Friday, November 29, 2019

Accents and their Media Stereotypes free essay sample

This paper examines the arguments and findings of three articles that explain how the use of accents perpetuate stereotypes . These articles are: Teaching Children How to Discriminate: What We Learn From the Big Bad Wolf; Hillbillies, Rednecks and Southern Belles: The Language Rebels and Does accent matter in international television advertisements? The overall representation of persons with foreign accents was seen to be far more negative than that of speakers of US or British English. Lippi-Green found that 20 percent of characters with US English accents are bad characters, while about 40 percent of characters with non-native accents are evil (92). US or British English accents also index attractiveness in Disney films. To be sexually attractive and available, a character must not only look the idealized part, but also sound white and middle-class American or British (97). Its fascinating to note that although every character in Aladdin was born and raised in an Arabian land, only the evil guards and sorcerer speak with a pseudo-Arabic accent. We will write a custom essay sample on Accents and their Media Stereotypes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The protagonists speak like Californians.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Solon essays

Solon essays Solon could be called the Abraham Lincoln of his time. Where he did not go as far with democracy as we did he is one of the original founding fathers of it. The origin of the Athenian democracy of the fifth and fourth centuries can be traced back to Solon, who flourished in the years around 600 BCE. Solon was a poet and a wise statesman. (Microsoft Corporation, 2000) Besides the laws he wrote Speeches to the People and Exhortations to himself in elegiacs, and the poems on Salamis and Athenaion Politeia, also Iambics and Epodes. Poetry was for Solon a way to entertain himself. He also used poetry to give his ideas easy access to the minds of the Athenians. Solon was born in a noble family, as a young man he engaged in foreign and economic conditions in Greece. During a crisis in Greece many free Athenian small farmers, who could not pay their debts were sold into slavery to pay off their debts. Solon was elected archon, or chief magistrate, to help reform the oppressive conditions tha t were going on in Greece in 594BCE. (Microsoft Corporation, 2000) Solon immediately dismissed all outstanding debts, and he freed as many Athenians as he could from the slavery they had sold themselves into. He banned any loans that are secured by a promise to enter into slavery if the loan is defaulted, and he tried to bring people who had been sold into slavery abroad back to Athens. At first, both factions were dissatisfied with these measures, the rich at being divested of their loan securities, the poor at Solon's failure to reallocate land or to dictate a strictly equal style of living on all citizens. However, they soon realized the advantages of Solon's policies, and granted him plenipotentiary powers to revise the constitution and code of law. Solon repealed the laws of Dracon, which punished even small offenses with death, so it was said that the laws of Dracon were written in blood instead of ink. Solon reser ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effects of steroids on calcium activated potassium channels and Essay

Effects of steroids on calcium activated potassium channels and secretion of LH and FSH in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Essay Example The secretion of these hormones by the gonadotropes is in turn mediated by the activity of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) produced by the BPG axis (Borg, 1994). Apart from regulating gametogenesis, these hormones also control steroidogenesis, a process that produces sex steroids involved in moderating gametogenesis (Schulz and Goos, 1999). Another important regulating hormone for the gonadotropins is dopamine, which has been reported as a down regulator in several teleost fish (Borg, 1994). The releasing hormone, GnRH, once produced binds and activates its receptors found on the membrane of the hormone producing cells of the pituitary gland (Bliss, Navratil, Xie, & Roberson, 2010). Contrastingly in teleost, there is a direct innervation of the pituitary gland by GnHR neurons, whereas, in humans and other mammals, the action of GnHR is via neurochemostasis (Mousa & Mousa, 2003). The binding of GnHR to its receptors on the gonadotropes triggers an increase in intracellular calcium ion concentration an action that stimulates the secretion of the hormones by the activated cells. The initial and immediate secretion of the hormones is by exocytosis of hormone vesicles, which is later followed by long term gene transcription to sustain prolonged secretions. The increase in calcium ion concentration is mediated by various mechanisms, such as an influx via voltage-gated channels, and release from intracellular stores. For example, action potentials tend to promote the influx of extracellular calcium ions in voltage-gated calcium ion channels expressing cells. The elevated calcium ions concentration, in the cells activates, calcium activated Potassium channels (CAPC), a pathway that plays a significant role in modulating membrane potentials and thus the electrophysiological effect on hypothalamic releasing hormones (Fettiplace & Fuchs, 1999). CAPCs are

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Should monetary policy be made by rule rather than by Essay

Should monetary policy be made by rule rather than by discreation(macroeconomic) - Essay Example Both the rules and discretion need to be analysed in terms of the stability in economy and the inflation targets. While rules determine the inflation sequence, discretion determines the full employment that is lacks in rules. Rules, however maintains the inflation in a statistical fashion, and helps in operating the economy in a definite and expected way. Economists supporting rules argue that the Central Bank will work independently without the political influences, where as those who raise hands for discretion argues that the increasing rate of interest and unemployment will be monitored can controlled by discretion. As a result, the Federal will meet a circumstance to work freely within the given allocations. The central banks consider rules as inflexible but at the same time rules will eliminate the mistakes, by demanding the Central Bank to work within the policy requirements. Where as the discretion based policy will enable the Federal Reserve Bank to act will full freedom within the given limit. In the case of rule, based monetary policies the rate of unemployment and the inflation remains linked in a statistical proportion and the rules will lead to high inflation rates that in turn will result in increase in unemployment. Though some supporters favour employment productivity, their main target seems to be fixed towards increasing production and distribution to continue with a economic growth rather than improving the labour market. Milton Friedman supports a rules based policy, because he stresses on the point that rules will have a constant growth of money. Friedman [1968] argues that a discretion based monetary policy will put efforts to bring out less inflation rates and full em ployment, but this will consequently result in increase in inflation rates and unemployment as well. The rules advocated by Friedman [1968, 1972, 1992] was aimed at balancing the stability in accordance with the production level. The

Monday, November 18, 2019

Technological Achievements that Led to FISMA and COPPA Essay

Technological Achievements that Led to FISMA and COPPA - Essay Example This can be seen clearly from the enactment of various legislations that are aimed at protecting security and privacy such as the Federal Information Systems Management Act (2002) and the Children’s Online Privacy protection act (1998). FISMA and technological advancement leading to its creation FISMA in general aims at mandating basic security standards for government information technology systems. It requires that government agencies detect and report security vulnerabilities in computer systems. It also requires of them to improve the information security framework that is the plan of how they will improve the networks and finally the act includes a set of directives that govern agencies’ security responsibilities and how to adhere to the law (NIST, 2002). There are a few advances in information technology that resulted in the formation of this act. The first advancement is the move from mainframe computers to networked computing. The mainframes were originally larg e machines used for processing data by the federal government. Most of these were stand alone and therefore the risk of accessing information was greatly reduced. The move to networked computing where agencies could share information over a network increased the risk of exposing information to unauthorized persons. Secondly it also increased the chances of the computers being hacked into and data being used for malicious purposes. These advancements therefore led to ethical issues such as privacy and security concerns that had to be addressed necessitating the creation of this act (Dark, 2010). The second advancement was the move from the networked machines between government agencies to the internet. Networked computing enabled agencies to share information whereas the internet enabled agencies and individuals to access basic services online without having to go to the government offices. With this move privacy and security concerns increased as government departments became prone to cybercrimes such as the hacking of websites and this meant someone could hack into a government website, modify information or even collect information from citizens and use it for malicious purposes. Such necessitated regulations to be enacted to ensure that government information as well as individual privacy is protected (Dark, 2010). COPPA and technological advancements leading to its creation The second act, the COPPA act in general aims to give parents the control over what information is gathered from their children who are below the age of 13 online. The dynamic nature of the internet necessitated the creation of this act which applies to operators of commercial websites and online services that collect make use of or disclose personal information from children under the age of is also directed at operators of general audience websites and online services that know they are collecting, making use of or disclosing information that is of personal nature from children under the age of 13. It requires operators to issue comprehensive privacy policies, provide parents with notices for consent, provide parents access to information collected from children, give parents authority to prevent further use of internet and ensure confidentiality security and the integrity of information they have

