to serve it promptly to the customers but may be a little pricey at times. A fast and cost effective way to obtain a pizza other than ordering it from a pizzeria is picking one up at the local grocery store. This was just another way of eliminating the intermediaries and giving the people a more simplified choice. Kids have a strong influence in what their parents purchase for them. By placing the take home pizzas at eye level for kids in the freezer section, inclines parents to purchase them more unlike if they were placed up higher where kids would not notice them as much. In recent years customizing has really caught on in American society. Pizza is just another way people are able to express themselves and accomplish the status of individuality. California Pizza Kitchen was able to execute this on a nationwide scale and establish the title of a â€Å"nontraditional pizza co. †giving people the choice to make their pizza any way they like it. Pizza has been molded to form our culture and based off of that culture is how we were able to effectively satisfy the everyday needs and wants of consumers.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Corporate Ethical Responsibility Essay Example for Free
Corporate Ethical Responsibility Essay CARSI Inc. has long since served the business world since 1922 where it first introduced products and services that are economically acceptable to large-scale markets as well as small business ventures all over the world. These high-tech products include industrial machineries and large-scale shipping vessels that provide business transactions and trading. But the dawn of the Prohibition during the 1930’s forced CARSI Inc. into revising its corporate strategy. While surviving and maintaining industrial and trading quality from the 1930’s up to the present, CARSI Inc. has also opened new avenues of business ventures and management opportunities that gave rise to the CARSI Management and Training Division (CARSI-MTD). Founded in the 1990’s, CARSI-MTD is an outsourcing company that not only provides world-class training programs and strategies but also provides multitude of careers opportunities to the young, aspiring individuals as well as professionals alike. Its main goal is to provide a wide range of training and development programs that will enable more perspectives in business management, Human Resource practices, career development, and corporate business responsibility. As such, CARSI-MTD has produced top-caliber CEOs, executives, top-management officers, and leading theorists in the business practice through an extensive learning program that centers on intellectual development and practical application. CARSI Inc. and CARSI-MTD as of 1999, became a member of the prestigious Fortune-500 group of companies with a total net worth of over $5-billion. Also, CARSI Inc. has provided financial assistance as well as business development in third-world countries by providing a pioneering effort of encouraging small-scale businesses as a means of livelihood and societal development. To date, CARSI-MTD maintains high-standards, quality, and value over employees which are the essential of corporate success. Vision To be a corporate-responsible company that provide business career opportunities, investments, career growth, and quality management practices for aspiring professionals around the world. Mission To introduce to the business world a new perspective of business practices through social awareness, ethical business practices, theoretical business development, and personnel growth and satisfaction. To bring about change in labor-oriented companies through proper compensation, security, and benefits. Products and Services CARSI-MTD offers a wide range of products and services, specifically designed by CARSI Inc. to meet the standards of a globally-competitive market. These products include: CARSI-MTD Learning Institute – a company investment which further applies management, human resource careers into further study and forming theoretical frameworks that can be applied in real-world cases or situations, specifically on labor, personnel management, and human resources. Training Materials/Programs – in line with its Vision-Mission statement, the company also provides scholarly articles made by certified professionals that serve the benefit of schools, colleges, and universities that specialize on management courses. Practical Application Procedure (PRACP) – a unique development of CARSI-MTD which aims to apply methods of learning to practical methods in developing countries that stabilize economic problems, help cultivate Foreign Direct Investments and, maximizing country growth output. Cultural Responsibility The company’s moral responsibility lies firstly on the company’s purpose. The company aims to produce good business practices by maintaining high-standards of quality that ensures a sound and ethically acceptable ethical behaviour in companies. By enforcing quality, principle, idealism, and perfection into the standards set by the company, it presents an alternate and relative effect on businesses and corporations around the world. Second, the company aims to maximize profit of its stakeholders, without compromising personal, social, or cultural issues. Guiding Principles â€Å"Organizations must recognize the rights and interest of various stakeholders – not only stockholders and employees but also outsiders affected by the company’s actions†(Sims 2003, p.40). This is the main ethical principle for the company as it aims to not only protect shareholder and stockholder interests but also to take into consideration the company’s actions. The company assures job satisfaction among its employees, an ample amount of investment for stockholders, ensuring proper adherence to legislations and laws through different international governments, proper benefits for union members, fair competition, and being a responsible citizen in a communal aspect as well as affecting a change on the quality of life. The following are the main points of social responsibility of CARSI-MTD: Shareholders: An active participation on the distribution of profit, right to elect board of directors, transfer of stock, inspection of company books,etc. Employees: Economic and psychological satisfaction with employment. Protection from political or physical imputations of company officers. Fringe benefits. Right to the formation of a union and forming Collective Bargaining Agreements. Conducive working environment and conditions. Customers: Quality services through high standards (e.g. product knowledge, assurance). Reliable warranties. Extensive Research and Development Program. Unions: Recognizing as a legitimate bargaining agent of between employees and the employer. Competition: Recognizing the normative functions of a healthy, competitive business environment as dictated by the industry and organization. Governments: Proper adherence to taxes, public policies (fair and free trade) and the labor code. Society: Act as company that contributes to social formation a well as healthy environment in small communities, provision of unbiased employment, cultural and financial initiatives, charities etc. (Sims 2003, p.41). In the internal aspect, the company is guided by the following professional ethics: Accounting The company considers a strict compliance to company rule and policy to avoid creative accounting and misleading financial predictions and analyses, manipulation of company resources, black market trading, excess executive compensation, bribery, etc. Human Resources As a company aimed to provide opportunities to all, the Human Resource practice of the company strictly follows an anti-discrimination policy as well as adhering to local and international business laws with regard to age, gender, race, religion, among others. Also, the company maintains a healthy working environment by providing suitable working conditions. In addition, the company provides heavy penalties for office politicking, blackmailing and invasions of privacy. As such, company policies also state an assurance on occupational safety and health, transparency, and individual freedom. Sales and Marketing Marketing policy of the company is determined to reduce price fixing, discrimination and skimming through a more social and moral introduction to different alternatives and methods. Also, the company blatantly refuses advertisements and marketing strategies that manipulate the nature of sex, provide subliminal messages or exposing children, sexual orientation in its corporate strategies. Principles for Consideration Corporate Social Responsibility is the main guiding ideology in the formation of a Code of Ethics. â€Å"CSR requires the continuing commitment by business to behaving ethically and contributing to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce, their families, as well as community and society at large†(Sims 2003, p. 43). What CSR provides is a corporate ideology of the company as it aims to form the an ideology that is aimed at social and economical development rather than a pure capitalist view. Through a social initiative, the company has a purpose to exist morally and ethically as it aims to support social causes and awareness through fundraising and volunteerism, among others. However, the problem lies when CSR is taken for granted when it is the company’s duty to be socially aware and responsible.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Estimation of Mound Height in Endoscopic Treatment of VUR
