Friday, February 14, 2020

Family - its Changes and Values Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Family - its Changes and Values - Essay Example A person may embrace another person’s difference, while some might totally turn their backs from their families or their families might turn away from them because of dissimilarities. Discussion Individuals have their own identities. No two persons have exactly the same life or desires. Even twins do have their differences, which can result in arguments. Yet these differences should not prevent a family from being a unity. As Goodman put it into context, â€Å"We don’t have to achieve to be accepted by our families. We just have to be. Our membership is not based on credentials on birth (4)†. Regardless of how much changes a person may have in a lifetime, he or she should be accepted by the family where he or she belongs. People or society may not agree as to what the person may become, yet the family should be there when a person needs them. Even the meanest person in this world is still loved by his or her family even if he or she resents them. According to Sen na, â€Å"In death we are each reduced to our essence: the spirit we are when we are born. The trappings we hold on to our whole lives – our race, our money, our sex, our age, and our politics – become irrelevant† (19). A person may have the most luxurious life in the physical world, yet he or she may be the poorest in spirit. Worldly possessions are immaterial to a person in his or her dying days. In the end, no person is spared from death. Though what the person has accomplished in life would often be just a memory forgotten in time, it is not valid as regards his or her family that has always loved this person unconditionally. One may change for the worst, yet there are still people who give love and understanding to this individual even when he or she pretends not to need them. It is a sad reality that people often turn their back away from their families when they have achieved their goals, found happiness and contentment in other beliefs, or when greed and envy have eaten them up from inside. Despite these changes, a mother and a father will always have a space in their hearts for their children who had the courage to stand up on their own and live the lives that they want. It is painful for parents when they see their children go astray. The pain that they feel is not brought about by disappoinment or hate. This feeling of pain is brought about by the affection and love that parents have for their children. No parent would want to see their children suffer or get hurt, and this is a valid statement not only as regards the parents-children relationship but also as regards grandparents-grandchildren or uncles/aunts-nephews/nieces relationships. However, as Senna states, â€Å"†¦the differences between us were real and alive, and they threatened to squelch our fragile connection† (16). The first step in accepting one’s differences, especially in a family, is to acknowledge the difference and make amends. It may not b e an easy thing to make amends with people with whom one has differences, especially when it comes to the delicate topics like religious and political beliefs. One may be discriminated by the society due to his or her differences. However, the most painful circumstances would be when a person is being alienated by his or her own family. This is not to blame the families for the shortcomings or the outrageous actions of an individual. It is just an attempt to trace why such events occurred. A part of accepting the difference is to know where and how it started within

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Whats wrong with school teacher play student, learns to lie and cheat Essay

Whats wrong with school teacher play student, learns to lie and cheat - Essay Example Glanz realized that the students found the classes boring, lied and manipulated their teachers, and they did not work hard to get good grades. She realized that the students did not learn much in the classrooms as they were demotivated and turned off by the fact that they had little responsibility and power over their education. They expected the teachers to do everything for them and assumed that their role was to sit down and listen. They thought that the teachers were bores and their role was to distribute the information required for the students to pass tests. Glanz was saddened by the fact that teachers did not realize the communication gap that existed between them and their students. She learned that political corruption had made some students believe that there was no need to put in effort as it had little value. Students had a low opinion over honesty and this attitude encouraged many of them to cheat in their exams and feel no remorse about their actions. As Glanz returned to her former school, she decided to demand more from the students by making sure that they were responsible for their education. She did not accept their excuses easily and ensured that they put in effort in every aspect of their education (Banas 658). Students find many classes boring, put in little effort to pass their exams, use excuses to refrain from doing homework and other tasks, and manipulate teachers to complete their tasks. I think that this has been the trend for many students but there are an exceptional few who work hard to get good grades. In my opinion, many classes are boring and the teachers are sometimes bores. This is because the students do not play an active role in class. They are expected to sit in class quietly as the teachers give instruction. Therefore, the students feel detached from the learning process. I agree with Glanz as she concludes that students are demotivated because they have little responsibilities and