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Industrial Relations In Britain Management Essay

Industrial Relations In Britain Management Essay Introduction The management of industrial relations in Great Britain has changed notably in the last three decades. Industrial relations management has been significantly affected by several factors: economic climate, political change, and social environment. After world war two, British economic condition has gradually fallen down. It has been proved that it is much more complicated to manage industrial relations than before. The causes can be analyzed from many aspects: the increasing competition in product market, globalized trend, restructuring labor force, and reduced unions power. From 1979, the power of trade unions has been greatly restricted by government. Deregulation on the labor market also has been enhanced. At the same time, British economy had to face a severe international competition with high inflation and unemployment in domestic. Then, what are the changes of British industrial relations in the last three decades. What are major factors influencing British industrial relations management. We plan to find out more in the following parts. First, the nature of industrial relations management was the first issue. Then, industrial relations management in the period from 1979-1997 and period from post-1997 has been discussed respectively from two aspects: economic and political factors. Finally, the role and influence of employer, trade union and government have been embedded respectively. Human resource management in industrial relations In the 1980s and 1990s, the attitudes and strategies of industrial relations have been changed. Debates about human resource management practice in industrial relations were hot issues in management field. And individualism and collectivism in industrial relations were focused as well. First, look at the political and economic environment. From 1979 to 1997, The Conservative Government, which was elected during the time, insisted on weakening trade union power, reducing public expenditure. Except the government policies, employers faced a more competitive market. The globalization and recession made the situation worse than they had before. During this time, employers aimed to make great profits and reduce cost, instead of good industrial relations management. The types of corporation, labour market, competition in product market, organisation culture, and tradition were taken into account when employers intended to make industrial relations policies. A very important conception whic h was largely recognized in HRM was that labour is regarded as an asset or resource. Thus, employers need to explore employees potential through motivation, training, and development. Storey (1992) proposed two famous HRM versions: soft HRM and hard HRM. Soft HRM emphasis on employees needs, such as motivation, training and work-life balance while hard HRM more emphasis on economic factors. Many researchers agreed that HRM to some extent was a threat to trade union and was a new development in employee relations (Guest, 1989, Millward, 1994) Turing to industrial relations management style, there are four types of management styles which were classified by Purcell and Sisson (Purcell and Sisson 1983 cited by Kessler, 1998): traditionalists, sophisticated paternalists, sophisticated moderns, and standard moderns. Traditionalists have one belief and are anti-union with forceful management. Sophisticated paternalists spend much time in ensuring that their employees have the right approach. Sophisticated moderns management recognized the union role in certain areas. Finally, in standard modern management Trade unions are recognized and industrial relations are seen as primarily fire-fighting and assumed to be non-problematic unless event prove otherwise. (Sid Kessler, 1998, p.114) The industrial relations management may vary in different organisations or even in different groups in a company. Although the management style may vary according to the situations, one fact was that collective involvement had been shifted to indivi dual involvement. After 1997, the employee relations management further developed. The findings of WERS 2004 show that positive contracts and communication with employees will contribute to high commitment performance and economic outcomes. Moreover, Employee involvement participation is greatly focused by employers, employee voice, teamworking, and work-life balance as well. (WERS, 2004) Industrial relations management in 1979-1997 The economic environment for industrial relations from 1979 to 1997 changed greatly. Firstly, the decline of manufacturing industry was very obvious. Secondly, unemployment problem is dramatically severe. It was reported that the number of unemployment increased from 1.6 million to 3 million from 1987-1992. Although there was a small recovery after 1992, the number of unemployment still kept on 1.5millionn in mid-1997. The high unemployment reflected a severely competitive labour market. Furthermore, the structure of economy and labour force also changed. Manufacturing industry decreased; private service sectors increased; and increasing number of women was engaged in workplace; self-employment became popular; and part-time workers, and temporary workers grew fast in that period. Finally, there was a globalized competition in product market. Interaction of these economic changes influenced industrial relations in Britain. Except the economic changes, the Conservative Governments poli cies and laws had great effects on industrial relations. The government restricted trade union power and weakened joint regulation. A series of legislative program was carried out during the time. The first legislative action was to restrict the closed shop in 1980. The Conservative thus, Governments policies and trade union membership density was directly reduced by governments policies and legislations. Shifting to industrial relations management, a more important change was that employee relations specialists and line managers replaced traditional managers role: they are more likely to be responsible for employee relations issues in 1990s. If people intend to be employee relations specialists, they need to obtain professional qualifications. And such qualification requires long relevant working experience. This change may reflect a higher demand for professional knowledge such as employment law. The management of employee relations became more complicated. The conception of human resource management was widely accepted in the late 1980s. Millward et al (2000) noted that those using the title human resource manger accounted for a third of specialists in 1998.(Millward 2000, p. 225) The employee relations specialists continued to rise in the following years. Millwards findings showed that human resource managers and employee relations specialists responsibilities are similarly. They are both responsible for pay, training, grievance handling, and payroll management. Another change was the shift of employee relations managers major work. In the early 1980s, many employee relations managers spent much time on dealing with collective industrial conflict. WERSs (1998) findings revealed that employee relations mangers pay much attention to individual grievances, particularly related to legal proceedings. Moreover, workplace managers switched more attention to collect and deliver information to employees. They use information to review organisation performance and policies. Another change was happened in industrial relations system. Multi-employer agreements affected one third of the number of workplaces in 1998 that they had in the early 1980s. (Millward , 2000, p. 227) In terms of pay, multi-employer agreements to most extent have been determined by employers themselves than workplace itself. The management became more centralized in an organisation during the 1990s. Higher authorities were more likely to make decisions than workplace managers. This could indicate that industrial relations were regarded as operational issue rather than strategic ones. Trade unions had more chance to be involved in the relationship between employers and employees. Trade unions in Britain represent employees interest. But from 1979 to 1990s, trade unions power gradually declined and lost much union membership. Employees support for trade union declined and support from management reduced as well. Many factors led to the phenomenon. The decline of manufacturing industry where were traditionally organized by trade union reduced the number of union membership. And the increasing number of women workforce and temporary workforce who have less possibility of being union membership also resulted from the decline. Another change was that there was less union recognition at workplaces, particularly in private service sectors, which increased during the time. Thus, fewer employees asked for collective bargaining to improve their pay and working conditions. Moreover, the impact of trade union on pay weakened during 1980s and 1990s. During the 1980s and 1990s, when the collective representation declined, the management in industrial relations transferred to focus on communication with employees. Millwards survey showed that communication channels between senior mangers and employees have changed from joint arrangements to direct forms of communications (Millward, 2000 p.230) Managers held regular meeting with workforce and team briefings to hear their suggestion and questions. And according to Millwards point of view, this management-dominated arrangements can improve employee treatment. Industrial relations management in post-1997 After 1997, industrial relations in Britain continued to change due to the changing external environment. However, there were many employment relations retained: the degree of numerical flexibility, the incidence of varies dispute, grievance and disciplinary procedures, the incidence of industrial actions and etc. (WERS, 2004) A variety of changes could be obtained from workplace employment relations. From WERSs findings (2004), the practice of employment relations varies largely between small and large workplace and it also varies between different sectors of industry, especially between private sectors and public sectors. Private sectors shared more proportion in workplaces from1998 to 2004. The figures from WERS2004 showed that 70 percent of workplaces were operating in private sectors compared with two-thirds in 1998. Look at all workplaces, 49 percent of employees were female and 34 percent of them were in managerial positions. Women have more chance to be managers in public sectors (46 percent) than in private service sectors (30 percent). Trade union also changed considerable and it had great impacts on industrial relations management. There was a considerable decrease in the proportion of union members. In 2004, 64 percent of workplaces didnt have union members compared with 57 percent in 1998). Union density slightly declined from 22 percent to 18 percent. Public sector accounted for more proportion of union membership than that of private sectors. Union membership density had strong relationship with management attitudes. Public sectors were more likely to provide management support for union membership than private sectors. However, the relationship between public sectors and private sectors are similarly strong. Besides that, another change of trade union in British workplaces can be found from WERS 2004 report. The proportion of union recognition in workplaces continued to decline after 1997. Only 18 percent of workplaces recognized trade union in 2004. (28 percent union recognition in1998) Furthermore, compared with 1998, union representative in workplaces spent more time on representative works. And they did more representative works than their non-union colleagues. It was reported that 43 percent of union representatives spent five hours on representative work while 33 percent spent two and four hours. Union representatives pay more attention to working condition and dispute, such as pay level, working hours, holidays. About 76 percent of union representatives attempt to recruit new members in their workplaces. But a clearly change during the period was that employees had a low preference of being a union members. In the period from 1979-1997, workplace managers were more concerned about collecting and delivering information. They continued to adopted direct communication with employees after 1997. Direct communication was further widespread between managers and employees. Figures could be found from WERS2004 report. Table 1 Direct communication and information sharing, by sector of ownership. 1998 and 2004 1998 2004 Private sectors Public sectors All Private sectors Public sectors All Direct communication Meeting with entire workforce or team briefings 82 96 85 90 97 91 Systematic use of management chain 46 75 52 41 63 45 Regular newsletter 35 59 40 72 86 74 Noticeboards 36 48 38 E-mail 36 48 38 Intranet 31 48 34 Suggestion schemes 30 30 30 Employee surveys 37 66 42 Information disclosure over Investment plans 47 59 50 40 50 41 Financial position of workplace 56 82 62 51 76 55 Financial position of organisation 66 67 66 51 53 51 Staffing Plans 55 81 61 61 81 64 (Source from Workplace Employment Relations Report2004) From the table, we can see that there were different forms of direct communication in practice. Regular meetings with entire workforce or team briefings was still popular, accounting for a dominate proportion and slightly increased from 85 percent to 91 percent during the time 1998 to 2004. A new creation of these meeting was that a part of meeting time was left to employees. Employees were allowed to propose suggestions and questions during the meeting. Suggestion scheme, staff attitude surveys and problem-solving groups were adopted by many organisations in managing employment relations during the time. Moreover, In the information disclosure over part, mangers preferred to disclose information though staffing plans (64 percent) than others. Shifting to pay determination, which is a major issue in managing employee relations, the most common pay determination was still by management unilaterally. 