Estimation of Mound Height in Endoscopic Treatment of VUR A Numerical Study to Precise the Estimation of the Good Mound Height in Endoscopic Treatment of VUR Author(s): Mehdi Shirazi1, Zahra Jahanabadi2, Zeinab Hooshyar5, Zahra Mortazavinia4, Alireza Mehdizadeh3, Mojtaba Taherisadr6 Abstract Purpose: it seems that there is no definite and standard index to ascertain the technique and volume of injection in order to increase the success rate of endoscopic VUR treatment. In this study, we introduced a novel method to numerically define the relationship between some indexes in order to determine optimum mound height promise to standardize the injection technique in this kind of treatment. Material and method: The main purpose of this study is to construct a finite element simulation of intramural ureter and injected mound which aims to numerically define the relationship between indexes which have influence in VUR endoscopic treatment. Using linearization software and numerically simulation data the relationship between effective indexes has been derived. Result: By linearization of the effective parameters of different finite element models, the relationship between effective parameters in filling phase is derived as: H=0.7456D+ 0.02174L +0.01846. This equation depicts adequate injected mound height as a function of internal diameter and intramural length, H=f(L,D). Conclusion: Using numerical simulation, we introduced the novel formula to predict the height of injected mound in endoscopic VUR treatment. As a result of this study, in order to increasing the success rate of this treatment, the ratio of mound height to intramural ureter diameter should be approximately 74% (~3/4). Keywords: Mound height, Endoscopic treatment, Vesico ureteral reflux, Finite element model Introduction Vesico ureteral reflux (VUR) is a major disorder of childhood declared by retrograde urine flow from the bladder toward the kidney, predisposing patients to UTI and renal scarring and in long term leading to renal insufficiency and hypertension[1]. Current treatment options include close observation with urinary chemoprophylaxis, minimally invasive endoscopic subureteral injection of bulking agents and open or laparoscopic reimplantation[2]. The prophylactic antibiotic approach is proper for uncomplicated reflux (grade I-III without significant renal scarring or breakthrough infection)[3]. This type of treatment doesn’t cure VUR and has some problems such as patient noncompliance and increased antibiotic resistance[4]. Surgical reimplantation of the ureter is an invasive method[5] and already used for patients with high grade reflux, children with breakthrough UTI and children with reflux and developed renal scarring[6]. Endoscopic subureteral injection of bulking agents was introduced by Matouscheck as an evolution in treatment of reflux with a high success rate and minimal invasion[6], [7]. The substance used as a bulking material should be biocompatible, nonantigenic, nonmigratory and non-toxic with minimal local inflammation[8]. Multiple techniques on injection have been described. These methods include subureteral needle placement[8], intraureteral needle placement[9], [10] or some combinations of these. During recent years, several studies have been done to determine success or failure of endoscopic treatment, and various injection techniques have been introduced. Puri et al., described â€Å"volcano†appearance as the main sign of success of injection[11]. The proper shape was demonst rated by adequate coaptation of the ureteral orifice and by its location in the bladder below the ureteral orifice and/or along the waldeyer’s sheat[12], [13]. Despite all the studies carried out to determine the success or failure of endoscopic treatment, such as description of volcano appearance, injection technique in combination with hydrodistention, increasing injected volume, use of intraoperative cystogram with a simulated voiding phase, there is no definite and standard index to ascertain the technique and volume of injection in order to increase the success rate. In this study, we introduced a novel method to numerically define the relationship between some indexes in order to determine optimum mound height promise to standardize the injection technique. Materials Method In this study, a computational simulation was proposed to simulate the intramural ureter and injected mound which aims to numerically define the relationship between indexes which have influence in retrograde urine flow from intramural ureter. Geometry of the numerical model Fig. 1 illustrates diagrammatic representation of the functional anatomy of the ureterovesical junction and urinary anti reflux mechanism as the accumulation of urine within the bladder will lead to the tight closure of the portion of the ureter in between, thus preventing the backward return of urine to the kidneys, urinary anti reflux mechanism. In Fig. 1, P, D, H and L are intravesical pressure, intramural ureter diameter, injected mound height, and intramural ureter length, respectively. Section â€Å"A†in Figure 1 depicts the cross section of the intramural ureter with injected mound. The geometrical data of intramural ureter and ureterovesical junction were utilized as per Table 1. Materials Properties and Boundary Conditions Material properties for the intramural ureter wall were assumed to be linear elastic, isotropic, incompressible, and homogeneous with Young’s modulus of 10 Kpa [18]. The injected mound was modeled as a rigid volume as shown in Fig. 3. The boundary conditions for the wall were (1) the bottom surface of intramural wall was fixed at the connection to the internal bladder wall. (2) The upper wall was assumed to be free such that the deformation would occur due to the intravesical pressure and contribute to the tight closure of the portion of the ureter in between. Solution Method The ANSYS 11 software was employed to simulate the intramural ureter with injected mound in voiding phase. The intravesical pressure was applied on the upper portion of the intramural wall. The upper bound of intravesical pressure was considered to be 160 CmH2 O to encompass both male and female intravesical voiding pressures[15], see Table 1. The 8-Node structural solid mesh has been utilized in finite element model to have adequate adoption with this geometry and material behavior. 3 Results Fig. 2 illustrates the total deformation of the intramural ureter with injected mound in voiding phase. As shown, the intramural ureter has been closed due to the intravesical pressure. Fig. 3 shows the deformed and undeformed intramural wall in resting and voiding phase. As shown, in voiding position the injected mound height is high enough for the intramural ureter to be closed due to the intravesical pressure and prevents retrograde urine flow. In the first attempt, keeping the intramural ureter length constant, by changing intravesical pressure and internal diameter, the adequate injected mound height leading to tight closure of intramural ureter was obtained. By linearization of the effective parameters of about 30 different finite element models, the primary relationship between injected mound height, intravesical pressure and internal diameter of intramural ureter was defined as bellow, H=f(D,P) H=-0.0000003219P+0.7864D+0.000233(4) According to this relationship, it has been inferred that intravesical pressure coefficient is minute in comparison with coefficient of other effective parameters and it shows that changing the intravesical pressure plays an insignificant role in adequate injected mound height. In order to investigate the more effective indexes on injected mound height, the intramural length has been considered as one of variable parameters in finite element modeling. Varying internal diameter, intramural length and linearization of obtained data, the relationship between parameters was derived as: H=0.7456D+ 0.02174L +0.01846(5) This equation depicts optimum mound height as a function of internal diameter and intramural length, H=f(L,D). 4Discussion Endoscopic treatment of VUR was introduced more than 25 years ago and since then many different substances and injection techniques have been used with different results[13]. Choosing endoscopic treatment is reasonable, as it has many advantages, such as technical simplicity, greater acceptance of patients and parents and significant decrease in post- operation complications[7]. By improving the injection techniques the rate of endoscopic treatment has significantly increased as compared with open ureteral reimplantation[2]. During the recent years, many studies have been done to increase the ability to identify factors predicting success with the endoscopic subureteral injection[19]. At 2003, Puri et al.[11] described â€Å"volcano†appearance as the main sign of success of injection. The proper shape was demonstrated by adequate coaptation of the ureteral orifice and by its location in the bladder below the ureteral orifice and/or along the waldeyer’s sheat[12]. In different studies conducted by Lavelle et al.