Thursday, October 31, 2019

Economic Exam 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economic Exam 2 - Essay Example For example, he proposed a theory in regard to labor and value (Schumpeter 21). Schumpeter came up with a theory based on Marx capitalism principles in which he stated that economies can evolve, create new structures and destroy old structures. In his view governments posed the greatest risk when it comes to economy destruction (Schumpeter 59). He was right because, most government evolved from communist or monarchies to democratic governments but still go to war with each other. Keynes’ theory on macroeconomics also known as Keynesian economics focuses on the total expenditure in an economy and the effect the expenditure has on inflation and an economy’s output (Kennedy 196). In Keynesian economics, decisions made by both public and private institutions affect the output of an economy. Classical theory of economics has it basis centered on the concept of free-market economies. The main difference between the two economic theories is the influence of government on an economy. The Keynesian economic theory is reliant on the expenditure and policies of governments but the classical economic theory makes the assumption that there is a free-market (Kennedy 199). Another difference between the two theories is that Keynesian economics theory works on providing short-term results for an economy while classical economic theory focuses on providing long-term solutions for economic problems. Q.4. Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon capitalism and how does it differ from European and Asian capitalism? Which is the better example of Anglo-Saxon capitalism, the U.S. economy or the British economy? The main characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon capitalism model is that it operates based on common law with a judicial system which contemplates minimal government interference in the economy (Pryor 107). The difference between the Anglo-Saxon capitalism model and the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Economics of Education Essay Example for Free

Economics of Education Essay This project, critically reviews the sources of revenue at Kinondoni Municipal along with the budgetary allocation to secondary educational sector. It provides the major sources of revenue which include Central Government revenue, Basket fund (Donors) and Local government revenue which constitute revenue from city service levy, property tax, advertising and bill boarding fees, compensation revenue, and cost sharing. It identifies that education is the priorities to which the council does consider much in allocating their funds. The project reveals the background on the system of financing education as an essential and critical kind of investment in developing countries particularly Tanzania. It has shown its significances with respect to running the system (government) in general. The significances give the stand to which the Government should take into consideration on allocating funds in secondary educational department. More over the project has identified the objectives for analyzing the sources of revenue and educational budgetary allocation. These objectives have been stated in such a way that, it shows the directory as guidelines for reaching targeted goal(s) for sustainable development. Nevertheless, case study method and documentary review as well as interview techniques were employed. The data have been analyzed using tables and figures. 1.0. Introduction and Background. Kinondoni Municipal is located in Dar es Salaam City in Tanzania. It is bordered by Indian Ocean to North East, Ilala Municipal to the South, Bagamoyo District to the North, Kibaha District to the West and Kisarawe District to the South West. The Municipal has number of matters and services to be done/ provided to the community. Among others being education, health services, road construction and maintenances, water services, urban agriculture, power and energy supply and others of alike. All these services need money to run in effective way so that, the community members could appreciate the concern of the government for their well-being. The Municipal has vision and Mission which the study was interested with, to check out whether are just worded or are real in practical terms. The study eyed particularly to its Mission statement â€Å"Provision of quality services to the community through effective and efficient use of resources, capacity building, good governance and rule of law hence improve the living standard of people†. The project (study) was done at this Municipal to identify the sources of revenue for the Municipal to curter and serve the community effectively and efficiently. Another purpose was to check out, how the Municipal allocate its funds (Revenue) to secondary educational sector. A source of revenue is a critical problem in running several activities to an individual, family, community and national level respectively. Moreover, despite the scarcity of fund (resources) in servicing the community, there is a problem on proper plans and allocating the present resources in optimal manner. Thus, the wise decisions on how to use the present resources in its scarcity is very important particularly for developing countries like Tanzania. Another aspect towards this study (project) was to determine the way the sources of revenue are collected. On this activity, it is the point at which monitoring of revenue collection should be taken into consideration for effective performance. Furthermore, this exercise needs humanitarian aspiration than personal essence so that, the fruits will be for the community as large. There are two significances of doing this project. First was to determine the sources of revenue to the Municipal in order to understand the position of Municipal and the Government in general in its strengths and weaknesses so as to address recommendations to be taken for better performance in future. Second was to assess the allocation of the funds in secondary educational sector. From this, allocation of fund will realize the choices for most of the councils in Tanzania and the way investment aspects are taken into account especially educational investment, hence improvements to be made in a long run. The objectives of this project were as follows i) To determine the sources of revenue for Kinondoni Municipal. ii) To assess the budget allocation to Secondary educational sector in Kinondoni Municipal. The project presents various literature reviews in respective to the study (project). The literature review is mostly on sources of revenue, financing systems, administration, roles of the state and recommended suggestions. Galabawa (1985, p. 1) claimed that, â€Å"Tanzania’s plan for extending educational opportunities and improving the quality of education are often hampered by the limited resources to educational industry†. This realizes that, the problem resources in provision of education in Tanzania is a problem that exists and needs a solution on how to go about in order to reduce the burden from the government to ensure more educational opportunities and improve the quality of education. More emphasis on quality of education has been described by Michaelowa. The author tried to identify the areas which need to be checked to ensure that are taken into considerations for the consequences in anyhow. The author argued that, â€Å"The number of days teachers are absent from school (ABSENCE), and teachers’ self reported job satisfaction (MOTIVATION) have significant coefficients of the expected negative and positive sign respectively† (Michaelowa, 2001, p. 1707). If the education industry is running short of resources to improve access and quality of education, and if the responsible persons needs to be motivated for effective teaching, means this industry need to be financed. The financing can be determined by number of factors as quoted from the article that, â€Å"The policies of financing education in any country reflect the country’s ideology. Although Tanzania’s education policies emphasized quality of opportunity and access, they also vary from environment prevailing at specific time† (Galabawa, 1994, p. 37) This literature review has contributed much on this project since objectives stated can be revealed particularly on sources of revenue. According to Galabawa (2007, p. 3), There are various sources of education revenue. These sources can be divided into four broad categories: Fiscal sources; ser charges including various forms of cost recovery and cost sharing; student loan when constituted as a revolving fund which generates income out of which loans are offered to students and various forms of community contributions. The fiscal sources include general taxes; earmarked taxes; taxes on With regards to education as an investment, and sources of educational revenue, the government has to play its role for sustainable development Galabawa (2007, p. 2) portrayed that, â€Å"The price of education can, therefore be influenced by the government decision which impinge on issues of supply of education services; the allocation and distribution of resources between different levels or different courses; the choice between different methods of financing education and student support or even between different methods of schooling†. Therefore, this clarifies the position of the Government in provision of education in the country to assure access and proper allocation of funds in different sectors. Property; salaries and sales; and different types of levies. For all matters being discussed concerning sources of revenue, educational revenue, budgetary allocation and the role of the government on educational investments and other sector, to have sustainable implementation of plans and to build capacity on fund management, accountability, effective audit and formula funding to generate consistent and reliable disbursements† should be taken into consideration for sustainable development. Besides literature review, case study was employed during the project. The study was done in Kinondoni Municipal. Therefore purposeful sampling technique was used. The project had two variables namely, dependent variable which is budget allocation, and independent variable which is source of revenue. With these variables the hypotheses of this project were as follows; (i) There is a significant relationship between sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Alternative hypothesis). (ii) There are no basic criteria guiding for sources of revenue and budget allocation in secondary educational sector (Null hypothesis). Field visit, discussion and interview. The list of tools used to collect information and guide the field interview and discussion were documentary review and Interview. The targeted personnel were Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer; these were obtained using purposeful sampling in order to get correct information. The documentary review involved reviewing various documents concerning sources of revenue and general allocation (budget) of the fund to secondary educational sector. Also an interview was conducted in brief way with the Municipal economist and district secondary educational officer. The interview was basically on the way they get fund for running the Municipal to curter and serve the community. Moreover, the questions on what are the major criteria for allocating the fund and challenges they face on all matters concerning sources of revenue and allocation of fund in general were asked.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Effects of Government Price Ceilings