70 percent of workplaces used this way to pay. Only 27 percent of workplace asked for collective bargaining with unions to determine pay level. Similar to the situation of 1979 to 1997, the proportion of workplaces through collective bargaining in pay determination has continued to decrease since 1997. But public sectors were more likely to use collective bargaining than private sectors. Among 83 percent of public sectors workplaces, 82 percent of workers have their pay through collective bargaining. On the other hand, in private sectors, 26 percent of worker among 14 percent of workplaces use collective bargaining. From these figures, we can know that pay system was not unmilitary anymore. Different measurements were developed. Managers were more likely to determine pay through systematic performance and appraisal management to motivate employees. Performance-related pay, profit-related bonuses, and employee share schemes were prevalent at this stage. The way manager dealing with workplace conflict was also a change during this period. It is obvious that collective conflicts gradually reduced while individual conflicts grew. Industrial actions were less used to solve workplace conflict. most of conflicts were solved through legal procedures. But there was no big conflict happened during the time. Equal opportunities were concentrated by employers since 1997. A large number of industrial relations law was approved by government to enhance the equality in workplaces. Response to the legislation, managers implemented a range of equality policies. WERSs report (2004) revealed that 73 percent of workplaces had a written policies regarding equal treatment in 2004. 9 percent increased from 1998. These policies are largely concerned about equal opportunities for different gender, race, and disability. When implementing some HRM practice such as recruiting, selection, pay rate system, managers are required to consider these policies in employee relations management. Moreover, there was other legislation introduced to improve employer-employee relations, covering work-life balance, hours of work, flexible working arrangements, employee well-being and job satisfaction etc. All these legislation pushed employers to make some differences in industrial relations management. In the late 1990s, the relationship between employers and employees was firstly defined as partnership. Therefore, partnership practice was expected to be implemented by employers. But does partnership practice really promote the managers-employees relations. Evidence was shown in table 2 below. Table 2 managers and employees perceptions of management-employee relations, 1998 and 2004 manager employee 1998 2004 1998 2004 Very good 41 47 16 19 good 47 46 40 41 Neither 8 6 27 24 Poor 3 1 12 12 Very poor 1 0 6 4 (Source from Workplace Employment Relations Survey) Compared with managers view, employees thought relationship was slightly less improved. Except that, managers hold a relatively positive attitude towards management-employee relations. 47 percent of mangers thought they had very good relations with employees while only 19 percent of employees agreed. Partnership relationship requires mutual trust, but the reality was less satisfactory. To sum up, industrial relations management showed considerable changes. Under the adopt of partnership relations between managers and employees, Less workforce want to be union members; direct commutation was widespread in workplaces; an decreasing number of workplaces recognized unions for bargaining on pay and conditions, and collective bargaining declined as well; an range of policies were implemented in workplaces to promote equal opportunities; and managers had wider responsibilities of caring their employees on flexible working conditions, work-life balance, security, job satisfaction etc. The role and influence of employers The most famous employer association in Britain is the Confederation of British Industry (CBI). Like TUC, CBI does not directly participate in collective bargaining. Its major work is to lobby to British government for employers interests. In the last three decades, employers association gradually lost their regulative power. Since 1970s, the decentralized trend was shown in private sectors. A range of operational jobs were distributed to lower departments while head office only had strong control on certain key issues. The employer power and freedom was greatly strengthened in the last few decades. There were many causes contributed to the situation. More competitive globalization in product market and governments policies in weakening union power let employers have more power in labour field. Employers focused on performance improvement, cost reduction in labour filed. Employers play an important role in employment relations management. They formulate the management policies and style which are different in every organisation. Employers also have the rights to decide whether or not recognize unions. During the period, employers have sought to manage industrial relations with HRM techniques. They became to purse employee commitment, teamworking, and work hard in improving communication with employees. In terms of pay determination, their measures have been extended. Performance-related pay, profit related pay and employee share schemes were adopted in most workplaces. As the maker and performer of these policies, employers decision and behaviors considerably influence industrial relations management. In workplaces, employers choose certain styles of employment relations management. Non-unionism prefers Soft HRM or bleak house management style while unionism prefers partnership at work. The role and influence of government Government plays a key role in industrial relations. Its attitude towards industrial relations can largely change the current situation. It is mostly related to governments role in law. Governments polices and legislation determined employers and trade unions attitudes and conduct of employment relationship. Since 1979, The Conservative Government canceled support for collective bargaining and attempted to decrease collectivism and regulation. The government published laws to regulate equal pay and opportunities at workplaces. When Labour Party took the government, they regulated National Minimum Wage, and were more concerned about employees rights. These actions made contributions to written equality policies in organisations and to some extent influenced pay system. On the other hand, government legislation reduced the power and ability of unions to control on industrial action, closed shop policies directly reduced trade unions membership. The role and influence of trade union In Britain, there was one trade union: Trade Union Congress (TUC) and many affiliated unions. TUC dont have the rights to make industrial relations laws, their major work is to lobby government and employers on behalf of employees interest and benefits. For many HR specialists, dealing with trade unions issues was once an important work in their jobs. However, since 1979, the Conservative Government took part the government, a series of anti-union legislation dramatically weakened union power. It was calculated that union membership declined to about 7 million b from1979 to 1997. The cause was not only the political change and economy recession. Metcalf (1991, p.22) noted that the result was interacted by five factors: the economic climate, workforce market, government policies, the attitudes of employers, and union themselves. Studies show that larger organisations have more chance of Trade union presence. 64% union density was shown in public sectors. White-collars are more likely to be union membership. Labour partys return in 1997 has brought some changes, but the union power still towards a fall trend. The Employment Relations Act 1999 aims to promote union recognition. And Labour Government spent more efforts on employees interests. In the last three decades, trade union changed a lot to attract new employees. Except proving legal advice, training for representatives has been developed. And TU try to build a partnership with employers. According to E.D.Ewings study (2005), trade unions have five major functions: a service function; a representation function; a regulatory function; a government function; a public administration function.(Ewing, 2005) A service function means trade unions plays a role of providing service and benefits to members. It takes twos forms. One is more traditional, comprising health and unemployment benefits, and even insurance. The other is more professional. Trade unions provide legal advice and representation to help workers. Trade union needs to recruit new membership for survive, the service functions are usually used as a recruitment toll as they provide a variety of service such as representation to those who has grievances at workplaces, which is much more important than collective bargaining now. Representation function has gained much concern in recent years. A representation function means that trade union is responsible for employees interest and benefits. Different from service function, representation function offer much more professional support to employees. And also trade union can take the form of collective representation to assist employees. Collective representation has two major forms: consultation and bargaining. Regulatory function is the most important role of trade unions. A regulatory function means that trade unions is responsible for making rules for union membership. The role can be achieved by two ways. One is directly performed through multi-employer collective bargaining, such as Joint Industrial Councils. Another way is indirectly performed through legislation. Because decentralized organisations increased in the past few decades, the role of trade union in collective bargaining in pay and conditions has declined. By contrast, regulatory legislation is more prevalent. Government function means that trade union are involved in cooperating with government to ensure they can perform their functions under governments legislation and policies. And public administration function is similar to government function they are all engaged in implementation and delivery of government policies. Trade unions attitude towards management has changed in recent years. Many trade unions now focus much on business. They attempt to develop flexible, motivated workforce and partnership not only equal treatment. Conclusion There have been great changes in UKs industrial relations. During the 1979-1997 periods, Britain suffered a great recession. The proportion of manufacturing industry declined. Unemployment problem is dramatically severe. The competitive labour market worsens the unemployment problem. The structure of economy and labour force also changed as well. Public service sectors grew quickly during this time. and increasing number of women, self-employment, part-time worker and temporary workers grow were engaged in workplace. Besides the economic changes, government restricted trade union power. And a series of legislation was carried out in order to control the activities of organized labour. The interaction of economic and political factors reduced the trade union membership density. In workplaces, employee relations specialists and line managers replaced traditional managers role. They become responsible for handing employee relations issues. Compared with traditional responsibilities, it was reported that employee relations mangers pay much attention to individual grievances, particularly related to legal proceedings. Employees support for trade union and support from management both declined. Finally, when the collective representation decreased, the management in industrial relations transferred to focus on communication with employees. Direct forms of communications were more prevalent at workplaces. In post-1997, Labour Party took the government; they attempted to enhance union recognition despite the gradual decline of union density. But they were increasingly concerned about employees rights, such as National Minimum Wage. Managers were more likely to determine pay level by diverse pay system: performance related pay, profit-related bonuses, and employee share schemes. Managers worked hard on improving employer-employee relations. Direct communications was widespread at the time. Managers actively listen to employees suggestion and questions. Management scheme covered more issues than before, such as work-life balance, flexible working arrangement, and equal opportunities. Due to governments support and the weaken power of trade unions, employers have more freedom and power. Employers can decide whether or not to be union members at workplaces and also can choose management style in industrial relations. Government as a law-maker plays a crucial role in industrial relations management. Trade unions represent the interests of employees, have five major functions: service function; representation function; regulatory function; government function; and public administration function.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Influence of Jazz Around the World Essay -- Music