[12] and Yucel et al. [20], it was found that a subjectively proper mound appearance was highly predictive of injection success, but it should be noted that the morphology and location of the mound are not perfectly predictive of injection success or failure, as the mound seems perfectly adequate in some injections but the injection is not successful; also, the imperfect mound morphology does not necessarily imply injection failure[12]. Moreover, Ellworth PI et al. showed no correlation between the presence of a mound on post-injection ultrasound and the success of injection[19]. Some research agrees that an intraureteral injection technique in combination with hydrodistention results in higher success rates but this is controversial[9],[10],[20],[21]. The effect of injected volume on increasing the success rate is also controversial. Mathew D et al. showed that increasing the injection material volume will improve the success of subure teric injection[22] but other centers have shown that higher injection material volume doesn’t necessarily increase the treatment success rate[21]. So the effect of the injected volume in association with improved success rate remain unclear[12]. To determine the treatment success or failure, Tarry WF et al. described the utility of an intraoperative cystogram with a simulated voiding phase, but they demonstrated that an introperative cystogram can only detect de novo contralateral reflux but is not a proper method to predict the final success of injection[6]. Despite all the mentioned studies, still there is no definite and standard index to ascertain the technique and volume of injection, and also there is no quantitative index for determining the proper mound size and shape. So, we have conducted a study aiming to define an optimum injection mound by finite element modeling. In this study, we introduced a novel method to numerically define the relationship between some indexes in order to determine optimum mound height promise to standardize the injection technique in VUR treatment. It should be noted that due to every patient individual properties of intramural, it is not logical to consider similar injected mound height for all VUR treatment cases. Thus, it is needed to state the adequate injected mound height based on individual indexes of each case. The Intravesical pressure, intramural ureter diameter and length are some of these effective indexes. By specifying the relationship between all of these effective factors, the adequate and optimum injected mound height can be determined which can contribute to more success in treatment of VUR. In addition, it can help to save the needed injected mound height and make this injection method more economical. The results of this study show that the intravesical pressure has an insignificant effect on the required injected mound height. However, intramural length plays an important role on it in comparison with Intravesical Pressure. Moreover, the ratio of mound height to intramural ureter diameter is approximately 0.74 (~3/4), which is drawn that in order to have successful VUR treatment, it is needed that about 74% of intramural ureter diameter be filled with the injected mound. It should be mentioned that in Department of Urology of Shiraz University for the first time, an innovative method, introduced by Taheri et al.[23], is used to measure the injected mound height to assure the adequate injected mound height. In this method by adjusting camera, laparoscopy lens and imaging screen, it would be possible to measure the injected mound height as a ratio of projected picture on the screen. This study has served some limitation. The realistic cross section of intramural ureter has star shape. However, because of some limitation in finite element modeling, the circular one considered. Furthermore, we considered computational simulation only in voiding phase, although VUR may occur in resting phase. Conclusion In this study using numerical simulation, we introduced the novel formula to predict the height of injected mound in endoscopic VUR treatment. As a result of this study, in order to increase the success rate of this tevhnique, the ratio of mound height to intramural ureter diameter should be approximately 74% (~3/4). Moreover, clinical study has been conducted to ascertain the accuracy of this obtained height. Fig. 1Diagrammatic representation of the functional anatomy of the ureterovesical junction Fig. 2Intramural ureter displacement in voiding phase Fig. 3Deformed and undeformed intramural urine wall References Lenaghan, D., et al., The natural history of reflux and longterm effects of reflux on the kidney. J Urol, 1976. 115(6): p. 728-30. Cerwinka, W.H., et al., Radiologic features of implants after endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux in children. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2010. 195(1): p. 234-40. Harper, L., et al., Postoperative cystography and endoscopic treatment of lowgrade vesicoureteral reflux. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 2008. 18(3): p. 461-463. 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Snodgrass, Intra-Orifice Versus Hydrodistention Implantation Technique in Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Injection for Vesicoureteral Reflux. J urology, 2008. 180(4): p. 1589-1593. Kirsch, A.J., et al., The modified sting procedure to correct vesicoureteral reflux: improved results with submucosal implantation within the intramural ureter. J urology, 2004. 171(6 Pt 1): p. 2413-2416. Puri, P., et al., Treatment of Vesicoureteral Reflux by Endoscopic Injection of Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Copolymer: Preliminary Results. J urology, 2003. 170(4): p. 1541-1544. Routh, J.C. and Y. Reinberg, Predicting Success in the Endoscopic Management of Pediatric Vesicoureteral Reflux. Uro, 2010. 76(1): p. 195-198. Lavelle, M.T., M.J. Conlin, and S.J. Skoog, Subureteral injection of Deflux for correction of reflux: Analysis of factors predicting success. Uro, 2005. 65(3): p. 564-567. Yeung CK, G.M., Duffy PG, Ransley PG., Nat<
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Effects of Affirmative Action on Law Students and Lawyers :: Lawyers African American Essays
The Effects of Affirmative Action on Law Students and Lawyers Given the opportunity, do African Americans with lower undergraduate test scores and grades succeed in law school? Does admitting African Americans with lower test scores and grades than other racial groups into law schools have a good or bad effect on American society? On one hand it can be argued these students grab the opportunity and use it. Making more African American lawyers is healthy for American society. The presence of more African American lawyers itself means the concerns of their community will be heard and represented in society. Seeing successful African American lawyers will prove to frustrated African American high school students that this really is the land of opportunity in which success is available to those who work hard. On the other hand it can be argued poorly qualified undergraduates drop out of law school or just learn just enough to pass the bar examinations after several tries. This process has a very bad effect on society. By giving prefere nce to less qualified African American students the result is lawyers of poor quality. Poor quality workers produce poor quality work, which in the long run is not good for society. People point to the 1980’s as an example where poor quality American automobiles were rejected by buyers who turned to higher quality Japanese cars. The article â€Å"The Scandal of the Law Schools†by Stephan Thernstrom in the December 1997 issue of Commentary presents both sides of this debate. This article takes information from a study by Linda Wightman favoring preferences and uses it to make the author’s points against preferences. Although this article clearly opposes racial preferences, it does include enough of Linda Wightman’s arguments that a reader is left at the end to make up his/her mind of what the truth is or what needs further study. Commentary is a magazine published by the American Jewish Association and has an objective of trying to unify by publishing a variety of articles of different views. The American Jewish intellectual community has the reputation of being liberal, but this magazine has a history of being conservative. As a historically oppressed minority itself, the American Civil Rights Movement and Dr.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Essay --
YHWH gave the Israelites the Ten Commandments. These Ten Commandments â€Å"set the Israelites apart and enabled them to mold a distinctive culture†as said in the text book The Human Records sources of global history volume 1: to 1500. The Human Records mentioned that â€Å"Israelites evolved the idea that they enjoyed the special protection of god (YHWH)†. The Ten Commandments are the exact words of God which were engraved on a stone that was given to Moses by god. As mentioned in the text book The Human Records , in return for protection of the YHWH, the Israelites deity demanded their sole devotion. They were going to success in Canaan, a land the YHWH had promised them and had to maintain religious and cultural distance from all other people. First commandment lets the Israelites know that they should not have any other god before him, he should be everyone priority. Second commandment says that there should not be any other image of God and God should be worshiped. Third commandment says that Gods name should only be used with respect and nothing else. Fourth commandment is the Sabbath day Sunday, the seventh days where you shall not do any work and remember that you were a servant and god brought you out with a mighty hand. Fifth commandment says that you should respect you parents both mother and father. Sixth commandment says that â€Å"you should not kill â€Å"straight forward as the commandment says. Seventh commandment says that couples should be faithful in their marriage and not cheat. Eighth commandment says that you should never steal. Ninth commandment says that you should not lie. At last the tenth commandment says that you should not be envious of other people don’t say I’m going to buy thi s because they have that . The Hammur... that was given to Moses by god. Their differences show there unique distinction from the Ten Commandments and the Hammurabi code. Both are very important because both are still used today. The Ten Commandments up to this day I still use and believe in them and know that they will always show up and not disappear. The Code of Hammurabi probably had some modifications done to the code but some laws can still apply today. The Code of Hammurabi is far more detailed then the Ten Commandments .The Ten Commandment is written straight forward and addressing god. At the end there differences brings them apart the Hammurabi as the stricter than Ten Commandments. At the end there differences brings them apart the Hammurabi as the stricter than Ten Commandments. Ten Commandments a religious belief that many fallow counting myself and Code of Hammurabi set of punishable laws.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Cell Phone Technology Essay