Effects of Government Price Ceilings Markets, International Trade, Government Donna Green Governments have stepped in and set minimum and maximum prices ever since they have had control over the populace. Just in the United States alone, governments have predetermined the price of gasoline, added rent control to housing in New York City, and even fixed a minimum on unskilled labors wages. However, sometimes governments may tend to go past simply establishing price floors and price ceilings, and attempt to take over the prices of the general markets. This was done throughout World War I and World War II, as well as during the Korean War in the United States. The attraction of controlling prices is logical. These types of controls offer an assurance of protecting those that might be specifically hard-pressed to endure an increase to prices. Nevertheless, by doing so, the governments may sometimes fall short in shielding consumers and at the same time damage others. In the first scenario we are faced with the government setting a price ceiling on gasoline. Price ceilings are created to prevent prices of a product from exceeding a set maximum. However, if this is not done with the utmost caution, and the price in which the ceiling is set is below the equilibrium, it can create a drastic shortage of the product. As seen in the graph below, in order to maintain an even flow between price and demand, the government would have needed to set a price ceiling of no less than approximately $50/barrel to avoid shortages back in June of 2012. For example, 1973 and1979, the United States set a price ceiling on gasoline, which was below the equilibrium (Rockoff, 2008). This caused sellers to sale gas on a first-come-first-served basis, which also caused many consumers to have to wait in extensive lines to acquire gasoline as well as creating shortages. This is just one obvious example of the kind of chaos that can be created from the government setting a price ceiling on the gasoline market. That being said, a price ceiling can be a good thing at times. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina was on its way to impact the southeast United States coast. As impact was determined and warnings went out, many convenient stores significantly raised their gasoline prices overnight. This is known as price gauging. It is against the law, and a price ceiling is one way of preventing these types of circumstances from taking place and abusing consumers. These laws also apply to the other end of the spectrum to protect the populace. There is also a flip side to price ceilings where the government may set a minimum price. In the second scenario we have the government setting a minimum wage for unskilled laborers also called minimum wage. This is called a price floor. In 1992 a survey of economists was published asking them about general controls. With the statement made, â€Å"Wage-price controls are a useful policy option in the control of Inflation,† there were only 8.4% who agreed, there were 17.7% who agreed with qualifications, but the majority of 73.9% disagreed (Alston et al. 1992, p. 204). The price floor on wages could causeunemployment levels to rise, although they do increase the overall income of laborers in the regulated markets. As we see in the chart below, minimum wage versus the job market is inelastic, meaning that as minimum wage rises, the amount of employed laborers falls, increasing unemployment rates. Do to inflation, minimum wage does need to be adjusted to a degree, however, that d egree is a very sensitive one, and governments must take this into consideration. Price ceilings floors, however, are not the only issues that can significantly affect the economic market. Governments also have to deal with international trade. International Trade is the trading of services and products between at least two countries. Mankiw states ‘all countries can benefit from trading one another because trade allows each country to specialize in doing what it does best, ’ (Mankiw, 2013). This simply means that international trade is based upon the foundation that each country alone is not able to produce everything they need with the resources at their disposal and stay inside a minimum cost and quality range. The households benefit by having the ability to attain the best products at the lowest prices. Countries benefit because they can focus their resources in producing extra of the products which have a more comparative advantage and trading the overflow for those products they are short on. Also countries exporting earn foreign exchange which helps with obligations towards international debt, and can even increase appreciation of their currency. Th e owners of the exported products also get an advantage by increasing the prices in-line with global pricing, which is normally higher than the domestic prices. There are also losses to international trading that can occur. For one, this trading creates a dependency on other countries which can become an issue under circumstances such as political disagreements or even war. For instance, almost every country imports oil from countries like OPEC and Venezuela (Mankiw, 2013). If even one of these two countries were to stop exporting oil, much of the world would be at a standstill in less than a month because of these dependencies. There are other issues that can also affect importing and exporting with other countries such as tariffs, which is a fee that is assessed on imports. This can be done in several different ways, but the most common is the ‘specific tariff,’ which is a simple per unit charge. Governments may do this to help increase revenue or to protect domestic markets and industries from the competition from foreigners (Investopedia, 2013). This charge must be paid by the exporting country to the importing country. However, this can also lead to trade wars, as the other countries may start to add tariffs themselves to all of their imports. The WTO (World Trade Organization) is in place to ensure avoidance of just such issues being exaggerated. We can see how a tariff plays a role of increasing the price of imported goods in the graph below. It is important to understand that tariffs are not the only taxes that can affect the price of products and services. Governments tax most everything with the exception of groceries. For example, taxes on gasoline are one of the hottest debated among economists. There have been numerous studies exploring the effects of a range of gasoline taxes and how they might affect supply and demand (Picker, 2013). The bulk of the revenue generated from gasoline tax is placed in the Highway Trust Fund. Debates started in the early 2000’s over the use of gasoline taxes to create revenue (Ferguson, 2007). There are those policymakers who believe that the tax should be reduced or even suspended all together. Mankiw reasons that an increase in the gasoline tax, even by just one dollar, would produce $100 billion revenue in the first year (Mankiw, 2006). This money could be used to start paying off on the deficient; however, some policymakers fear that it will just increase government spending. Therefore, the efficiency of the revenue is dependent upon how the government uses the funds. Also, taxes make the t otal price per gallon go up for consumers, who, as we have seen in the past, may look to alternative means of travel to save the cash, which will actually cause revenues to decrease as the demand for gasoline decreases (shown in the chart below). There are many different factors that can influence and affect the economic structure of the country. From price ceilings to price floors, along with federal taxes and tariffs on imports, every aspect of economics has its advantages and disadvantages. It is up to the households, firms, governments, and countries to work together to keep the economy flourishing with growth. References Alston, R. M., Kearl, J. R. Vaughan, M. B.. (1992). â€Å"Is There a Consensus Among Economists in the 1990’s?†American Economic Review82: 203–209. Retrieved from Ferguson, J. (2007). â€Å"Should the US increase the Federal Gas Tax?†Major Themes in Economics. Retrieved from Investopedia. (2013). Tariff. Retrieved on January 14, 2014 from: Mankiw, N. G. (2013) Principles of Economics[VitalSouce bookshelf version]. Retrieved from Mankiw, N. G. (2006), â€Å"Raise the Gas Tax,† Wall Street Journal, A12. Retrieved from Picker, L. (2013).The Effect of Gasoline Taxes on Work Effort. Retrieved from Rockoff, H. (2008).Price Controls. Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Many Meanings of Stephen Cranes The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Essa

The Many Meanings of The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky Stephen Crane's "The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky" is a tale about a town sheriff, Jack Potter, who is returning home from a trip where he has married. Jack returns shamefully with his new wife of little worldly experience. The town of Yellow Sky knows Jack as the fearless Marshal who is never afraid to stare down the barrel of a gun. Jack's return to Yellow Sky happens to be at a time when the town drunk, Scratchy Wilson, is looking for a gunfight. However, the townspeople and Scratchy are disappointed to find him married, unarmed, and unwilling to fight. Before Jack arrived the townspeople were hoping for his arrival to cool off the situation. As one bartender said, "'I wish Jack Potter was back from San Anton', he shot Wilson up once--in the leg--and he would sail in and pull out the kinks in this thing'" (215). This quote and Jack's shamefulness are what leads people into discussions of this story. Jack Potter's marriage was kept secret from any of his friends and family, so his new wife was something unknown to anyone. For this and other reasons, Jack is afraid to return to Yellow Sky a married man. As critic Eric Solomon once put it: "He is condemned in his own eyes for betraying two traditions: he has tarnished the person of Marshal, a figure fearsome and independent, and he has tampered with the custom of partnership--he has not consulted his male friends" (136). Marshal Jack Potter no longer feels the thrill of being Marshal Jack Potter because of his new engagement. Jack is afraid he will lose his reputation that the people of Yellow Sky revere him for. Stephen Crane sets the story well because he allows the reader to understand the tw... ...d to be seen as by the people of Yellow Sky was as an ordinary man. Instead of being a heroic figure comparable to John Wayne, Jack Potter is now comparable to the a kind of man one would categorize as ordinary. Crane's fabulous depiction of the rise and fall of small town marshal is one of beauty. Jack Potter is seen in Yellow Sky as a person that one dreams of being, a wild-west hero that one idolizes. Soon, Crane reduces Jack Potter to the same level of the reader, and maybe below because he is now seen as a fallen hero. Works Cited Beer, Thomas. Stephen Crane: A Study in American Letters. 1923. Reprint. New York; Octagon Books, 1972, pg.248. Modern Fiction Studies, Stephen Crane Number V, No.3 (Autumn: 1959): 195-291. Solomon, Eric. Stephen Crane in England: A Portrait of the Artist. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1964, pg.136.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Prejudice and Discrimination Essay

What is social psychology? Social psychology is defined as the scientific study of how a person’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of other human beings. As we look back over the past few years, we see that some form of prejudice and discrimination still exist today in society. I want to elaborate on and define the types of prejudices and how people discriminate, how they are learned, and how to overcome prejudice. Prejudice is defined as a preconceived judgment or opinion that is usually based on limited information about a group or groups of people. Some people would commonly agree that prejudice is stereotyping. Discrimination is prejudicial attitudes that cause members of a particular social group to be treated differently than others in situations that call for equal treatment. There are many kinds of prejudices or attitudes, but discrimination is a result of prejudice. Several ways in which people are discriminated upon include age, race, and sex. People are often prejudice toward those form different ethnic groups, those form different religions, those from different economic levels, those who are overweight, and those who are too thin. Prejudice vary in two different types of groups called the in-groups and the out-groups or the â€Å"us† versus â€Å"them†. These groups are formed early in childhood. The in-groups are considered to be the particular person for whom they are identified with and the out-group is to be considered everyone else. Soon after the in-groups are established, the prejudice and discriminatory treatment of the out-group or groups soon follow. Then the out-groups are stereotyped based on the color of their skin or color of their hair and can be difficult. There are many laws that are in place to minimize or control the discriminatory behavior, but there is no law against having a certain attitude. The realistic conflict theory in prejudice is the increase of prejudice and discrimination by a degree of conflict between in-groups and the out-groups over limited resource, such as land or a job. A current example not related to land but religion would be, according to, â€Å"Neal Broverman, of The Advocate, Virginia’s lower house passed that would allow student groups at public universities to deny members because they conflict with the groups’ religious beliefs. This bill would prohibit discriminating against a student organization or group on the basis of the religious, political, philosophical or other content of the organization or group’s speech. † The bill also allows religious or political student organizations to determine who will not be allowed in their membership â€Å"in furtherance of the organization’s religious or political mission. â€Å"

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The eNotes Blog Kindle to Launch Library Lending Check Out This Years Pulitzer Prize Winners and More,Free!