Jazz music originated in the late 1800s in the southern area of the United States. Its’ specific birthplace is New Orleans, Louisiana. It was the first genre of music to adopt other genres of music and blend them together. When the topic of music is brought up, many artists often refer to New Orleans as being the Melting Pot of Sound. Genres that were adopted by jazz are opera, folk music, blues, a variety of church music, ragtime, and African drumming. All of those sounds merged together and became the face of jazz. â€Å"There is a tremendous variety in jazz; the music is rhythmic, has a forward momentum called "swing," and employs "bent" or "blue" notes† (Armstrong). My main argument is that jazz music has influenced other genres as well as cultures and artists around the world. Jazz music is formed within improvisation and other aspects of black music such as blues and ragtime to make a particular form of music ( In jazz, musicians often play whatever comes to mind on the spot, or they playback a specific melody or chord sequence. Before there was jazz, there was blues. It is an African American derived genre of music that displayed the pain of the lost and injustice and gave expression of relieving a broken heart and facing down adversity. The blues included hymns, work songs, and field hollers. Although this may not sound like it could be jazz, it very well is. Blues is actually the foundation of jazz as well as the prime source of rhythm and blues, rock ‘n’ roll, and country music. Even today it is still evolving and widely played. Jazz music started placing long melodic sounds between the established beat quite regularly. This technique, called syncopation, gives the music... ...Interwar Paris† (1940). Print. â€Å"Social Movements, Music, and Race† Princeton Press. Peretti, Burton. â€Å"Creation of Jazz: Music, Race, and Culture in Urban America.† Board Trustee of the University of Illinois 1992. . "About Louis Armstrong." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Apr 2012. . Armstrong, Louis. Swing That Music. 1995. Print. Mackin, Laurence. "'Jazz is the great grandfather of hip hop'." (2011): n. page. Web. 21 Apr. 2012.. "Hip Hop's Jazz Roots." n. page. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. . "Jazz- Music Of Puerto Rico." n. page. Web. 21 Apr. 2012. .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Nutrition and Healthy Food for Children Essay