The cell phone technology that is ever changing by the day was scientifically invented and born back in the early 1980’s. Science was the main key to the birth of the cell phone which was put together by the Motorola Company who today is still making cell phones. Before the cell phone came out the car phone was the first mobile phone which were very large and had to be hooked up to a briefcase which supplied the power for the mobile phone. Science was the utilized to create the cell phone and today the use of cell phones has brought literature to the palm of our hands. With science as the foundation to the birth of the cell phone technology age has not only brought the birth but has also brought new births of other new technologies. The cell phone is basically a radio and the invention of the cell phone traces back all the way to the radio. As we all know Alexander Bell back in 1876 invented the telephone and shortly after that the radio was invented around 1880 by Nikolia Telsa. Now with science and technology these two were combined to create what we call the cell phone or cellular phone. How stuff works) With science came the cell phone and with continued scientifically research the years bring more technology to the cell phone that would change the world. Professors, cell phone companies, and others use the art and knowledge of past use science to keep building on top of the birth of the cell phone. Scientist and researchers around the world see a successful future in the cell phone industry and jumps on the opportunity that will be one of the fastest growing industries of today. Just after the invention of the cell phone researches begin to work on a smaller and more efficient cell phone as the first one is very inefficient as it requires a large power supply to run the phone. It was impossible to carry around as it only could be used in automobiles due to the large power supply. Not only the power supply was large the actual radio waves used where also not suited to availability for everyone to use as there were at most around 25 available channels per tower, per town. (How stuff works) Researchers begin to use science to begin to make the cell phone industry more efficient and available for everyone. The next step to making the cell phone more available was to start with having more channels to handle all the cell phone conversations. Duplex channels are needed to be used in order for two people to talk to each other at the same time. The next step was figuring out how to increase the amount of available frequencies and how to make them available without confliction. Cell towers were built across cities and each cell tower were available to have up to 56 conversations going at one time. That was still not enough as they forecasted to have more than that as people started to purchase cell phones. The problem with this is that if anyone more that those 56 would not be able to talk with anyone until someone out of the 56 ended. The next scientifically challenge was to make the availability of conversation at a greater number with the use of higher frequencies. (How stuff works) One problem with cell towers is that in the beginning there were not enough cell towers to keep a conversation going when the person on the cell phone was on the move. As a person on a cell phone is on the move through a city it connects itself to the closest cell tower in range and when out of range it connects to the next nearest cell tower. The problem with this is that there were not enough cell towers which created â€Å"dead spots†which we all know as drop calls. Along with insufficient number of towers the cell phone was analog which was known as 1G (1st Generation) cell phones. As cell towers grew more frequencies were needed to grow as well. This brought the first digital cell phone which was considered the 2G (2nd Generation) cell phone. (How stuff works) With the creation of the digital cell phone also brought the availability of more frequencies. With more frequencies more people were able to have conversations at one time for each tower. Each tower carried the same number of frequencies and as the digital phone came in more cell towers were being built. Eventually there would be hundreds of cell towers in each city that would be able to handle the number of people with cell phones. Currently we are now in the 4G (4th Generation) age and with that technology we are able to do things on cell phones that we never thought we could do 30 years ago. Over the year the technology and science of cell phone has grown faster than any other product. The technology has driven the cell phone technology to connections around the world. It has also connected people like no other communication device. People from around the world are now communicating and connecting more to family, friends, and others across the country. Not only are they talking to each other but they are also communicating now with other technology aspects that has grown onto the cell phone age. People are now connecting through the internet using their cell phones and people are now connecting in ways that are changing the world. The biggest technological change in cell phones is text messaging. The cell phone eventually became more than just a radio telephone communication device. We then started to use the cell phone to send text messages like a email message. Businesses around the globe had a big impact on the technology that was built in cell phones technology. Business people around the globe needed to have email communication at all times so then that was integrated into the cell phone. Then came text messaging which was short text messages sent from phone to phone. Text messaging became a big hit as more and more people started to sway towards the text messaging than talking over the phone. When text messaging started T9 was introduced which is predictive texting or others may know it as Text on 9 Keys. (http://www. ask. com/wiki/T9_(predictive_text) This is a program running in the background that automatically predicts the words you are trying to type in a text message. This made it easier and faster to spell out words as it would spell out the word you are trying to type without having to type out the whole word. The creation of texting has not only brought a new way of communicating with others but has also created another problems in results of the creation of texting. A 2008 study by the mobile industry’s trade association CTIA found that among teens ages 13 to 19, 57 percent view their cellphones as key to their social life, and most view texting as a vital feature. †(#34) According to this information it has brought attention that teen drivers are being distracted while driving with cell phone usage and texting. This is creating an upwards in automobile accidents and deaths in this country. â€Å"The California Highway Patrol released a report Wednesday showing that talking on a cellphone while behind the wheel is the leading factor contributing to crashes blamed on inattentive drivers. Furthermore, the US Department of Transportation reports that distracted driving played a role in nearly 6,000 deaths and 500,000 injuries in 2009. †(#34) As you can see in the California Highway Patrol report it shows a growing number of accidents due to text messaging or using cell phone while driving a automobile. The government today is having a hard time reducing the statistics of automobile accidents due to cell phone usage and is looking for a solution to eliminate it. No matter what is done you cannot stop public drivers from using their cell phones in a automobile. A probable solution has come up that may help in reducing the statistics by installing cell phone jammers. When a automobile is in the drive mode a cell phone jammer will activate and prevent anyone in the car from using a cell phone. A person would have to pull to the side of the road and put the automobile into park mode in order to deactivate the cell phone jammer. Then they will be allowed to use their cell phones for any use. This is only a probable solution and it doesn’t sound like a great one but it is something to start off with and hopefully eventually one day it can be sculpted into a real solution.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Performance Management and Executive Compensation Essay