Kindle to Launch Library Lending Check Out This Years Pulitzer Prize Winners and More,Free! For me, books are like crack. I cannot have enough. I cannot read enough. When I got my Kindle for Christmas, I told myself,  Hey, self! Look! Everything in public domain is free! You wont fall victim to the latest New York Times book review, or the engrossing interview on NPRs Fresh Air. No sirree! There are still plenty of classics to be read! And now I find myself negotiating between food and that book I just heard about that sounds so interesting, and look! Its only $10 and I like hot dogs My index finger suddenly becomes possessed and takes over my brain and CLICK There it is, on my Kindle, in less than a minute flat. Sometimes I have been okay with the trade-off between food and fiction, but sometimes Im not and I regret my purchase. And because I am far too lazy to actually physically go to my local library, it is welcome news that Kindle has partnered with Overdrive, a company based in Ohio that heretofore has been providing digital media to schools and libraries. Kindle owners will be able to check out books from some 11,0000 different public libraries for a period of between seven and fourteen days, depending on the policies of the individual lending institution. The bad news is that there is not a firm date for when this feature will be available, other than soon.   The good news is that all of the features available on your Kindle purchases, such as highlighting and note taking, will also be operative on your library downloads. Soon, cannot come quickly enough for me, especially since the Pulitzer Prizes for Literature were announced this week.   You might want to bookmark this page if you can resist the temptation to click Buy Now: Fiction A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Eagen History The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery by Eric Foner Biography Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow Poetry The Best of It: New and Selected Poems by Kay Ryan Non-Fiction The Emperor of All Maladies: A Biography of Cancer by Siddhartha Mukherjee

Monday, October 21, 2019

Julia Morgan, About the Architect of Hearst Castle

Julia Morgan, About the Architect of Hearst Castle Best known for the lavish Hearst Castle, Julia Morgan also designed public venues for the YWCA as well as hundreds of homes in California. Morgan helped rebuild San Francisco after the earthquake and fires of 1906- except for the bell tower at Mills College, which she had already designed to survive the damage. And it still stands. Background: Born: January 20, 1872 in San Francisco, California Died: February 2, 1957, at age 85. Buried at Mountain View Cemetery in Oakland, California Education: 1890: Graduated from Oakland High School, California1894: Earned a degree in civil engineering from the University of California, BerkeleyWhile at Berkeley, mentored by architect Bernard MaybeckTwice rejected by the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in ParisEntered and won several important architecture competitions in Europe1896: Accepted by the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and became the first woman to graduate from that school with a degree in architecture Career Highlights and Challenges: 1902-1903: Worked for John Galen Howard, University Architect in Berkeley1904: Established her own practice in San Francisco1906: Office destroyed in a fire caused by the 1906 earthquake; Morgan established a new office1919: Newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst hired Morgan to design his San Simeon estate, Hearst Castle1920s: Problems with her inner ear required surgery that distorted Morgans face and affected her balance1923: Fires in Berkeley destroyed many homes designed by Morgan1951: Morgan closed her office and died six years later2014: Posthumously awarded the highest honor of the American Institute of Architects and elevated to the College of Fellows (FAIA). Morgan was the first woman to be given the AIA Gold Medal. Selected Buildings by Julia Morgan: 1904: Campanile (bell tower), Mills College, Oakland, California1913: Asilomar, Pacific Grove, CA1917: Livermore House, San Francisco, CA1922: The Hacienda, William Randolph Hearsts home at Valley of the Oaks, CA1922-1939: San Simeon (Hearst Castle), San Simeon, CA1924-1943: Wyntoon, Mount Shasta, CA1927: Laniakea YWCA, Honolulu, HI1929: The Berkeley City Club, Berkeley, CA About Julia Morgan: Julia Morgan was one of Americas most important and prolific architects. Morgan was the first woman to study architecture at the prestigious Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and the first woman to work as a professional architect in California. During her 45-year career, she designed more than 700 homes, churches, office buildings, hospitals, stores, and educational buildings. Like her mentor, Bernard Maybeck, Julia Morgan was an eclectic architect who worked in a variety of styles. She was known for her painstaking craftsmanship and for designing interiors that incorporated the owners collections of art and antiques. Many of Julia Morgans buildings featured Arts and Crafts elements such as: exposed support beamshorizontal lines that blend into the landscapeextensive use of wooden shinglesearth coloringsCalifornia redwood and other natural materials After the California earthquake and fires of 1906, Julia Morgan obtained commissions to rebuild Fairmont Hotel, St. Johns Presbyterian Church, and many other important buildings in and around San Francisco. Of the hundreds of homes that Julia Morgan designed, she is perhaps most famous for Hearst Castle in San Simeon, California. For nearly 28 years, craftsmen labored to create William Randolph Hearsts magnificent estate. The estate has 165 rooms, 127 acres of gardens, beautiful terraces, indoor and outdoor pools, and an exclusive private zoo. Hearst Castle is one of the largest and most elaborate homes in the United States. Learn More: Julia Morgan Papers, MS 010 at the Robert F. Kennedy Library, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. CAJulia Morgan: Architect of Beauty by Mark Wilson, 2007Julia Morgan Built a Castle Hardcover by Celeste Mannis, 2006Women of Steel and Stone: 22 Inspirational Architects, Engineers, and Landscape Designers by Anna M. Lewis, 2014

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Brief History of Leonardo da Vinci essays

Brief History of Leonardo da Vinci essays In the year,1452. Leonardo da Vinci was borned in Vinci, a hill village in Tuscany, Italy.Throughout his childhood he reachout with opened arms to expand his mind. He loved to draw by examples from his books filled of drawings of plants, ideas for inventions, and much more.With the versatility and creative power that he had by using his mind. It marked him as a supreme example of Renaissance genius throughout the renaissance period.Besides being italian painter, he was also a sculptor, a architect, a musician, a engineer, a mathmacian as well as a scientist.With a career of being a artist, Leonardo came with mind blowing ideas with math equations as well sciencfic notes throught out his lifetime.In Florence where Leonardo usually lived,he engaged in much theoretical work in mathematics and pursued his anatomical studies withc we know to be true today.To note the aging genius was assigned to various architectural and engineering projects at the Vatican witch dealt with very complexing ideas with math.With some many projects, you can see how what kind of schedule he had. With in the renaissance era, he found the field dominated by Michelangelo and Raphael as well as himself. The trio were unstoppable , they minds togeather were a force to no be fought with it. Even though, Leonardo met michelangelo and raphael late in his life. Mos tof his work, is influnced by those men. By the year 1519, the renaiassance era was closing and so was Leo's life. He died in Amboise, and the world was in mourning of the lost one of greatest geniuses of mankind. ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Effect of Classroom Management on High School Academic Achievment Research Proposal