The essential foods that the body needs are foods rich in starch and fibre (carbohydrates) which are pasta, rice, oats, couscous and many more. Carbohydrates give us energy, calcium, fibre and B vitamins which help to keep the digestive system healthy. Recommended amount is 3 to 5 servings per day. Protein groups contain nuts, beans, peas, lentils, quorn and Soya for vegetarians. Meat, fish and eggs also hold protein. They provide us with iron, minerals and vitamins to help the body repair and grow. We should be eating 2 – 3 servings a day. Dairy is another food group which includes, milk, yoghurt and cheese. These contain protein, calcium and vitamins. Dairy keep are bones and teeth healthy. We should try to eat 3 servings a day. Plenty of different fruits and vegetables whether they are fresh, frozen, tinned, dried or juiced. These give us antioxidants and chemicals which can prevent illness; they keep the digestive system healthy and are high in fibre. And the recommended amount it 5 portions per day. Lastly it is important that you include fats and sugars in your diet but too many fizzy drinks or high fat content foods can have a negative effect. You need to make sure that you vary different food and only eat the amount to maintain a healthy weight. There are a number of government initiatives to encourage healthy eating such as ‘five a day’ and ‘CHANGE 4LIFE’ which encourage adults and child to make sure they eat 5 portions of fruit of vegetables per day. Now these initiatives have been brought in companies have started labelling which of their products contain ‘1 of your 5 a day’ REFERENCE: (food group fun) E2 Weather the child is under eating or over eating there are many effect on the health and well being of the child. A child may be getting bullied or teased for the way they look, or may feel under pressure from society to look a certain way. This can affect confidence and self-esteem. The child will become self conscious as they may not be able to find clothes to fit them and feel comfortable in, dressing like their favourite pop star may become increasingly difficult due to weight. Confidence may also be affected in normal day to day activities, things such as getting picked for sports teams, difficulty climbing trees, running around the playground or the steps onto a bus may become increasingly difficult through lack of energy. Behaviour has also been linked to lack of nutrients and associated with ADHD and various other needs such as a delay in intellect development. Children can lack in the ability to concentrate if they do not have the correct nutrients. The child’s dental health could also be at risk due to the amount of sugary foods and drinks they consume, it causes the teeth to grow weak. Lack of nutrients can also diminish growth, weaken bones, and contribute to poor concentration and motor skills. REFERENCE: lopment/ E3 Government guidelines include the 5 a day initiative which promotes the benefits of eating 5 a day, raise awareness of health benefits that eating 5 a day has and also improving access to fruit and vegetables. Children ages between 4 and 6 years old are entitled to one piece of free fruit per day, and all settings in their daily menu must provide at least 5 fruit and/or vegetables. Healthy start helps families on low income in England, Scotland N.Ireland and Wales by providing them with vouchers for milk, fruit and vegetables for young children and pregnant women. Each voucher is  £3.10 and it encourages earlier and closer contact with health professionals for advice. The Food Standards Agency was set up by an Act of Parliament in 200 and the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) is a group of independent expert who advise government agencies/departments on nutritional needs. There are some general tips on diet on the eat well website: base meals on starchy foods, eat lots of fruit and vegetables, eat more fish, cut down on saturated fats/sugars, try eat less salt, get active, drink lots of water, don’t skip breakfast. REFERENCE: Penny Tassoni et al – CACHE Level 3 Childcare and Education 4th edition E4 Molescroft Primary School promote their healthy eating via their policies by having a 14 choice, self service salad bar which is available every day, this means that they have free choice for their lunch. Aswell as salad there is also a self service vegetable bar everyday which has a range of 4 vegetables that the children can choose from, and it is stated very clearly that mixed vegetable will not be provided. There is also no limit on the amount of salad or vegetables the child have, they can return for seconds and mix and match what is on their plate. With every dessert offered at lunch time there is always yoghurt and fruit salad available. Milk is provided for sale every lunch time for the children to buy if they want too. Also during morning break due to the time in the year and seasonal fruit there is always either fruit kebabs or a soup available for the children to buy if they are hungry. The school also provide fresh fruit for all year group’s daily meaning that each child can have a piece of fruit provided each day. The children will also have the opportunity to learn about the growing of fruit and vegetables, sustainable agriculture and there is a fair trade stall which sell fair trade orange juice. Through the curriculum of science and PSHCE the children will be taught the effects of a healthy/unhealthy diet. Every child has access to free flow water all day and can have water bottles in the classroom with either water or sugar-free juice supplied by parents. It is also stated in the food policy that chips are a rare occasion and any other fried food will not be offered, which is showing children they can enjoy their food without the means of fried foods. It is also encouraged for parents, carers and relative to pre-book a school lunch which they can enjoy with their child so the child can be at ease while they eat their lunch. Children are not allowed to bring in sweets or sugar drinks into school for break or snack with the exception of special occasions. But it still stands that the contents of a lunch box is private unless it is breaking the health and safety rules, an example of this is a parent providing their child with  a hard boiled sweet which is a choking hazard. REFERENCE: E5 24 HOUR MENU FOR A CHILD AGED 9 MONTHS Through the night Formula or breast milk DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Breakfast approx 7 am Formula or breast milk 1 – 2 table spoons of infant cereal 5 raspberries Lactose intolerant children, will be provided with an alternative like soy milk on prescription by the doctors. Vegetarians commonly Rastafarians, would have supplements like tofu or quorn in their meals instead of chicken or beef. Judaism may not eat meat and milk together, so to cook the rice in milk and chicken together may not be eaten. Vegan’s will not eat any animal product. Through the day the baby will be getting more then their 5 a day which provides more then enough nutrients for the child, they will be getting their carbohydrates from the cereal, porridge and baby rice. Dairy from the milk and yoghurts. Coeliac means that people have intolerance to wheat, so there would be a substitute for bread, or any wheat products. Snack Approx 10am 4 Blue berries with baby porridge in a baby bowl Lunch approx 12:30pm Formula or breast milk Baby rice (2 table spoons) with fresh vegetables and chopped up chicken Small baby yoghurt or small piece of cheese Half a banana softened. Snack approx 3pm Formula or breast milk followed by peeled and chopped grapes Tea approx 5pm Shepard’s pie with no added salt gravy, with very finely chopped vegetables. Breast or formula milk Ice cream for pudding Before bed snack 7pm Formula or breast milk 24 HOUR MENU FOR A CHILD AGES 7 YEARS Breakfast Porridge made with milk with jam on top Drink of milk or water Handful of raspberries DIETARY REQUIREMENTS Lactose intolerant children, will be provided with an alternative like soy milk on prescription by the doctors. Vegetarians commonly Rastafarians, would have supplements like tofu or quorn in their meals instead of chicken or beef. Judaism may not eat meat and milk together, so to cook the rice in milk and chicken together may not be eaten. Vegan’s will not eat any animal product. Coeliac means that people have intolerance to wheat, so there would be a substitute for bread, or any wheat products. The child will receive their 5 a day from the raspberries, blueberries, broccoli, tomato, onion, spinach, cauliflower, etc. this provides nutrients. The children will receive calcium from dairy products such as milk or cheese, so people with intolerance can have a substitute. Snack Blueberry and banana milkshake, which contains milk, blueberries and banana. Lunch Chicken pasta with a cream sauce with broccoli, tomato, onion and spinach mixed in with the chicken and pasta Drink of water or milk Snack Plain yoghurt and drink of water Tea Shepard’s pie with broccoli, carrots and cauliflower. No added salt gravy Drink of water and ice cream for pudding. Snack Slice of toast with butter on Drink of warm milk REFERENCE: Penny Tassoni et al CACHE Level 3 Childcare and Education E6 Coeliac is a condition that prevents the consumer from eating wheat, this means that they can have diarrhoea which can cause the child embarrassment  for if they accidentally consume wheat then it can cause your body to cause unpleasant smelling excrements and the passing of wind this could potentially cause a child to be teased at school. The child could have abdominal pains which may cause them to miss out on activities, there may be a school trip but the child may not feel well so this is disadvantaging the child if their condition is not handled properly. The child will need a specific diet to make sure that they receive all the nutrition they need. There is no cure for wheat intolerance, but there are ways on controlling it. It is important that your diet is gluten free, healthy and balanced. Gluten can be found in pasta, cakes, cereal, bread, certain sauces, ready meals. Being diagnosed with celiac disease can also provoke feelings of isolation. Eating at school can seem quite a challenge if you have only just been diagnosed because of the fear that it only takes a small amount to upset your body. It can make a child sad that they can no longer eat a certain food that they really enjoy. It may cause a child to become a worrier, because they always fear that they could consume some gluten no matter how careful you are. They can also loose weight which especially in boys can cause a great upset, or they will not grow properly and become very tried which can have a great impact on their education. REFERENCE: E7 Young children love to help so it’s a great age to promote safe preparation of food, they are mastering the control of their fingers so focusing the child on a hand on activity such as shelling a boiled egg or cutting soft foods into chunks are great way to benefit the child. You need to model the  best practice when it comes to hygiene and safety of the child. Uses of heat, sharp objects are involved in the making of many things including the making of an egg mayonnaise sandwich. You should never dismiss a child’s help because there may be a danger but alter the way you wish to proceed in a safer manner. Making sure everything you need is within reach showing the child good organisation skills, make sure that hand washing is carried out at every opportunity which will encourage the children to do so too; so for example when making a sandwich