Introduction In the history of modern economies, from the late 1800s to today businesses have faced ethical challenges regarding compensation for executives and its relation to job performance. In response to major economic crises during the 20th century, the United States enacted broad-based legislation measures as attempts to prevent what were seen as ethical challenges and agency conflicts surrounding both performance management and executive compensation. To understand the current issues facing businesses and regulators, it is important to look at three of most significant legislative acts Congress has passed. The Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and 1934, as well as the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 represent legislative interventions regarding corporate financial accounting toward the goal of curtailing the ethical challenges and the conflict of agency problems that can arise from performance management and executive compensation. Yet even after these laws were enacted, ethical conflicts can and still do arise when it comes to the compensation for employers and executives. Securities Act of 1933 The Securities Act of 1933 was born in response to the stock market crash of 1929. Just as it was then, companies who issue securities to raise money for funding new investments or to expand operations have an inherent incentive to present their company and its plans in the rosiest light possible to investors (Sarkar, 2013). The Securities Act of 1933 serves the dual purpose of ensuring that issuers of securities to the public disclose material information to investors as well as ensuring that any securities transactions are not based on fraudulent information or practices (Sarkar, 2013). The Securities Act of 1933 affects public disclosures through a mandatory registration process for sellers and brokers and applies to the sale or trade of any regulated security type (Sarkar, 2013). Securities Act of 1934 (a.k.a. the Exchange Act) The Exchange Act primarily regulates transactions of securities that take place after its initial offering by a company (Sarkar, 2013). These transactions often take place between parties other than the issuer, such as through trades that retail investors execute via brokerage firms (Sarkar, 2013). The biggest effect of The Exchange Act was the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a federal agency responsible for regulating the securities markets (Sarkar, 2013). Since 1934, the SEC has taken on the role of mitigating fraud, abuse, and other ethical issues in the financial reporting of publicly traded entities. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002 was the most significant legislation passed since the 1930s and came in the aftermath of the corporate scandals at companies such as Enron, WorldCom, and Arthur Andersen (Amadeo, 2013). Sarbanes-Oxley created the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), a new organization whose purpose is to help oversee the accounting industry (Amadeo, 2013). To prevent the sort of conflicts of interest that had led to the Enron fraud, SOX established new prohibitions for auditors when engaging in consultation work for their auditing clients. It also banned company loans to executives and gave increased job protections to whistleblowers (Amadeo, 2013). Performance Management and Executive Compensation Even after the passing of the Securities and Exchanges Acts of 1933 and 1934 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, there are reasons to be concerned about ethical violations in financial accounting. Two areas where there still exist possibilities for unethical activity which could harm the supply of reliable information to investors are the performance management within a company and the compensation packages of executives. Current Ethical Challenges When evaluating situations to support ethical decision-making, one must first identify the ethical problems as they arise (Eldenburg, 2005). Performance measurements are most often measured in terms of time or financial figures – â€Å"how long†or â€Å"how much.†When selecting a new CEO, the board of directors is required to offer a financial package that is both lucrative enough to attract the most qualified individual and yet also appears fair to other ranking executives of the company. Such financial packages need to be approved by the major shareholders when the salary will impact the company’s financial reports. During an economic recession, firms may significantly downsize their workforce as well as benefits and labor rates employees receive, yet often find themselves contractually obligated to hand-out large bonuses and increasing salaries for their executives. This is potentially a major ethical issue for a company and its executives, with the fibers of the company being reduced while executives are earning more and more – even though the firm is struggling. â€Å"CEOs at the country’s 200 largest companies earned an average of 20 percent more last year than in 2009, according to recent corporate filings. By comparison, average pay for workers in the private sector rose just 2.1 percent last yearâ€â€nearly the smallest increase in decades†(Harkinson, 2011). It is also not unheard of for CEOs to be forced to step down while still receiving their lucrative compensation packages only to also be given a generous â€Å"golden parachute†as they leave. Excesses like this can have detrimental effects on employee morale as the majority of the company often consists of those earning the least. Boards of directors should take into consideration the financial standing of the firm before they offer an over-the-top compensation package to a CEO. As an illustration of the contrary, Steve Jobs volunteered to work at Apple for a salary of only $1 per year: â€Å"A regulatory filing shows Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ compensation package remained the usual $1 in fiscal 2010†¦ as is customary, Jobs got no bonus or perk†(â€Å"Steve Jobs,†n.d.). In terms of ethical challenges and executive compensation, Jobs proved by his example that it is possible to put the company first – even if that meant earning a salary of $1. CEOs do not often have to settle for such low salaries to show leadership and camaraderie; however, accepting less exorbitant amounts can help avoid accusations of greed and impropriety altogether. Current Agency Issues â€Å"Principals hire agents to make decisions for them and to act in their behalf†(Eldenburg, & Wolcott, 2005, pp. 591). Often, agents may go on to hire agents of their own, delegating authority and establishing sub-units known as responsibility centers which can decentralize decision-making and accountability. A particularly special case of the principal-agent relationship involves the executives of companies who are effectively agents of the shareholders selected to run the company. â€Å"Four common types of responsibility centers are cost centers, revenue centers, profit centers, and investment centers.†(Eldenburg & Wolcott, 2005, pp. 595) Those agents who possess decision-making authority over a responsibility center use demographic financial data provided by the accountants for budgets and reviews of sales, profits/losses, value appraisals, and costs. Accountant and audit provided information is used to evaluate and measure performance, monitor the effectiveness of managers, reward performance, and influence decisions. (Eldenburg & Wolcot, 2005) The audit information accountants prepare and present is vital to the principal/agent relationship and performance measurement, but also has its costs. The primary challenge presented by the principal/agent relationship concerns the high level of pressure to perform that an agent can experience in the form of the agent’s compensation. Money, as well as other forms of compensation such as bonuses and stock options, increased authority, and ownership expectations are direct motivators of challenges to the ethical foundation of agent performance. When principals evaluate the performance of agents, their decisions are likely to be based on the same accounting information their agents also used. This common use provides a potential incentive for an agent to alter, falsify, or otherwise misrepresent certain data that principals receive. As decision-making authority is granted from a principle to an agent, the agent’s performance is evaluated to some degree from each authority level. Evaluating the effectiveness of the decisions made in each agency level or responsibility center is the core of measuring, monitoring, and motivating performance. Poor performance leads to a loss of decision-making authority, responsibilities, compensation, and other benefits within the entire principal-agent structure. Conversely, outstanding performance has the opposite effect and benefits everyone up the principal-agent ladder. Conclusion The Securities Exchange Acts of 1933 and 1934 are essential because of their transparency as spelled out in their objectives, and for providing prospective investors detailed information about investment decisions. Their main purpose was to protect shareholders from misrepresentation and scam in the selling of security. The Acts mandated that securities sold to the public within the United States of America must be listed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Later, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) was established to make sure that CFOs and CEOs authenticate and approve the financial reporting of their companies. Despite these monumental pieces of regulation, which resulted in the creation of two separate oversight agencies, there are still situations susceptible to ethical challenges and agency issues; particularly concerning performance management and executive compensation. References Amadeo, K; 2013. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Retrieved from Eldenburg, L. & Wolcott, S. (2005). Cost management: Measuring, monitoring, and motivating performance, (1st ed). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Harkinson, J. (2011). America’s 10 Most Overpaid CEOs. Retrieved from McConnell, C., & Brue, S. (2005). Economics: principles, problems and policies (16th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Sarkar, D; 2013. Securities Act. Retrieved from Steve Jobs again earned $1 for work. (n.d.). Retrieved from,115771
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Statement of Work for Wild Wood Apartments Essay