The Effect of Classroom Management on High School Academic Achievment - Research Proposal Example Research Problem The problem at hand is to determine whether or not classroom management can effect the academic achievement of high school students. Many factors may or may not play a role in this and will evaluate a teacher's discipline, organization, and other factors that could be reflected on how the classroom is managed. This problem could be determined in various high schools across the United States to see what hurdles a teacher's personal management of a classroom reflects on high school students' academic achievement. The hypothesis of this problem as discussed in this research proposal would be that if a teacher's classroom management will impact a student's academic achievement. It may not reflect in all students but it will impact most students. Literature Review Classroom management is a critical role in education aside from curriculum itself. Teachers play many roles in the classroom but their primary role is that of classroom manager. If a poorly managed classroom is full of students that are disrespectful and disorderly, there is a lack of discipline from the teacher, then both students and teachers suffer (Marzano, Marzono & Pickering, 2003). However, sound behavior management does not necessarily guarantee effective instruction but it does increase the foundation for an environment that makes for good instruction. Additionally, the teachers' abilities to organize the classroom and discipline the students effectively, letting students know who is in charge will help to keep the classroom under control and the students are more apt to respect the teacher and learn from her guidance. This will then establish a much better... This study investigate the effects of classroom management on high school students using an applied method of research in order to perform an evaluation. The purpose of this is proposal is to identify the previous research already performed by other educational professionals, discuss their findings and then use that information to develop an additional experiment required in order to perform the actual research in order to further support or disprove the theory that classroom management may or may not have an effect on students in a high school setting. Additional factors other than just classroom management may also impact a student's achievements at school and achievement is crucial to the impact that each and every individual student will have on society and the way that their life will play out, having successful lives both in work and personally in the future. The importance is discovering the correlation, if there is one, that an implemented efficient classroom management serie s of methods can has on these students' achievements and potentially lay the groundwork for the rest of their lives. This report makes a conclusion that at various times throughout the research time frame, a series of tests should be given to each class at the exact time frame to see how they score academically. The test would be universal to all classrooms that were participating in the research. There should be at least three or four tests taken throughout the semester to measure the academic achievement of each student.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Subprime Loane Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Subprime Loane - Research Paper Example It is not the interest rate corresponding to the loan itself. â€Å"Subprime† denotes any type of loan which does not satisfy the prime guidelines of a loan. Subprime lending is a process of making loans or lending money to the borrowers who are not qualified to be given loan at the market interest rates because of their low credit ratings (Bahin, 2007). Both the borrowers and the lenders find themselves in a riskier position as a result of subprime lending. It is so because such lending is characterized by poor credit rating, high amount of interest rates associated with it, and unfavorable financial situations. The mortgage brokers played an important role in the rise and fall of financing related to subprime mortgages. The competition corresponding to the subprime loans increased as a result of increasing demand of Mortgage Backed Securities (MBSs) sought by the investment banks. The lenders were observed to be involved in activities of introducing innovative financial prod ucts which seemed to be attractive to the borrowers, and the latter were thus becoming more and more interested to borrow money from the lenders. If we consider the job responsibilities of mortgage brokers, it can be observed that they had to perform the activities related to identifying the borrowers, receiving an application for loan from the borrowers, assessing their credit worthiness, evaluating their income-to-debt ratios, and then finally sending the borrowers to the lender who meets all the criteria. However, it is worth mentioning that all these activities and processes followed by the mortgage brokers did not correspond to the actual plan. The mortgage brokers received emoluments in the form of commissions and, therefore, it worked as an incentive for them to earn greater commissions by sending even the prime credit borrowers to the subprime lenders. Even the people who had little knowledge about MBSs were attracted to them because of the increasing demand for them in the market. There were not even any kinds of licensing requirements for a person to become a mortgage broker (Sanders, 2002). All these factors led to the emergence of mortgage brokers in the market and had an impact on lowering their reputations. The lenders were exposed to such a huge number of participants in the mortgage industry that many of the borrowers received loans who should never have been lent money because they were to face financial problems while repaying the loans received by them. Based on the above evaluation of the situation it can be concluded that besides some of the minor incidents, certain specific individuals like mortgage brokers cannot be blamed for the downfall of the overall subprime mortgage lending process. The blame should actually go to the regulatory authorities and government institutions which failed to oversee the situation beforehand, to different corporate misdeeds, motivation to earn more profits, and also, to a large extent, to the borrowers them selves. Question 2 Incentive contracts or managerial incentives in a corporate organization mainly correspond with the agency theory and the problems associated with it. Jensen and Meckling (1976) are commonly associated with the term â€Å"agency theory† as found in most of the existing literature. According to Alchian and Demstez (1972), the business activities conducted by most of the organizations are mostly governed through contracts that involve voluntary exchanges.

BUSINESS TAXATION ( Uinted KingdomTAX System ) Essay

BUSINESS TAXATION ( Uinted KingdomTAX System ) - Essay Example This often inclusive of the value, which the item was sold at. According a journal therefore understanding the different forms of taxation and meeting their obligations is of great importance to any business. One can save money by understanding what taxation involves in a given type of business whether a sole trader or partnership. As stated in the Tax Advisor (2012), a businessperson would also take advantage of any exemptions that they might be entitled to which would at the end boost the business. This paper will explain the terms and concepts in business taxation that will aid a clear understanding; it will assess the consequences that come as a result of incorporating a sole trader business, recommendations to the trader and finally whether the business qualifies for capital gains tax incorporation relief. A sole trader is a person who runs and operates a business on their own. The sole proprietor is liable for all the assets and liabilities of the business. Moreover, sole traders have full control of their business with all the profit. In 2012, The Tax Chartered Advisor stated that the taxation system for a sole trader in the UK allows one to complete a self assessment of their business. In this form, the sole trader is allowed to show total expenses, the total income and then subtracts to get the losses or profit for the business. Should the company show a loss then it does not owe the government otherwise, the business is taxed depending on the profits earned. An incorporated company is a form of business that is owned by one person who is the director with employees working for the company. This type of business is not solely owned by one person and decisions regarding the company are made as a group. With the new tax rates that were released in the UK, it has been realized that the best way to save money by avoiding paying a lot of taxes is through the start of companies. According to Payroll Practitioner (2009), the tax

SLP Time Warp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SLP Time Warp - Essay Example Strategic position After analysis of the market performance of the products, recommendations for price changes amongst the three products seems the most viable course of action to be taken. In this line, since the market reflected little wavering on the X5 product, its price needs to be kept constant until a well cut out market trend is observable. The market performance of the X6 reflects a steady performance and market dominance in its category. In this view, an increasing in its market price will be a wise step in maximizing its profits. The market performance of the X7, on the other hand, is not as impressive. In a bid to compete favorably with other market brands, it is in order to price it more competitively. In this regard, I would recommend a price reduction as the most workable strategy (Beverland, Napoli, & Farrelly, 2010). A detailed explanation of the decisions is only able to be explained via an in-depth analysis, at the individual level, of the three new products offere d by the company, the X5, the X6, and the X7. Product X5 The X5 has had three years run in the market and so far exhibits the lowest cost in pricing amongst the three products offered by the business. This reflects a case of plasticity on the side of the product. This translates in minimal interests in the products performance and hence the customers interest. This focuses the strategy not on an increment of the current market price but rather on the exposure and rebranding of the product so at to make it more profitable. While the current market price of $ 250 seems a reasonably fair market price, it is uncompetitive, not due to in affordability, but the reason may lie on its branding or on other factors that control consumer choices (Bivainiene, 2010). Product X6 Since its market debut 2 years back, the market performance of the product X6 has been relatively impressive. The case of the product can be described as being flat metal. Its smooth market performance is not attributable to its price but rather on the overall usefulness and performance as judged by the customers. The relative stability in the market has made the products price be quoted as $420, a figure that can be raised, albeit by a minimal margin, in a bid to maximize the profits attainable via the use of the product. The risks involved in having a large increase in price are that some customers may be willing to compromise on quality if only to have a cheaper, more affordable product irrespective of its performance. As such, any price increment needs to be done discreetly and with enough consideration to the customer if its continued good performance is to be sustained (Slotegraaf & Pauwels, 2008). Product X7 Given that the product is relatively new in the market; its market reviews may not be concrete enough from which to draw conclusive findings. The case for this product can thus be described as colored, in contrast to the plastic case of X5, and the metal case associated with X6. The relat ive immobility of this product in the market is attributable by hesitant customers who opt for better established products of the same caliber. The un-ease that results is not so much a factor of the price but rather based on the anticipated performance of the product in the market in comparison to the other already established products. The initial price, quoted at an approximate $200 serves as an entry price

Thursday, October 17, 2019


CHOOSE ONE QUESTIONS FROM THE 5 QUESTIONS ON THE INSTRUCTION LIST - Essay Example The opinion of economists have varied on this issue regarding the considerable of the GDP is the appropriate measure to understand the well-being of the nation. While most of the economists have relied on this economic indicator as the main determinant of the standard of living, the others have differed stating that the other intangible and tangible factors like education, health as well as ecological environment to be important factors as well. Simon Kuznets who framed the term GDP even warned that the measure is not an appropriate indicator of the well-being of the nation (Kuznets, 1934). Thus is clear that the GDP was never devised to measure the well-being of nations. With the occurrence of the Bretton Woods conference this measure started being used widely in most of the nations of the world since 1944. GDP as an economic indicator The Gross Domestic Product of a country is the sum of the goods and services of the country taken at the market value. In order to understand the con cept of GDP it is important to know how the GDP of a nation is arrived at (Landefeld, 2008). There are a variety of ways in which the GDP of a country can be measured. The product approach measures GDP by summing the total production of all the enterprises during a definite span of time. Thus the value added of all the final products in a year minus the sum of the value added of the intermediate products gives the GDP of the economy. On the other hand, the expenditure approach considers the sum of the aggregate consumption expenditure, investment expenditure, government expenditure as well as the net exports of the economy. The circular flow diagram provides an idea about the income and expenditure flow in the economy that takes place involving the individuals, firms as well as the government. Therefore GDP measures the flow of the goods and the services that takes place in an economy. The income approach however calculates the sum of the total income of the individuals the firms as well as the government in the economy. From the various approaches it is clear that during the calculation of the GDP the monetary values are taken and hence no other intangible aspect could be captured by the GDP. In all these cases only the computation of the However in most cases it is considered that if the economic condition of the people improves the people of the economy would be better off. Thus it is not an ideal measure of the standard of living of the economy. Defects in GDP as a measure of the well-being of the economy The economic system is a subsystem of a larger system that drives the world. There are ecological, political as well as social systems which are intertwined. The effects of each of these systems influence each other and one cannot be thought of independently without thinking about the other. The economic system in a society can run only in connection with the other systems and depends on the other systems to a large extent. For example, in order to carry out the production in a factory system it is important to take the help of the natural resources as well as the human capital. Along with that the incorporation of the knowhow is also important. Hence the entire economic activity of production needs the intangible resources along with the tangible resources.