we was out hands before we start handling food and after the preparation, in the event of baking buns or something where we could get our hands messy you must wash your hands during preparation too. You also need to show the child how we clean down any surfaces that either us or the food may come into contact with while preparing our food, and after we have made our sandwich we need to encourage the child in the washing up of utensils. REFERENCE: D1 Children need the right amount nutrients from foods, you need to make sure you have carbohydrates; this is a food group which is the starchy food such as pasta, rice, pasta, noodles, sweet potato, couscous etc. Carbohydrates give us energy and calcium and wholegrain carbohydrates give us fibre which makes our digestive system healthy. A healthy daily diet should include around 3 -5 servings per day, one portion is a slice of bread or 30g of cereal/porridge, six tablespoons of past or rice or 2 small new potatoes. Proteins are another food group which provide us with iron, minerals and vitamins, this will help the body to grow and repair itself. This group contains meat, fish, eggs and vegetable proteins such as nuts, beans, peas, lentils and quorn. We should be eating 2 -3 servings of this each day, one portion is equivalent to two slices of ham or turkey, two sausages, 1 beef-burger or a small can of tuna, salmon, sardines or mackerel, 100g portion of quorn/tofu. Milk and dairy prod ucts should be eaten at 3 servings  per day. Dairy provides us with protein, calcium and some vitamins like B12, A and D, these will keep our bones and teeth healthy. One portion of dairy is one medium glass of milk, one pot of yoghurt or matchbox size of cheese. Fruit and vegetables should be eaten at least 5 portions per day, this includes frozen, tinned, dried, and the juices. Fruits and vegetables give you lots of vitamins and chemicals called antioxidants and fibres to keep your body healthy. Fruit and vegetables are very low in calories which keep us full because we can eat more, controlling your weight is made easier when you eat lots of vegetables and will provide a whole range of important nutrients. One portion is one apple, orange or similar sized fruit, two smaller fruits such as plum, a handful of grapes, raspberries ect. The group we need least of is fats and sugars, this is things like butter, cooking oils, cream, dressings, chocolate, sugary drinks etc. These foods give us lots of energy but not many nutrients, they are often high in fat, sugar and salt and it is important not to have too much from this food group. Children need to makes sure that they are drink enough to help the brain, digestive system and body work properly, the amount of water needed varies on the age of the child, the weight and how much physical exercise you do so its important to always have a drink to hand. What to drink is also important, sugary drinks can cause you to gain weight, so best drinks are water or milk (pref semi-skimmed) that’s because they do not contain sugar and milk provides vitamins, minerals and calcium. The recommended fluid id 6 to 8 glasses per day, drinking the right amount means that you wee should be a light yellow. The amount of salt added to food is very high in processed foods, we need to be careful as salt raises your blood pressure and risks heart disease and strokes which can happen later on in life. If you are aged 7 to 10 years you need less than 5g salt a day (2g sodium) If you are 11 and over you need less than 6g salt a day (2.4g sodium. A healthy diet for children is essential for a child’s growth/development, on average a child should grow 2 and  ½ inches per year, growing bones and muscles require the correct nutrition. Brain development and learning is also very important, some foods like fresh fruit can boost brain functions and we also need water intake. An unbalanced diet can lead to future health problems, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, diabetes and social discrimination. To help  children life a healthy lifestyle provide them with a variety of nutritious foods at meal times, and limit the amount of treats available, and set example by eating healthy yourself. REFERENCE: (food group fun) C1 Parents are thought of as the main influence on a child’s eating behaviours; however I think there are many factors that influence a child’s diet. Youfa Wang, MD, PhD, MS, lead author of the study and an associate professor with the Bloomberg School’s Department of International Health said â€Å"Young people’s eating patterns are influenced by many complex factors, and the family environment plays only a partial role. More attention should be given to the influence of the other players on children’s eating patterns such as that of schools, the local food environment and peer influence, government guidelines and policies that regulate school meals, and the broader food environment that is influenced by food production, distribution and advertising.† He added, â€Å"Parents need to be better empowered to be good role models and help their children eat a healthy diet.† Life style also affects diet as some parents have very busy work lives so they do not have time to spend cooking tea or providing lunch boxes for the children, this can mean a pizza shoved in the oven and a bag of chips to follow. The same with  religion some religions do not believe in eating certain meats so this could mean that the child misses out while they are at school. At a young age friends can affect a child’s diet, when children eat together they take notice of what their friends are eating, a study published in journal â€Å"Health Education Research† in 2000 noted that â€Å"students reported peer influence as a reason for not eating both fruit, juice and vegetables and low-fat foods.† That means that a child will make their body suffer because of peer pressure even though it may not be intended. Parents or carers provide the food for the household so they have a massive influence on what the child’s diet consists off and when it is they eat. So if you mother stocks the cupboards up with crisps and sugary sweets then the child will begin to crave them and because they are high and fast energy food it means they will crave them more often then if the kitchen was stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables, the child will become used to these even if they have been used to sugary foods and the fresh food will fill the ch ildren for longer. This will only work if the parent/carer is also eating the fresh food, because the child will after so long want to also eat the same food as the parents. Foods availability is another factor, it can depend on the geographical location and the income of the family as a higher income family will have more opportunity to buy healthier foods as opposed to the lower income families. High calories/fat foods are cheaper for a family to buy,  £1 for a microwave burger and  £1 for a bag of oven chips is cheaper then buying broccoli, cauliflower and carrots for a full meal. It is the same as a family who lives in the country will have more access to fresh vegetables then a family that live in a built up area. A study published on the Focus on the Family website reported that â€Å"television strongly influences what children under 12 years eat.† The site adds that â€Å"kids who watch more than three hours of TV per day are 50 percent more likely to be obese than kids who watch fewer than two hours.† It is not just television that is to blame, the magazines that children read, the radio they listen too and the food packaging i n displays also has a great influence on what children pick. REFERENCE: B1 Eat better, start better is a programme designed to guide settings in the early years on â€Å"helping young children to eat well. We do this by working with families and everyone involved in early years health and education†. It supports the adults and encourages the children to make their own healthy choice on food and drink. All settings must follow the EYFS requirements but as extra support settings can use the Eat Better Start Better. The EYFS states that fresh drinking water must be available and accessible at all times† this means that it is a requirement that practitioners make sure that the children have access to clean drinking water throughout their time at the setting, this can range from setting though, some children will bring their own bottles/beaker so this can be refilled at the setting, other settings provide water fountains for the children to drink from. This relates to Eat Better, Start Better because they advise the practitioner to encourage children to help themselves to water. In the EYFS there are no guidelines to how much water a child should be having per day, whereas in the EBST there is a recommendations on what to avoid and how much to drink. Children having the choice of what they drink means they are more likely to do it again, providing access to fresh water rather then juice means that from been young  children understand health. During my nursery placement the children brought in their own bottles, some parents provided the children with juice which was okay but the children would complain once the juice had gone because the nursery did not provide juice so the refill was only water. Inclusion is very important when wanting children to make healthy choices, offering 1 fruit for snack which not all the children like is not good practice; I believe that 2 fruits should be offered at snack times so the children get freedom of choice. It is also important to include the children in the preparation of snack, I went on a school trip with year 5 to another school to compare school life and improve. During the 10 mins before break 5 year 6 children were chosen each day to make up fruit kebabs for the children and staff to consume, I believe this to be fantastic practice; this gives every child an equal opportunity to help. It is also important to make sure that no-one has allergies; this could mean that some kebabs should be made without banana for example as the child should not be disadvantaged. The Eat Better Start Better programme states that â€Å"children’s individual dietary requirements must be respected and protected† this means that if the practitioners are careful everyone can be included. Settings should have a food policy which states their aim as a setting to encourage the choice of healthy eating/drinking. This is meals, snack and drinks all included, my settings food policy states that the school will only provide a healthy menu daily which includes a 14 choice self service salad bar, and a range of 4 self service vegetables and there is no limit on how many times the children return to the salad or vegetable bar and at break time free fruit is available for infants everyday and for all the school depending on time of year and seasonal produce the school offer fruit kebabs, soup and milk for sale. Even for dessert there is always a fresh fruit salad offered at lunch. Each child should have a school water bottle they take home every night, they are allowed to bring in sugar-free juice but the school will only offer water as re-fill with the free access to water all day. Parents are encouraged to joing the children for lunch and can book a school dinner. The children have to take part in the Eco school agenda which means they will learn about the growing of fruit and vegetables, fair trade and sustainable foods, and foods from different  cultures/countries will be introduced during themed weeks. REFERENCE:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