History: Wild Woods Apartments is a property management company. They own around 20 different building, each of which is composed of anywhere from 10-60 different units. Each building has a lot of information to maintain such as occupancy, leases, payments and maintenance requests and expenses. This is expected to be done by the manger on site and then they are to send a report to cooperate every quarter. Every quarter, cooperates receives the information form all 20 sites and has to then manage that. Doing all of this paper work and managing by hand or even in spreadsheets is very inefficient and wastes time. Creating a database that can record and organize all of this pertinent information would help both the managers, cooperate and even the tenants. Scope: The Wild Wood Apartments Database will manage leases, maintenance requests and expenses, and rent amount and payments. The information will be kept secure and the information will only be viewable to those that have a need to se e it. It will track tenants that have already paid rent and ones that are late. It will also track when a maintenance request is submitted and when it is completed. Constraints: The database will be good for managers to be able to manage a tenants rent and maintenance requests. It will show when a maintenance request is submitted and when it was completed. It will not show the status of the maintenance order as it is being completed, or if they are waiting for supplies, etc. It will show the managers when a tenant is late on a payment but will not show the tenant with they are current or not. Objective The objective is to create a database for Wild Woods Apartments that can help them organize all of their properties information into one system t help streamline some of the work both the onsite managers have to do as well as the cooperate workers. The objective is to make the database record and use all of the important information in once place The objective is to be able to use the database for managers to be able to generate the quarterly reports with ease. Tasks and Timeline Gathering Data: This task will consist of gathering of current data to find what information fields will be needed. It will also consist of a questionnaire. Time allotted: 2 weeks Deliverables: a text with the questionnaire on it, and a list of the required data. Analyzing Data: Analyze the data to find the most efficient way to organize and display it Time allotted: 2 weeks Deliverable: a sample layout of how the information will be used Normalization: A model will be made using normal entities and relationship Time allotted: 3 weeks Deliverable: A diagram showing the relationships and entities Building the physical database: The model will be turned into an actual RDBMS system. Time allotted: 4 days Deliverable: a schema of the database Testing and security: test data will be entered and the system will be tested to make sure all of the rules and the security protocols are working properly. Time allotted: 5 days Deliverable: A record of the tests ran and the results Database Completion and Installation: Any final changes will be made and then the database will be put on the server. The test data will be removed and the network connections will be tested. Time allotted: 2.5 Weeks
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Life in the Iron Mills
. Life is Not Merely a Coincidence â€Å"Theatre of the Absurd†is designated for plays of absurdist fiction and refers to the avant-garde theatre of a loosely associated group of dramatists such as, Beckett, Ionesco, Pinter, and Albee who first emerged during and after World War 11. The plays express the belief that â€Å"in a godless universe human existence has no meaning or purpose and therefore all communication breaks down†(Britannica Online Encyclopedia). Logical construction and argument gives way to irrational and illogical speech and to its ultimate conclusion which is silence. Absurdist theatre is often called a reaction to realism, as instead of conforming to the concept of real life, absurdist sought to provide an unmistakably unreal experience. The absurd dramatist relates to existentialism and the philosophical approach in understanding human existence and experiences. Existentialism is based on the assumption that individuals are free and responsible for their own choices and actions. Hence, people are not victims of circumstances as there is the freedom of choice. In an absurdist play, time and settings are generally ambiguous, if they are even defined at all. The characters are not meant to mimic real people, but instead are often â€Å"metaphorical or archetypal†(Britannica Online Encyclopedia). Absurdism is a form of drama that emphasizes the absurdity of human existence by employing disjointed, repetitious, and meaningless dialogue, purposeless and confusing situations, and plots that lack realistic or logical development. The guiding principle of absurdism is to look at the world without any assumption of purpose and its usefulness is it exists without prejudices or specificity. As it is equally alien to everyone, Absurdism is meant to be accessible to everyone. One of the common misconceptions of theatre of the absurd plays is that nothing makes sense. On the contrary, the characters in absurdism tend to behave in a serious way, reacting realistically to the bizarre occurrences of their environment. The protagonists of Endgame by Samuel Beckett, The Zoo Story by Edward Albee, and Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco are all overwhelmed by the irrational nature of their respective environments and the general effect they share is a nightmare and dreamlike atmosphere that is their existence involving the forces of hope, truth, identity, reality, alienation, meaning, and human existence; all of which are forces they are struggling against. The idea of the Endgame is taken from the game of chess where the concept designates the last, and entirely predictable, stage of a game, the end. The play portrays a universe which is nearing its end. Hamm and Clov both are the protagonists in Beckett’s one-act play, Endgame. Hamm is the chess King, paralyzed and wheelchair bound, who moves only when he makes demand for Clov to service him â€Å"get me ready, I am going to bed†(391) or â€Å"I feel a little too far to the left / Now I feel a little too far to the right†(399). Clov is his submissive Knight who staggers around erratically submitting to Hamm’s every whim. Hamm controls everything and everyone while having absolutely no control over himself or his environment. Frustration and anger dictates his existence as he sees the end all humanity seem to be moving towards is both uncertain and elusive, and he is terrified. Hamm channels his anger at God by shouting â€Å"The bastard! He doesn’t exist! †(Levy 410). The forces of a meaningless existence, reality, and Armageddon are the forces Hamm and Clov struggles against. Both are starving for identity and a healthy relationship with others but it is an impossible feat. They want to preserve their own unique identity, but it is necessary for both to relate to the outside world and nature to develop a true identity. Hamm and Clov are confined in a depressing, stagnant, bare, and dismal vacuum of their environment located partially underground, and their relationship with nature is nonexistent as Beckett reveals â€Å"nature has forgotten us / There’s no more nature†Levy 393). Since both fail to develop an identity the result is a failure to establish a healthy mature relationship with each other. Outside all seems dead, barren, and nothing occurs as Hamm states â€Å"outside of here it’s death†(393). Inside, Hamm and Clov, his caretaker is passing the time mortifying each other and toying with fears and illusions of a possible change that will never occur. Clov indicates â€Å"I can’t be punished anymore†(390) when he reflects on his life with Hamm. In return Hamm declares that he is miserable, â€Å"can there be miseryâ€â€loftier than mine? †(391). Hamm is attracted to whatever light there is in the gray world and constantly asks Clov to push him under the window so he can feel the light on his face. Light is used as a symbol of hope and life which expresses many of the nuances of Hamm’s personality. Hamm is cursed with darkness and he wants Clov to share the same miserable fate so he continuously antagonizes him. The antagonist is at times Hamm as well as the environment and death. The antagonist death will ultimately prevail and win the chess game. Clov and Hamm are in the â€Å"endgame†of their life and death lurks around the corner. Endgame is the term used to describe an ending in chess where the outcome is already known. The chess endgame parallels the final stages of life. Hamm and Clov will succumb to death regardless of how the game is played. They are stuck in a perpetual loop that never allows final closure. Hamm claims he wants to be â€Å"finished†(410), but admits that he hesitates to do so. He has no answers to the basic existential questions of why he is alive, why he has to die, and why is injustice in his miserable, suffering, and empty existence. Just as death cannot arrive to seal off life, neither can Hamm or Clove escape to close the book of one existence and open another. The Zoo Story by Edward Albee is more anchored in reality than most typical works in the genre of Theatre of the Absurd. The drama is a confrontation between middle-class America and the outcasts of society, Peter and Jerry. Albee presents the setting in a simple structure in New York’s Central Park consisting of two park benches. The play never changes, and the action unfolds in a linear manner, from beginning to end. There are three overriding themes in the short one-act play. They are absurdity versus reality, alienation and loneliness, and wealth and poverty. The protagonist is Peter, a complacent publishing executive of middle age and upper-middle income. He is a conventional family man with morals, mainstream social values, and financial stability. Peter is contending with forces of loneliness, hope, identity, and meaning in his life. Marriage, his cage, and life in general has not played out the way Peter anticipates