E-Commerce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Commerce - Coursework Example - Sale staffs need to meet the clients in person to give a demonstration of the software and install them on clients computers, therefore lots of time and energy is wasted (for example in the traffic, because the company is close to a busy area). The company headquarters are seeking ways to sell the products and services online through a website. This way, the sale staff can stay in their offices provide support using telephone, email or even video conferencing. Clients will be able to find the details of the products and services online and at any time they need. - The research and development staffs do not see a necessity to be present at the office every single day. They are already working together through a computer network. They prefer a system to allow them secure access to the company’s website and work and communicate with other developers online. They need a space to securely share and update the files and get them to work altogether. - The company at the moment has more software staff than programmers. These staffs are the persons that need to meet every single client and help them with installing and using the software. Headquarters are thinking of providing support through a website with a complete help and support section since the number of clients is increasing every day. Electronic commerce is about using the internet for purchasing/selling products/services online. The number of internet users is increasing every single day and electronic commerce is representing itself as a real opportunity for companies to find new markets and provide their good and services more efficiently to their existing clients. There are enormous benefits for a company like Ictbuild Ltd. by using an e-commerce system. For example they will gain the access to the global market, they can sell their software, hardware and services without the need of middleman businesses and they can save time and energy for their sale staff. Apart from that,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

SLP Time Warp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SLP Time Warp - Essay Example Strategic position After analysis of the market performance of the products, recommendations for price changes amongst the three products seems the most viable course of action to be taken. In this line, since the market reflected little wavering on the X5 product, its price needs to be kept constant until a well cut out market trend is observable. The market performance of the X6 reflects a steady performance and market dominance in its category. In this view, an increasing in its market price will be a wise step in maximizing its profits. The market performance of the X7, on the other hand, is not as impressive. In a bid to compete favorably with other market brands, it is in order to price it more competitively. In this regard, I would recommend a price reduction as the most workable strategy (Beverland, Napoli, & Farrelly, 2010). A detailed explanation of the decisions is only able to be explained via an in-depth analysis, at the individual level, of the three new products offere d by the company, the X5, the X6, and the X7. Product X5 The X5 has had three years run in the market and so far exhibits the lowest cost in pricing amongst the three products offered by the business. This reflects a case of plasticity on the side of the product. This translates in minimal interests in the products performance and hence the customers interest. This focuses the strategy not on an increment of the current market price but rather on the exposure and rebranding of the product so at to make it more profitable. While the current market price of $ 250 seems a reasonably fair market price, it is uncompetitive, not due to in affordability, but the reason may lie on its branding or on other factors that control consumer choices (Bivainiene, 2010). Product X6 Since its market debut 2 years back, the market performance of the product X6 has been relatively impressive. The case of the product can be described as being flat metal. Its smooth market performance is not attributable to its price but rather on the overall usefulness and performance as judged by the customers. The relative stability in the market has made the products price be quoted as $420, a figure that can be raised, albeit by a minimal margin, in a bid to maximize the profits attainable via the use of the product. The risks involved in having a large increase in price are that some customers may be willing to compromise on quality if only to have a cheaper, more affordable product irrespective of its performance. As such, any price increment needs to be done discreetly and with enough consideration to the customer if its continued good performance is to be sustained (Slotegraaf & Pauwels, 2008). Product X7 Given that the product is relatively new in the market; its market reviews may not be concrete enough from which to draw conclusive findings. The case for this product can thus be described as colored, in contrast to the plastic case of X5, and the metal case associated with X6. The relat ive immobility of this product in the market is attributable by hesitant customers who opt for better established products of the same caliber. The un-ease that results is not so much a factor of the price but rather based on the anticipated performance of the product in the market in comparison to the other already established products. The initial price, quoted at an approximate $200 serves as an entry price

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

E-Commerce Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

E-Commerce - Coursework Example - Sale staffs need to meet the clients in person to give a demonstration of the software and install them on clients computers, therefore lots of time and energy is wasted (for example in the traffic, because the company is close to a busy area). The company headquarters are seeking ways to sell the products and services online through a website. This way, the sale staff can stay in their offices provide support using telephone, email or even video conferencing. Clients will be able to find the details of the products and services online and at any time they need. - The research and development staffs do not see a necessity to be present at the office every single day. They are already working together through a computer network. They prefer a system to allow them secure access to the company’s website and work and communicate with other developers online. They need a space to securely share and update the files and get them to work altogether. - The company at the moment has more software staff than programmers. These staffs are the persons that need to meet every single client and help them with installing and using the software. Headquarters are thinking of providing support through a website with a complete help and support section since the number of clients is increasing every day. Electronic commerce is about using the internet for purchasing/selling products/services online. The number of internet users is increasing every single day and electronic commerce is representing itself as a real opportunity for companies to find new markets and provide their good and services more efficiently to their existing clients. There are enormous benefits for a company like Ictbuild Ltd. by using an e-commerce system. For example they will gain the access to the global market, they can sell their software, hardware and services without the need of middleman businesses and they can save time and energy for their sale staff. Apart from that,

Internet Is Most Influential Invention in American History Essay Example for Free

Internet Is Most Influential Invention in American History Essay The United States of America who has been ruling the power in technology, communication and in every other field with advance from its history and giving birth to new generation invention which human mind can’t â€Å"even think off from early dreams of global information networks to the dominance of the World Wide Web, networked computers have changed the way Americans interact with the world†. (Inventing the Internet Age Science and Technology CBC Archives) In the history of America, the Information Technology in such Internet has been the best power as its kind in the communication, new inventions, science, business and specially for the students who are in the field of science and technology they have been getting help from the internet and they have proved to be the best and always had the Country name on the top. The Internet is a worldwide network of thousands of computers and computers network working together for the upliftment of the human in information and communication technology. It has been a great invention by the human mind and a great achievement in information technology. â€Å"In the history of America in 1956 we found this conference and concept which gave birth to the field of AI as a vibrant area of interdisciplinary research, and provided an intellectual environment to all successive computer research and development efforts†. This new field made the human mind thinks to create Internet which works more professionally from its own parts. In the history of Defense of United States the first research and development was made by Paul Baran’s who started his work at (RAND). RAND was founded in Santa Monica, California who started working after the Second World War and started operational research skills developed by US military to manage them. The first wide area computer network was established by the United States Air Force in 1959 which was used to recognize and respond after a nuclear attack and with the new inventions in the US Defense the system got more organized and developed. (Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference) Later in 1960s the Internet has grown from a single experimental network serving a dozen sites in the United States to a network of networks linking millions of computers worldwide. There were many scientist and great inventors who worked hard that allowed the Internet to develop. â€Å"At that time there was collaboration and conflict among remarkable scientists, including government and military agencies, computer scientists, graduate students, telecommunications companies, standards organizations, and network users†. (Networks: Syllabus of Readings for Complex Adaptive systems) In the history of 1964, the Norbert Wiener won the US National Medal of Science. In the same year Norbert published one of his last book called God and Golem† which included certain points where cybernetics impinges on religion which latter had a dominant influences on later generation of scientists and made tons of scientists to research into the potential to extend human capabilities. â€Å"Norbert change the way everyone thought about computer technology and that influencing several later developers of the internet which includes J. C. R Licklider†. (Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conference) In the same year Marshall McLuhan’s made a new theory which is still remembered by the name of â€Å"Global Village† to make every one think about the social effects and the world-shattering effects that has made the changed around the world. He tried to change the concept about the media, technology and communication. McLuhan highlighted this theory of his named with global village from his observation and researchers that the electronic (media) was swiftly integrating the globe. If we go pass by the history of internet which is now been very common source of information and communication to every single human on this universe. Sir Bill Gates, who is the Chairman of Microsoft company has invented a programming language basic for the first microcomputer in the history in 1973, after that in the same year Internet and Transmission Control Protocols were initially developed by the great American Scientist Vinton Cerf, who worked for the United States department of Defense Advance Research Projects Agency (ARPA) which was directed by American Engineer Robert Kahn. At first, by the help of Advance Research Project Agency who linked several universities and research laboratories in the United States. After 16 years of development and researches world wide web was developed by the great English computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee who worked under European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), the design of the internet was done in 1973 and published in 1974 the hard work resulting the internet in 1983, a number of demonstration were made by the great scientists of different universities. Moreover from the (ARPANET) which grew in 1970’s Leonard Kleinrocks and his mates worked over the design and performance of packet switched network latter UCLA Netwatch Program performed similar functions Kleinrocks and his team did for ARPANET but the great achievement of Kleinrocks was that he connected SDS Sigma 7 Computer to an interface massage processors which became the first node on ARPANET and the first computer ever on internet in early September 1969. After that in early 1996 the internet interconnected more than 25 million computers in more than 180 countries all over the world. With the interconnection of computer networks and different machines to communicate directly through internet had made the United States rule over everything from the last era. Not just the interconnection but the global interconnection of the United States government who deals around the world so easily with the modern technology, interconnection in the education which has made the best universities all over the world and is making the best scientists, doctors, engineers and with the business network which is available in the public around the world with one click..