To Change the World Professor Ramos Blog

To Change the World â€Å"You can’t change the world without getting your hands dirty† – Lelouch Lamperouge Chess is the ultimate game of logic, and while war may involve a cocktail comprised of ethics, logic, law, fear, and destruction, we see a war played similarly to a game of chess when we look into the madness that is within the mind of Lelouch vi Britannia (or his alias Lelouch Lamperouge). We understand that the point of this essay is to convey thoughts on a causal analysis of a monster, a spoiler warning is necessary. Through fluid storytelling and a frightening drive, this is how a dispositioned prince takes over the world after he is exiled. His methods, though crude and brutal, would be seen as a game of chess, sacrificing many of his own in order to gain success in battle, though managing to remain a positive figure to his own subordinates throughout his time fighting for power. Lelouch Lamperouge is a 15-year-old boy who watched his mother and sister become casualties to a terrorist attack. His mother, Marianne was killed by rifle fire while protecting Lelouche’s sister Nunnally. After questioning his father for his mother’s death, Lelouch showed resentment towards his father for the death of his mother and the disablement of his sister. As a result of his outright and blatant resentment, Charles vi Britannia, the Emperor, exiled Lelouch and his sister as political pawns to Japan. This was the seed that would inevitably birth the monster. Lelouch would soon swear â€Å"to obliterate Britannia† (Episode 1 Code Geass, 2006) After Lelouch and his sister were sent, the Emperor sent a barrage of attacks to the island nation, easily conquering it with the introduction of large, robotic weapons called Knightmare Frames or Autonomous Armored Knights. Japan is quickly conquered and rebranded as Area 11. Lelouch and his best friend, Suzaku Kururugi witness the carnage, and Lelouch vows to destroy his father’s empire. These early events spark what would become one of the most well-thought-out and in-depth plotlines in anime. Years later, Lelouch and Nunnally, who are presumed dead as a result of the invasion of his father’s empire, are hidden in exile using a different last name. Lelouch remained quiet and took to playing chess and gambling with noble members of Britannian society, while staying living in the dorms of the Ashford Academy. Lelouch would soon meet his partner in crime, after accidentally becoming involved with the â€Å"witch† of a girl and a resistance group. The truck suddenly explodes, killing only the driver and Lelouch and C.C. encounter a Britannian military officer, who shows desire to kill Lelouch and innocent civilians, with no regard to humanity. Lelouch is suddenly offered the â€Å"Power of the Kings†, also known as Geass. His left eye now has a glowing, bird-like symbol that gives him the power to compel any individual to do whatever her says. He commands the Britannian officer and his subordinates to commit suicide, leading to a few dozen soldiers to suddenly and almost ceremoniously die in front of Lelouch. Suddenly, Lelouch is filled with inspiration, as he had finally understood that he finally had the ability to fight against his father, after hiding for many years. Lelouch now had the ability to begin waging war against the massive, Holy Britannian Empire, and their corrupt government, starting with â€Å"Area 11†. He tests his abilities by compelling another military officer to give him their Knightmare Frame, in which he convinces a local terrorist group to comply, in order to win a battle he suddenly put himself into. In the wake of success, Lelouch sneaks into Area 11 Viceroy’s chambers, who is also an estranged brother of his, assassinating him, and claiming the new name â€Å"Zero†, leader of the new paramilitary force (to Britannians, terrorists) called the Black Knights, whose mission is to protect the weak and displaced Japanese. The girl, C.C., gives Lelouch the ability to finally gain vengeance for the nation he believed took his family and happiness. The motions set into effect from his childhood, and coincidentally gaining the ability to control anyone, leads to his guerrilla tactics. In history, we see this occur many times. Prior to exile, Stalin had drive to change Eastern Europe and Russia, even going as far as going against Lenin, who respected, but did not care much for Stalin’s leadership. Stalin, much like Lelouch had emotions for only a few people. It was stated that the only individual Stalin truly cared for was his first wife, and afterwards, became colder to everyone else. This story also relate to Hitler, who rose to power after fighting in a war and fighting through the harsh politics of Germany at the time. Lelouch was also cold and jaded, giving little care about who dies within a large war, and that all of the means to his ends would be justified. His methods for rising to the top as the world’s most feared leader, towards the end, makes his history similar to that of the harshest leaders we’ve ever seen, such as Stalin and Hitler, however the true ends of those two differ from Lelouch’s true legacy in opposing fashion, at least within their intent. With few similarities between these leaders, could categorize him as a â€Å"monster that polices the borders of the possible† (J. Cohen, Page 12, Seven Theses). When Stalin and Hitler died, the world saw relief. Two harsh and cold leaders who’ve orchestrated the genocide of millions each would become a pox lifted from the Earth. Lelouch’s death would be seen as the same, as the two aforementioned leaders, however his death would be unique. Prior to death, Lelouch had gained such power and was feared by all of the world. He planned his own death, having his good friend take his life in front of billions of people who were watching him all over the world. All of the hatred Lelouch gained would be wiped out when he’d be assassinated on live television. The world rejoiced, and it is believed the throne would be given to his little sister, who Lelouch had envisioned in the beginning, to live a life in a world without his father’s rule. He escapes and avoids capture a few times, making him fall into the category of the monster theory, â€Å"The Monster Always Escapes† (J. Cohen, Page 4, Seven Theses). The monster was created by another monster. Charles vi Britannia, Lelouch’s father, ruled his empire with a hard fist, crushing the opposition, and becoming the scourge of the world by other leaders. He is seen as the predominant reason why Lelouch would rise in power, only to eventually triumph over his father. C.C., who gives Lelouch the power to compel anyone to do anything, would be the precipitating cause, as he would be unable to wield his power effectively without her. His true intent was to leave the world in a more pleasant state, so that his sister could live without the injustices, and that’s exactly what he did, albeit at the cost of his own life. Perhaps it would be counterproductive, considering he and his younger sister were close, and his death would leave her saddened, but taking the scandal and hatred along with him would fulfill his promise to her. Though he is seen as a scourge of the world, to only a few privileged members of his staff, he died a martyr. â€Å"Fear of the monster is really kind of a desire† (J. Cohen, Page 16, Seven Theses) is my personal favorite to relate this monster to within the seven theses. To initially wield the amount of power that gives the ability to change the world would be wished by many, for selfish or selfless reasons. But what makes the ending difficult to witness is the idea of dying as a ruthless tyrant in the eyes of your subjects, while only few understand the true intent of your own planned death, with his last words being, â€Å"I have destroyed the world and created a new†, as his sister watches him pass away. Cohen J. Monster Culture (Seven Theses). Print. 1996. Taniguchi G, Okouchi I. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. Sunrise Studios. Television Series. 2006. Hangyaku no Lelouch. MyAnimeList. Information. Joseph Stalin. History. Biography. 2009.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The debate between Nature and Nurture concerning Gender Essays