as his household is female-dominated and he is forced to comply with the desires of his wife. He desires to be freed from the cage and the zoo of his life as Albee shows Who better than a nice married man with two daughters and†¦a dog? [Peter shakes his head] No? Two dogs. [Peter shakes his head again] Hm. No dogs? [Peter shakes his head sadly] Oh, that’s a shame. But you look like an animal man. CATS? [Peter nods his head, ruefully] Cats! But, that can’t be your idea. No, sir. Your wife and daughters? [Peter nods his head] Is there anything else I should know? (549) Jerry, the antagonist is an aggressive, dysfunctional, lonely, disheveled thirty something man in search of human interaction who also yearns to be released from his cage. Jerry is in a personal conflict with his sexuality and Peter is dealing with his emasculation. The distinctions being, Jerry is a social outcast who is free spirited and morally obligated. He is a free man in respect to Peter restrained life. Jerry is in a search of meaning and his struggle is to find his purpose in life. Without the purpose he seeks his life is meaningless and he chooses death to end it all. Peter is a template of American societal male and is a caged animal. Through the serious failed conversation and misrepresentation of the act of love, Jerry begins his life experiment to see if the middle class are animals after all. The lives of both Peter and Jerry is forever altered when they encounter each other on that faithful day and The Zoo Story highlights what happens when one character enters the life of another and rapidly changes it forever. Neither character prevailed in the drama with the violent conclusion of the psychological attack by retreat by Jerry when he tries to teach Peter the nature of human existence and relationships. Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco explores issues of chaos while arriving at a clear message about the chaos. Despite the wild themes and constant activity in the play, a structure and a plot does move forward. Ionesco challenges the point of life and rational nature of humans and forces humanity to challenge to understand ourselves and our actions. The protagonist is Berenger, an everyman who has strong moral character and individuality. The force he has to contend with is the decision to be an individualistic or conform because the masses have succumbed. He is not so different from everyone else in many respects, however, his strength of self and individualism is highlighted when he resists the call to conformity when he says â€Å"But they won’t get me / You won’t get me! †(Levy 469). Berenger chooses to be alone and to give rationality another try. The question becomes is he being true to himself or not? Is human condition one more of rationality or irrationality? To what degree should one resist the pull to conformity, and to what degree should one capitulate to the ways of the world? The antagonist is the ruling government and Nazism and the protagonist Tom prevailed by standing for what he believes even though at times he doubts his decision. Life is full of challenges faced on a daily basis. The many circumstances of life test the human existence, identity, hope, truth, and alienation among many other. Existentialism is based on the assumption that individuals are free and responsible for their own actions and choices. Humans are not victims of circumstances as the freedom of choice is a reality. One gets to make conscious choices when faced with challenges in life. The primary difference between the Theatre of the Absurd and existentialism is that while existentialism recommends a certain type of response to the apparent failure of the human condition, the works of Beckett, Ionesco, Pinter, and Albee makes points without providing any integrated human solution. If the nature of man is partly or mostly irrational, the Theatre of the Absurd expresses the absurdity of human life in a relatable fashion. Works Cited â€Å"Electronic Encyclopedia. †Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc. , 2011 Web. 11 Nov. 2011 . Levy, Walter. Modern Drama: Selected Plays from 1879 to the Present. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1999. Print.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical Essay Example for Free (#3)
Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical Essay Macbeth (632) , Drama (623) , Fleance (115) Haven't found the essay you want? Get your custom sample essay for only $13.90/page ? Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical. Discuss how â€Å"The Banquet Scene†has been realised on screen and consider the effectiveness of its portrayal. Shakespeare was born in 1564 when Elizabeth the First was Queen of England. Shakespeare did not go to university when he left school; instead, he worked. He married Anne Hathway when he was eighteen and she became the mother of his daughter, Susanna, and also of twins. Although there are many public documents concerned with his career as a writer and a businessman, Shakespeare has hidden his personal life from us. A nineteenth century poet, Matthew Arnold, addressed Shakespeare in a poem and wrote: â€Å"We ask and ask – Thou smilest, and art still†. There is not even a portrait of the world’s greatest Dramatist. I am going to look at the banquet scene, in my opinion, one of the most important scenes in â€Å"Macbeth†; it shows many sides to both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The scene opens with the couple welcoming all the guests to their Banquet, the atmosphere is warm and jolly, and everyone is joking and enjoying themselves. The atmosphere becomes more sombre when one of Banquo’s murderers arrives with news for Macbeth. Although Banquo is â€Å"safe†, Fleance on the other hand has †‘scap’d â€Å". Macbeth tries to â€Å"Act like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t†in front of his guests, but this does not last for long, the guilt gets the better of Macbeth and causes him to hallucinate. The Lords were all very confused, and so, Lady Macbeth tries to cover-up for her husband by telling them all that Macbeth suffers from an illness, which causes him to behave in such a manner. â€Å"Sit, worthy friends – My Lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth†. â€Å"The fit is momentary – upon a thought he will be well again†. The two productions I am going to look at are Roman Polanski’s 1971 Production along with Gregory Doran RSC production. In Gregory Doran’s production, Macbeth’s house resembles a prison. The front foyer is very bare, with lots of different entrances: this is trying to show us that Macbeth is imprisoned in his world of guilt. Macbeth is dressed as a soldier, which gives me the impression he is at war, maybe Doran is trying to put across the fact that Macbeth is trying to fight against all of the evil. Roman Polanski dressed Macbeth in beautiful robes; Macbeth is also wearing his crown. This makes me think Macbeth is in total control of everything. Both producers hold the Banquet in a large, dull, cold room, this symbolises the fact that Macbeth has nowhere to hide; it also creates a tense atmosphere. In Polanski’s production, Macbeth sees Banquo and he goes mad! â€Å"Avaunt! And quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!†He continues to rant and rave at this ghost of Banquo, whom only Macbeth can see. He frightens and startles not only the lords, but also Lady Macbeth. We know this by the look of worry on her face. She then pulls her husband aside to try and help him see sense. He sees what she is trying to say and returns to normality, but this only lasts for a matter of moments, and then Macbeth resumes to his fit of madness again. Macbeth is gradually loosing control. While Macbeth moves back, Banquo continues to advance. As both men keep moving, the camera becomes Banquo. We see high angle shot of Macbeth; it seems as though Banquo is looking down upon Macbeth and that he is now the one in control. Lady Macbeth tries to make excuses for her husband’s behaviour by saying â€Å"Sit worthy friends: My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth: pray you, keep seat: the fit is momentary: upon a thought he will be well again†. We then see a long shot of the lords at the table; they all look very puzzled and confused. By this time, Macbeth is in a corner, on the ground with Banquo towering over him, he moves in closer and closer, then Banquo is cut, and Macbeth is left sitting on the ground, a trembling wreck. Gregory Doran’s RSC Production is very similar to Polanski’s. He also shows Macbeth being overpowered by Banquo. When Lady Macbeth pulls Macbeth aside to try and snap him out of his â€Å"fit†, he is unable to look her in the eye, he keeps watching the ghost of Banquo. He realises what his wife is trying to say, and so he returns to his normal self again. The way that Macbeth is changing personalities so suddenly in this scene reminds me of a schizophrenic, it’s almost as though he has some kind of mental disorder. Macbeth tries to laugh it off and composes himself. However, this only lasts for a moment. When Macbeth sees Banquo again, he drops his chalice, and the white wine spills onto the floor. This is an interesting observation because all the other products I watched used red wine, a sign of evil and danger, but white reminds me of innocence. Maybe Gregory Doran feels that Macbeth was innocent and this is why he uses white wine rather than red. He may feel it was the witches, or maybe Lady Macbeth’s influence that encouraged him to do all those evil things. Personally, I feel it was Lady Macbeth that caused him to go through with Duncan’s murder, but yet again, how many could be talked into murder without desiring it themselves? Act 3, Scene 4 provides a great opportunity for visual spectical. (2017, Oct 14).