Monday, October 14, 2019

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy An EIS study was carried out at different dc potentials in order to study the mechanism of ORR in O2 saturated alkaline solutions on prepared GDEs. The Nyquist plots of GDEs under different polarization potentials are shown in Fig. 5. The impedance diagrams show two different behaviors which depend on the applied dc potentials. In the other words, the shape of plots changed at different potentials, suggesting different electrochemical processes occurring on the electrode. The impedance spectra acquired at the potential lower than 0.7 V show one loop in the high frequency region associated with the time constant of a charge transfer process and semi-infinite diffusive manner related to Warburg component in the low frequency region. This semi-infinite diffusive character is related to the adsorption of reactants and intermediate products. The Nyquist plots of O2 reduction on GDEs at the E≠¥0.7 show two loops. The processes that could be involved on the electrode surface that would produce these changes include [37]: (1) Diffusion of O2 through the gas phase in the pores (of porous carbon supported catalyst) and the electrolyte to the reaction site. (2) Adsorption or heterogeneous surface reaction of the oxygen, together with oxygen diffusion. (3) Charge transfer. (4) Diffusion of reduction products into the bulk electrolyte Many reaction mechanisms have been proposed to describe ORR in aqueous electrolytes. Among these models, the Damjanovic model (Fig. 6) is one of the most extensively employed models, due to its applicability over a wide potential region. Damjanovic model describes the ORR as a multi-electron reaction which O2 molecules in the vicinity of the electrode are irreversibly reduced directly to H2O through 4-electron transfer (with a constant rate, k1) or to H2O2 through 2-electron transfer (constant rate, k2). The H2O2 formed can be reduced to H2O through 2-electron transfer (constant rate, k3) or diffuse into the bulk solution [38]. The ORR mechanism on transition metals has also been investigated by theoretical calculation based on the electronic structure [39-40]. The dissociative mechanism and the associative mechanism are proposed for a low current density range (more positive potentials) and a high current density range (more negative potentials), respectively [41]. Dissociative Mechanism (E≠¥0.7 V): In this mechanism, no H2O2 is produced. On a metal surface, O2 adsorption breaks the O-O bond and forms adsorbed atomic O, which further gains two electrons in the two consecutive steps, forming hydroxide ions. Since there is no adsorbed O2 on the catalyst surface, H2O2 cannot be formed. This mechanism can be considered a detailed form of the direct 4-electron pathway and can be written as follows: 1/2O2 + M(metal active sites) → O ºads (11) O ºads + e + H2O → OHads + OHaq (12) OHads + e → OHads → OHaq (13) Associative Mechanism (EË‚0.7 V): Since adsorbed O2 is present, the O-O bond may not be broken in the following steps, resulting in the formation of H2O2. The H2O2 could either be further reduced to H2O or be a final product. Therefore, the mechanism can be written as follows: O2,ads + 2H2O + 2e → H2O2 + 2OH (14) H2O2 + 2e → 2OH (15) The further reduction of H2O2(ads) to hydroxide ions occurs only once the enough overpotential has been reached and before the formed H2O2 diffuse into the bulk solution [41]. The two loop manner of GDEs in Nyquist plots may be related to two basic steps. On the other hand, for E ≠¥ 0.7 V, two time constants are detected during the impedance measurements (Fig. 5). The first time constant at high frequencies is associated with the charge transfer reaction according to Eq. 12, while the second may be associated with the further reduction of OHads to produce OH based Eq. 13. On the other hand, for EË‚0.7 V, the first time constant is related to H2O2 intermediate formation according to Eq. 14 and further semi-infinitive diffusive manner in the low frequency region can be explained by adsorption and diffusion of this intermediate into the bulk solution. In order to obtain quantitative information from impedance spectra in Fig. 5, two electric circuits were employed (Fig. 7). The electric circuit in Fig. 7a was used to simulate the impedance response of those spectra with OCP and E Using the equivalent circuits shown in Fig. 7, a constant phase element (CPE) is suggested instead of pure capacitance (C), due to the non-homogeneous surface of the electrodes. The impedance of CPE is defined as [Yo(jω)n]-1, where Yo is a constant with dimension (, while the exponent n denotes the correction factor pertaining to the roughness of the electrode and has values that range from 0 to 1. A pure capacitance yields n=1, a pure resistance yields n=0, while n=0.5 represents the ideal Warburg impedance. The true capacitance values can be calculated using the following equation [38]: C=[Yo Ãâ€" R (1-n)]1/n (14) According to equivalent circuits shown in Fig. 7, Rs is associated with the resistance of the solution, connectors, leads and wires. R1 is the charge transfer resistance of the reduction process from O2 to H2O2, R2 is the resistance of adsorbed species with H2O2 as the main intermediate or O2 adsorption into the GDE pores in the figure 7.a. The R1 and R2 circuit components in figure 7b are the charge transfer resistance of the reduction process of O ºads to OHads and the reduction process of OHads to OH, respectively. Parameters calculated from the equivalent circuits (Fig. 7) of O2 reduction on the GDEs are listed in Table 3. According to table 3, the Rs values change as a function of the potential, indicating that the contribution of the apparatus (connectors, leads and wires) from the total impedance of system shouldn’t be dismissed. So, the Rs values have a contribution function of both electrolyte and the apparatus resistance, i.e., connectors, leads and wires. R1 and R2 also show a dependence on the applied dc potentials (Fig. 8). By increasing the positive potential, the R1 values decrease. In the potential region of lower than 0.7 V, the adsorption of free O2 molecules happens on the metal catalyst and then O2,ads reduces to OHads (Eq.8). In the applied dc potential of E≠¥0.7 V, the adsorption of O ºads free radicals happens. By increasing the positive applied potentials, the adsorbed amount of O2,ads and O ºads increases and the further reduction process occurs more easily in the catalyst layer. So the R1 values will be decreased. The dependence of true capacitance values of the applied potentials is shown in Fig. 10. The adsorbed species enhancement by increasing the more positive potentials causes to decrease of C1 values. The R2 values for EË‚0.7 V are related to the adsorption of molecules like H2O2,ads into the GDE pores. When the potential is increased to more positive potentials, the adsorption of H2O2,ads spec ies by the oxygen atom orientation to the metal catalysts will be increased and R2 values became higher. In the potential region of E≠¥0.7 V, the OH,ads species which are reduced to OHaq, increase and charge transfer happens more easily. So the R2 values will be decreased. The C2 values also decrease because of more species adsorption (Fig. 10). Comparison of R values for GDEs shows that the Pt.Ru/C electrocatalyst has the lowest resistance in the whole range of applied dc potentials because of charge transferring occurring more easily and so ORR happens more rapidly at this electrocatalyst type. This behavior can be observed due to the synergistic effects of Pt and Ru catalyst species. The true capacitances of GDEs also show that the calculated of Pt.Ru/C and Ru/C electrocatalyst are higher than Pt.C ones. It is because the Ru species act as a protonic capacitor in the Pt.Ru/C and Ru/C GDEs. 3.5. Chronoamperometery The oxygen diffusion coefficients of GDEs were determined by chronoamperometry technique. Chronoamperograms were obtained by holding the potential of the electrodes at +1.2 V for 10 s and then holding it at +0.4 V relative to the Ag/AgCl electrode for 500 s with oxygen flowing along the electrolyte. With plotting i vs. t−1/2, the linear dependence relationship was obtained for different electrodes [42]: (16) Where I is the limited current, A the surface area of the electrode, D the diffusion coefficient, C the concentration of oxygen, n the number of electrons in the overall reaction of ORR, F the Faraday’s constant, t the time, and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ °Ãƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  is equal to 3.14. Fig. 11 shows the chronoamperograms of GDEs at +0.4V in relative to the Ag/AgCl in alkaline media. . Cottrell parameters are listed in Table 4, also. The results confirmed the higher Cottrell slope and D values for Pt.Ru/C electrode. So, the Pt.Ru/C cathode has more permeability and activity towards oxygen reduction reaction. Conclusion In this investigation, Pt/C, Ru/C and Pt.Ru/C bimetallic electrocatalysts were prepared by chemical reduction process. Then the resulted inks were coated on carbon paper and used as gas diffusion electrodes for oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media. The surface structure of oxygen depolarized cathodes was studied by SEM and EDX analysis. The SEM results showed that all the cathodes consist of rough and porous structures. And Pt, Ru nanclusters were deposited quite uniformly onto/into Vulcan carbon supports with the average particle size of about 30-45 nm. The ORR activity of cathodes was evaluated in 0.1 M O2 saturated NaOH media. Comparison of cyclic voltamograms of Pt/C, Ru/C and Pt.Ru/C electrodes in O2 saturated solutions show that for Pt.Ru/C catalyst current increase induced by ORR is shifted towards more negative electrode potentials and only higher current values have been obtained within the ORR region. It can be concluded that the second metal addition has influenced the catalytic activity of electrocatalyst toward ORR. This matter can be related to synergistic effect, which is playing a critical role in ORR activity. The Pt.Ru/C cathodes showed lower Tafel slops and high current densities. An EIS study was carried out at different dc potentials in order to study the mechanism of ORR in O2 saturated alkalin e solutions on prepared GDEs. The Nyquist plots of GDEs under different polarization potentials show two different behaviors, suggesting different associative and dissociative electrochemical processes occurring on the electrode.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Essay --