The debate between Nature and Nurture concerning Gender Essays The debate between Nature and Nurture concerning Gender Paper The debate between Nature and Nurture concerning Gender Paper The nature versus nurture debate explaining sex and gender has been going on for around a century (AboutGender, 2003). Amongst the three approaches, I find sex and gender theories as the most persuasive, although a part of me is inclined towards biological determinism. I believe that femininity and masculinity is due to biological differences to a certain extent, as there is a difference between female anatomy, hormones and genes and that of a male. Schiebinger (1987, p. 9-70) claimed that women think according to feelings and intuitions while men are more objective. I have to admit that sometimes I make decisions based on what my heart tells me, although there is a conflict with making the right moves. One example whereby I followed my heart blindly is during my application to the National University of Singapore (NUS). Although I knew my grades were not good enough for the Law Faculty, due to my deep interest in that subject I still went ahead to apply it as my first choice. However, what convinced me that there are more shortfalls than merits to this theory is that even up until now, no human behavior has been proven by any researcher to be connected to genetic factors. Furthermore, I have an intention of challenging the notion that men have natural qualities that render their aggressiveness. In Singapore for example, increasing cases of maid abuse have been reported; most of the abuses were inflicted by female employers of foreign domestic helpers. Thus I noted that not only men, women also have the propensity to be violent. Elshtain (1987) further justify my point by asserting that the level of aggressiveness of males vary widely across different cultures and women are expected to be more passive in certain cultures than others. Explaining differences in how men and women behave through biological factors is insufficient, and I prefer sex / gender theories as it focuses on the distinction between sex and gender. There are two biological sexes namely male and female. Gender, on the other hand, encompasses heterosexuals, homosexuals, lesbians and gays. Biologically male babies can grow into any gender and this is due his socially and culturally influenced roles. Sex is biological while gender can be nurtured or developed. I was in an all girls Secondary School, and was exposed to the unconventional behavior of lesbians who are biologically females yet socialized as males. They even went to the extent of adopting a manly name and, walked like males and embodied masculine characteristics. An opposite example is in the article entitled Conundrum: When youre born with the wrong body whereby Julie Peters is a transsexual who dressed in female clothes and can think intuitively yet she was a biological male. As affirmed in the sex and gender article, homosexuals, lesbians and transsexuals argued that their sexuality is inborn and attempts to conform to society will be unnatural. While recognizing that sex is determined by the biological characteristics, gender characteristics on the other hand, is largely determined by social, cultural and historical contexts. In different societies and cultures, men and women are socialized into different roles (Giddens 1997, p. 108). The concept of nurture gains the upper hand in sex / gender theory. Oakley (1972, p. 54-55) did a fine job of illustrating three different New Guinea tribes and the different roles men and women fall into. In the first tribe, the Arapesh, both men and women assume passive roles that resemble the femininity in our own culture. In the second tribe which is Mundugumor, both sexes assume masculinity and both sexes are brought up to be independent. In the last tribe of the Tchambuli, the males behave like our females by gossiping, shopping and wearing ornaments while the women shave their heads and are assertive. In Singapore, women are expected to be graceful while the men are more domineering. In the Malay community here for example, the male is considered the man of the house, and when he makes reasonable decisions, his wife and children have the onus to listen to him. However, I agree with statement in the article that there are difficulties in distinguishing between sex and gender and between biology and social attributes. Giddens (1997, pg 109) criticized sex / gender theories as rigid, whereby society expects individuals to assume assigned roles as males or females. Importantly, I acknowledge that humans are not computers that can be programmed accordingly only by social or cultural characteristics. People can modify themselves, for example in the case of Julie Peters as described in the article following the sex and gender piece. Julie Peters undergone hormone treatments, electrolysis and face waxing to transform herself.

Monday, November 4, 2019

The Case of Partnership Law Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The of Partnership Law - Case Study Example The case context clearly indicates that all the four participants equally contributed to boat rentals and other associated costs for the treasure search. Hence, evidently, there was a partnership agreement between the four participants. 2. As per the basic provisions of the partnership, there should be at least two members for the formation of a valid partnership. Each member has a contractual obligation to participate in the management and a legal right not to be expelled by other partners. According to Schneeman (2010, p. 69), each partner has the right to get an equal share of the profit, which arises out of the partnership. Partnership law clearly states partners’ rights and obligations incidental to the partnership. In the given case, all the four participants have the right to express their opinion about matters connected with the treasure search. Similarly, each participant is entitled to obtain a one-fourth share of the treasure if it is discovered. At the same time, a ll of them have the legal obligation to bear an equal share of expenses also. 3. According to Canadian Partnership Act Part 2(17), â€Å"an admission or representation made by any partner concerning the partnership affairs, if made in the ordinary course of its business, is evidence against the firm† (Partnership Act). From the case study, it is clear that all the four partners have equally devoted their time, money, and effort to the venture until a certain point of partnership. In addition, none of the partners neither has retired nor was expelled from the partnership. However, three of them were unable to join the venture in certain weeks due to personal affairs. Hence, the judge must consider that all the four parties are still legally under the partnership agreement. Before making any decision regarding their rights and obligations relating to this partnership, the judge should also ensure that all the four participants have carried out their duties and responsibilities properly and timely. 4. As per the partnership laws in practice, the amount of the treasure must be distributed among the four partners on the basis of their contribution to the venture if there is a claim for entitlement to the Twenty Million Dollars. In other words, all the three members are entitled to obtain a certain portion of the treasure amount as the partnership has not been dissolved yet. 5. Allen’s friend who participated as the buddy at the time of the discovery cannot be recognized as a partner. It is clear that Allen’s friend joined the venture at the last moment when the partnership was broken. There were no oral or conduct agreement or written document between Allen and his friend; in contrast, Allen requested the service of his friend as a helper. Here, Allen’s friend is entitled to get remuneration but not share of the profit and the amount of remuneration is left to Allen’s discretion. 6. Although all the four partners could not continu e research due to their personal reasons, they are still parties to the partnership agreement and had incurred expenses at various stages of the research. However, it is precise that each partner had incurred various amounts of expenses.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Disability and education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Disability and education - Essay Example The most eminent AS characteristics include, Seizures, which start showing at the age of 2 to 3 years affecting approximately 80% of all children experiencing AS (Clayton-Smith, 2010). Speech impairment, which ranges from little to no words at advanced stages. Consequently, this forces some victims end up using gestures or picture communication systems while conversing with other people (Clayton-Smith, 2010). In adult stage, people experiencing AS usually develop facial distinct features commonly described as â€Å"coarse† Victims of this disorder exhibit hyperactivity and in some cases stiff limbs, which become hindrance to their mobility. Sleep disorder. Imbalance state especially when one is walking or trying to undertake certain personal tasks. Exuberant behavior coupled with happy demeanor (Dan, 2009). b. Incidence/prevalence Studies so far contacted cite AS is among the rarest diseases not only in US but also globally. Its prevalence is about one person in every populati on ranging from 12,000 to 20,000 people (Panayiotopoulos, 2010). However, this prevalence only represents estimates because the disorder’s exact data up to date is still unknown. ... d. Etiology Angelman Syndrome (AS) is a disorder normally caused by the anomalous functioning of the UBE3A gene, located on chromosome number 15. A child inherits a copy of the gene from each parent. The two copies are active in nearly all the body tissues but only the gene replica attained from the mother is active in the brain. The disorder occurs due to four major genetic mechanisms, which include chromosome 15q11 –q13 deletion. It involves deletion of a very small piece of DNA missing from the chromosome. The number of Angelman Disorder due to deletion range from 65% to 75% and the risk of recurrence rate being 1 %(Cassidy & Allanson, 2011). The second mechanism is the paternal uniparental disomy (UPD) whereby the patient posses two copies of the chromosome 15 and no copy of the same chromosome from the mother. The number of AS cases due to UPD accounts for 3 to 5 %of all reported cases where chances of recurrence is below 1 percent. The third mechanism encompasses Imprint ing Center (IC) mutations, which account for about 7% to 9% of the reported AS cases and has a significant recurrence of 50%. The IC works like a switch. It turns on the UBE3A gene copy inherited from the mother while at the same time turns off the copy of the gene inherited from the father in the central nervous system tissues. The fourth mechanism is the UBE3A mutations. It occurs irregularly in patients suffering from it and accounts for an approximately 6% to 20% of the total AS cases. Normally, the risk of recurrence is less than 1% but increases to 50% if the mother of the affected person has the UBE3A mutation on her inherited paternal chromosome 15. However, in