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Presentation Script Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Presentation Script - Assignment Example There some visible factors which work as an obstacle in the way of success, some of the odd factors are negligence, non-attentive attitude, different perceptions, and lack of unity among the people of these two departments. Most of the times these people forget to focus on the basics of their jobs, they neglect the fact that at the end of the day they all are working for the same company and have one major responsibility to enhance and promote the brand as much as possible for the success. The sales people and marketers often disapprove each other’s ideas and show less unity regarding the sales process and marketing of the product and so this lead to further frustrations. It is necessary for both the sales people and marketers to work in collaboration of each other without disrespecting the ideas and values of others. A combination of sales and marketing can lead up to the stairs of success by overlooking the major concerns of budget. The story changes with a positive turn once all the sales people and marketers are on the same team, working together will help them in solving different budget or product related issues. They can work heads on what type customers do they have, what are their preferences and interests and how those needs and demands can be satisfied by agreeing upon on one successful strategy and a budget plan made with the consensus of both the sales people and the marketers. This exercise will help them in maintaining a healthy relationship with each other and also help in avoiding the fights and disapprovals over the available funds of the company. Before implementing on any of the product plans it is essential to do a proper research, on both in house and field levels. The best can be done through customer surveys and by doing market segmentation. Getting a whole of information about your competitors are also important, a right knowledge about the competitors and their ideas can give you an edge
The Biggest Barrier to Students Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle by Research Paper
The Biggest Barrier to Students Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle by Remaining Physically Active - Research Paper Example Around 61% of obese five to 10 year olds have risk factors for diseases, such as heart disease, and even diabetes. The problems of being obese have magnificent negative consequences for the individual, in terms of social, psychological and physical problems (CDC, pp.2). This problem occurs highly in high-school and university students. Around sixty-four percent of high school students do not engage in any sort of physical activity (CDC, pp.2). Only one-half of high schools students undertake any stretching and strengthening exercises. In fact, according to this CDC survey, the physical activity declines, as students loom closer to graduation (Villaire, n.p).Grubbs (2002) has also acknowledged that the physical activities tend to decline during late adolescence and early adulthood. This problem needs elimination, because this decline in physical activity may continue for the rest of the life (Nizeyimana, pp. 1-2). One should understand the idea behind this problem. Why are students no t engaging in physical activities? Is it because of the system of schools? Or because of the recent technological innovations? As Villaire claims, it could be because of the decrease of recess time and gym classes in various high schools. However, researchers also point toward this idea that schools are not the only problem in the system. Parents have an important role in increasing the problem, because of non-existence of strict routines for watching television, using computer, and playing video games. Parents also do not require their children to play outdoors, walk more or even participate in any organized physical activities. According to the writer’s opinion, the biggest constraint to the physical activity remains the technological innovations that have increased in the recent world, which prevents students from maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sedentary leisure activities have increased for a number of teenagers and adolescents. These activities include watching televis ion, using the computer for long intervals, playing video games on Play Station and X-box. A 1999 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation revealed that individuals, aged 2-18, spend more than four hours on average, watching television, using a computer, video games, and other activities mentioned above. Television has been mainly attributed towards decreasing the time, left for physical activity. An indirect consequence on an unhealthy lifestyle of watching television for longer periods of time includes the TV commercials, which may affect children’s eating habits, thus leading to higher consumption of food items, which may increase the chances of obesity (Villaire, n.p). Overall, the physical activity has decreased, because children are being driven to school, to friends’ houses and in the last year of high school, and eventually before college, students are given cars, so they can drive themselves around. This has led to a drastic decrease in physical activity. Henc e, new research has also pointed out towards this idea that technology is our problem. Previously, children used to go outside and play in the garden. However, now children like to play indoors, with their x-boxes, or simply watch television with friends. Numerous researches have also pointed out to this idea, especially one by Dietz and Gortmaker (1985), who found out that obesity for a particular sample increased by 2% for every additional hour of watching telev
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Turning Passion into a Career Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Turning Passion into a Career - Essay Example This paper tells that as with all careers that constantly undergo advancement and changes, the field of medicine is such that an individual needs to keep themselves abreast of the times. You have to keep learning new things and incorporate new developments and techniques in your day to day working. So the learning phase never actually ends. One can choose to shift it from the more informal ‘learning on the job’ level to a more formal ‘guided study’ one. My working environment is ideal to allow me the opportunity to further enhance my career and take it to the next level. I am planning on doing a Master’s Degree in Nursing to combine two of my passions together: teaching and nursing. Knowledge spreads through sharing and teaching a subject that you really love enhances the overall experience. A bit like sharing a hobby with the rest of the world. It adds to the pleasure. I would love to share my knowledge and experience in my field with others and faci litate new students as much as I can to help them become good nurses. It is not arrogance to believe that I would prove to be a good teacher. I have always found it to be a better experience learning from teachers whom I felt had a genuine passion for the subject. That passion and the joy of sharing makes you sincere with what you do. While working, I have picked up a few best practices here and there that help me tremendously with my tasks. I am sure more people can and will benefit from these. I know I would have if someone had offered me these bits of advice instead of me having to learn the hard way! I am at a point in my career where I can choose the path ahead for myself, both in terms of which route to take and also as far as workloads are concerned. It is of the paramount importance for me to choose my path with care. I currently have the option to take up a managerial role in our expanding laboratory or become a divisional leader. To take on new responsibilities in a new ro le, I feel it is important for me to augment my education by enrolling in a Master’s program. After giving it much thought, I have chosen to go with the clinical track since apart from helping me out in a new role, it will help me fulfill my dream of teaching nursing at college- or university level. When I was considering my options and planning for the future, I extensively searched through institutions and courses that suited me, browsing the web extensively as well as going through every prospectus I could get my hands on. I went through Norwich University’s website and liked it. I read through course-lists and any pertinent information on offer. Particularly, after watching the webinar, I was convinced that Norwich University would be the perfect place for me to embark on the next phase of my professional journey. As I have previously mentioned, right now is the ideal time for me for this undertaking: I have full support of my family and coworkers; I have been work ing long enough to be very comfortable with time management, prioritizing work and meeting deadlines; and I have no other obligations, commitments or hurdles that would keep me from devoting ample time to my studies. My working environment is conducive to learning as I am well-liked by my colleagues. Since I am always willing to pitch in and help out a colleague wherever I can, I get the same treatment in return.
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