Electronic game is a famous entertainment among human no matter in which ages, the transformation design of video games and computer games had gone through a lot of changes since the first ever invented. The difference between the video and computer games is not much but the physical appearance. Video game is built through devices with a console that require a television to be played with. Compare to computer game that required a computer to run the games and with features of online gaming which video game doesn’t support. Computer game allow players to interactive to each other when play online while video game only allow interaction between friends and family. Over the years, computer games become popular compare to video games because of the variety games supported by computer where video games only support by one system and only applicable on their own game creation. Video game is an electronic gaming that display on a video display or television screen or the latest devices such as PSP and Nintendo. In the early 40s, the world first video games called â€Å"Cathode-Ray Tube Amusement† had been invented by Thomas T. goldsmith Jr. and Estle R. Mann that made a starting point to video games. The evolution of video game had been transform from graphic paper till the 2D graphic and better 3D graphic such as Microsoft XBOX, Wii and Sony Play Station. On the other hand, computer game known as PC game had not much different than video game which computer game is design to be use on a computer but not a video display television screen with keyboard as the controller. The first computer game was invented on 1952 called â€Å"TicTacToe† by A.S. Douglas on an EDSAC vacuum-tube computer. Recently in the past few years, this gaming field had be... ...t game presence positive impact on students. They conduct the research with a computer based game call â€Å"Fire Captain† that allow student to comprehend the role as a fire fighter. The result had brought out a conclusion where students who played the game beneficially learned problem solving skills, increase critical thinking and better understanding as a role of fire fighter. In addition, educational gaming guide students to a better management skills and earlier age of leadership practice through the game. On the other hand, video and computer games powerfully changed the world trend where children nowadays cannot live without a technological devices or computers game. This issue had become concerned among parents and societies where games might consists potential harmful materials such as violence, aggressive and over fascinating towards games.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Euthanasia And Self Determination :: Free Euthanasia Essay

When speaking in terms of legalized euthanasia, and self-determination, Callahan feels that people should make decisions for themselves according to their own beliefs as to what comprises the good life. (pg. 226) He also states that we will, one way or another, die of some disease and that death will have dominian over all of us. (pg. 227) The meaning of this is no matter what we are all destined to die. In the case of death he first looks at suicide. This is when a person takes his or her own life, without the assistance of another. Euthansia, is a decision made between 2 people, the one being killed and the one doing the killing. He takes the stand that the very idea someone would waive their right to life, and then give another the power to take that life, requires a justification yet to be provided to him or by anyone. ( pg. 226) Should anyone want to end their life for any reason it can definitely be achieved. Callahan feels that doctors of medicine should not be given the right to end lives of people who no longer feel life is worth living and that euthanasia should only be utilized only to releive the pain of an incurable disease. (pg. 228) It is not medicines, place to lift from us the burden of suffering, which turns on the meaning we assign the decay (or natural aging process) of the body and its eventual death. It is not it’s place to determine when lives are not worth living or when the burden of life has become to great to be borne. (pg. 229) Hence he is saying that physicians should not be allowed to be the sole person making judgements about who should be allowed to live or die, in any situation. The person who knows that he or she is infected and chooses to forego treatment has decided to commit suicide. The flipside of this is the person who infected the individual initally, knowing that they were infectious decided to end the other persons life for them. This by our standards ehis would be murder. However, should both parties know about the infectious process then a form of euthanasia between two consenting individuals has be obtained, whether during the act of sex, or sharing needles in drug addiction. Bayer and Callahan both agree that a person or group of people having their own beliefs and cultural habits need to be addressed with that in mind.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Tiger Who Would Be King

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Mr. Smith Honors English – Period 6 19 January 2013 Ambiguity and Irony in the Tiger Who Would Be King James Thurber weaves ambiguity and irony into â€Å"The Tiger Who Would Be King† and allows them to influence the readers understanding and perception of the characters, themes, and plots in various ways. For example, ambiguity, a lack of clarity, presents itself when the brash and volatile tiger arrogantly declares â€Å"I’ll be king of beasts by the time the moon rises† (312). This presents us with the central plot and conflict of the story as well as some insight into his character and personality.The fact that he declares war against Leo the Lion leaves us with some ambiguity as we do not know if he will triumph and only know that an epic battle lies in store. Another example of this is evident when the tiger rebelliously states â€Å"’We need a change,’ said the tiger. ‘The creatures are crying for a change. â₠¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (312). The fact that his mate notes that the only crying she can hear is that of her cubs, leaves the reader with ambiguity as to why he really wants change. The reader must critically approach the text and derive the unclear meaning from his faulty decision and decide and discover what it really means.Ambiguity in this story as well as in all literature is what captivates readers and teaches them to critically analyze the text and takes reading to a whole new level. Dramatic, verbal and situational irony all appear in this story and provide it with a kind of humor that keeps readers entertained. For example: â€Å"The tigress listened but she could hear no crying, except that of her cubs† (312). This is an example of situational irony because readers expect there to be a serious problem, however the tigress’ observation proves that the conflict the tiger created may not actually be there.Situational irony occurred here because what happened is the opposite of what as expected. Another instance of irony in the story this time comes verbally when the lioness wakes Leo the Lion and tells him â€Å"The king is here to see you† (312). The fact that Leo is the king is what is so ironic about the statement. This instance of verbal irony in the story is what sets the wheels in motion and gets the blood boiling for the fight of the king of beasts. Irony in this story is used often and is supports the main ideas, plot, theme and characters and helps the story move along.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

For the Benefit of the Child Essay

Jonathan Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† – applied to modern times – is focused on the idea that distribution of wealth is necessary for the future of the child living on welfare. But, what if there is very little or no money available to the child (through the government) to pursue his or her studies? The poor child, if he or she goes to school, would lag in the classroom for the reason that his or her parents cannot spend sufficient time to teach him after school. Children are applied to menial jobs, too, especially in the developing world. The developed world has had its indecent share of child labor in the past. When Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† was first published, there were far too many problems facing the child in the now-developed world. Although many of those problems were resolved as education yielded dividends in the now-civilized world – there are problems facing the poor child still. These problems are not limited by space and time. It is therefore essential to consider the problematic issues facing the poor child in the modern world. This exercise is meant to increase our timeless appreciation of â€Å"A Modest Proposal. † After all, poor children around the world continue to face the troubles confronted by the poor child of Swift’s time. George Orwell was correct when he wrote that â€Å"All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others,† actually referring to human beings whom scientists refer to as animals (5). Throughout the history of humanity, people have generally known that they were created equal. And yet, there have been separations, discriminations, dissimilarities, and inequalities, for the reason that God, Nature or Evolution – depending on what we choose to believe in – did not grant equal abilities, talents, and gifts to all human beings. Some men are richer and more intelligent than the others. Some are born deaf, dumb, and blind. And, some must rely on income support because they just cannot beat poverty on their own. But, what if income support is insufficient to meet the child’s intellectual needs? What if he or she is potentially brilliant but cannot do so well in the classroom because his parents cannot buy him books to read in the home? According to the United States Bureau of Census, the most recent poverty rates of children are higher than ever. A large percentage of children in the classroom are coming from low socioeconomic households. And, a huge amount of research has shown that a child’s socioeconomic status affects his or her intelligence level as well as academic achievement (Milne and Plourde). Vail writes that children from high poverty environments â€Å"enter school less ready to learn, and they lag behind their more-affluent classmates in their ability to use language to solve problems (12). † What is more, children’s socioeconomic status has been found to affect their consistency of attending academic institutions, in addition to the number of formal education years they eventually complete. Many researchers believe that there is a positive correlation between socioeconomic status and academic achievement. Still, Caldwell and Ginther have reported that â€Å"[w]hile low-SES is highly correlated with low achievement, some low-SES students are academically successful (142). † Then again, the words ‘vicious cycle’ are often used when poverty is discussed. In a groundbreaking ethnographic study, Milne and Plourde discovered that children from low socioeconomic households who do well at school have parents who make sure that their children have educational materials available at home. All low socioeconomic families with children who are high achievers at school have books and writing materials for their children at home, even if these families have to rely on support systems to supply them with educational materials. What is more, these families have time allotted every day for their children to engage in academic activities, including homework, with their parents’ participation. These families also believe in monitoring the use of television by their children (Milne and Plourde). All of the mothers in this study had at least completed tenth grade in school, and expressed that they would like their children to know the importance of education too. The parents of these children openly talked about the importance of education with their children. Finally, they all agreed that they did not want their children to believe that schooling was an option. Rather, education was considered a necessity in these homes (Milne and Plourde). All the same, such families are few indeed. Not all poor children have mothers that show interest in education. Similarly, a poor child’s needs may be disregarded completely if his or her parents are alcoholics that use up all income support on liquor. After all, there are frustrations in the poor child’s home, and these may take the form of drug abuse or domestic violence. If not, a poor child’s parents may send him off to work. Swift’s scenario for the poor child may take another shape in India, for example. In that part of the developing world, poverty is intense, with 41 percent of the world’s poor. So therefore parents encourage their children to work instead of going to school. The policy of the Indian government on child labor has evolved over many years. The country did not find it possible to ban all forms of child labor at once, seeing that working children contribute greatly to household income. Besides, the country finds that children contribute to economic growth, being the cheapest labor force (Krueger and Tjornhom). As mentioned previously, child labor laws took time to develop in the now-developed countries, too. Children were recognized as economic assets before regulations stepped in to either stop the employment of children altogether or vastly reduce their representation in the labor force. As an example, Bradbury, in her book, Working Families: Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal, takes the reader down Montreal’s streets and into the dwellings of working class families who helped shape Canada’s industrial revolution. The lives of working men, women, and children have all been documented (Bradbury). If Swift’s child enters their lives, he or she would be a welcome part of the working family described by Bradbury. Likewise, McIntosh, working at the National Archives of Canada, has produced a well-documented book on child labor during the 19th and early 20th centuries: Boys in the Pits: Child Labour in Coal Mines. The book is an exploration of the history of boys between the ages of 8 and 15 who labored hard in the mines and were known only for their work. Such children may also join Swift’s circle of little friends in â€Å"A Modest Proposal. † The fact remains that children continue to be disproportionately hurt by poverty in our time – of sports cars, rockets, and lots more. If properly trained, many of the same children may add great value to our world. But, there are problems such as poverty and illiteracy that refuse to go away. No matter how one tries to attack poverty, it takes a U-turn to complete its cycle after cycle. Swift’s â€Å"A Modest Proposal† takes such a dismal view of poverty with an electrifying hope, which the author displayed through satire. On a similar note, it is possible to suppose that the vicious cycle of poverty would break once and for all, at some point in time, for all poor children of the world. Regardless of our beliefs about the reasons for poverty, the government has shouldered the responsibility to care for the poor by spending a part of its spending budget on income support programs such as social insurance, public assistance, and work/employment programs. In order to raise the standard of living of the poor, the government also considers education as an essential social welfare program. Still, there are poor children with parents that refuse to buy them books and other educational materials for use at home, even though the government is providing them with income support. What should the government do in order to break this cycle of illiteracy and poverty combined? – Perhaps a paradigm shift is in order. To provide for and educate every child, it is the government’s responsibility to educate every parent. Perhaps it would take the advertising industry to work alongside the government to boost sales of books instead of booze. For the benefit of the poor child, many changes are called for. Works Cited Bradbury, Bettina. Working Families: Age, Gender and Daily Survival in Industrializing Montreal. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Caldwell, G. P. , and Ginther, D. W. â€Å"Differences in learning styles of low socioeconomic status for low and high achievers. † Education (1996), 117, pp. 141-148. Krueger, Dirk, and Tjornhom, Jessica. â€Å"Economic Inequality and the Emergence of Child Labor Laws. † Discussion Paper. Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (Aug 2002). 11 Nov 2008. . McIntosh, Robert. Boys in the Pits: Child Labour in Coal Mines. Montreal, Quebec: McGill- Queen’s University Press, 2000. Milne, Allison, & Plourde, Lee A. â€Å"Factors of a Low-SES Household: What Aids Academic Achievement? † Journal of Instructional Psychology (Sep 2006). Orwell, G. Animal Farm. London: Secker and Warburg, 1945. Vail, K. â€Å"Grasping what kids need to raise performance. † The Education Digest (2004), 69, pp. 12-25.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Base Multiplier Approach to Money Supply

Base Multiplier Approach to Money Supply Traditionally, it has been shown controversially that money supply is determined using the base multiplier approach. ‘The multiplier model of the money supply, originally developed by Brunner (1961) and Brunner and Meltzer (1964) has become the standard model to explain how the policy actions of the Central Bank influence the money stock’   [1] . However, there is more than sufficient evidence to suggest that monetary authorities do not determine the money supply and that the flow of funds approach makes more sense. Consequently, I will compare and contrast the base multiplier and the flow of funds approaches to the determination of money supply and determine which occurs in reality in view of the present economic climate. Under the base multiplier approach, the monetary authority (Bank of England) ‘sets the size of the monetary base, which in turn determines the stock of broad money as a multiple of the base’.   [2]   This process is described below: Ms = Cp + Dc (Equation 1) In the equation above, Ms refers to the broad money supply, Cp refers to private sector (excluding banks) notes and coins and Dc refers to bank deposits. The next equation is for the monetary base (B) is as follows: B = Cb + Db + Cp (Equation 2) In Equation 2, Cb refers to banks’ notes and coins while Db refers to deposits with the Bank of England. Both combined they can be called reserves R and can be substituted into the equation above to form Equation 3. B = R + Cp (Equation 3) The quantity of money can now be expressed as a multiple of the base as follows:   [3]    (Equation 4) The next stage is to divide through by bank deposits to obtain the Equation 5 as follows: If = ÃŽÂ ± and = ÃŽÂ ², then the equation above becomes Equation 6 below: The symbol ÃŽÂ ± is the private sector’s cash ratio, while ÃŽÂ ² represents bank reserves. Under the multiplier approach the money supply equation is then obtained by multiplying both sid es of the equation with the monetary base B. Therefore, Equation 7 becomes: The rationale behind this is that assuming ÃŽÂ ± and ÃŽÂ ² are fixed or stable, the money supply is ‘a multiple of the monetary base and can change only at the discretion of the authorities since the base consists entirely of central bank liabilities. The Flow of Funds approach says that money supplied is determined by open market operations. It presents the opposite view to the multiplier approach as those in favor believe that other factors determine the supply of money, not monetary authorities or policymakers, it looks at the demand for money not just the supply side. They also believe that banks are able to obtain reserves from central banks as required and are not a constraint. Under this approach credit or loans credit by the private sector create deposits and not the other way round as put forward by the base multiplier approach. The flow of funds model of money supply determination is as follows: Ms = Cp + Dc, the same definition of broad money supply as was used in the base multiplier approach (Equation 8) The next equation focuses on the changes in money supply, i.e:

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Learning Styles Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Learning Styles - Coursework Example However learning styles have been criticized stating that in achieving goals and learner’s motivation, teaching or learning based on learning styles have very little impact and does not play a significant role and might typecast the learners (Coffield et al, 2004). Using the Learning style inventory assessment questionnaire (Honey and Mumford, 1992), I learnt that my preferred way of learning or learning style is reflector. In the present paper a critical reflection of the identified learning style in the context of three personal development goals is analysed along with the critical evaluation of the internal and external factors contributing to the attainment of my personal development goals and at the end learning developmental plan is giving on SMART principles. Critical Analysis of Reflector Learning Style Kolb (1984, p.38) who developed learning cycle defined â€Å"Learning as the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience†. Base d on Kolb’s (1984) learning cycle, Honey and Mumford (1992) developed the ‘learning styles inventory’, and according to Honey and Mumford (1992, p.1) â€Å"the term learning styles is used as a description of the attitudes and behaviours which determine an individual’s preferred way of learning† and no learning style is superior to that of another. The below figure gives the four learning styles developed by Honey and Mumford (1992), where they said that people either learn through teaching or experience and explained four learning stages and suggested that a person may start learning at any of the stages illustrated below. Figure 1: Honey and Mumford: Typology of Learners (Honey and Mumford, 1992) Honey and Mumford (1992), state that a reflector collects information and evaluates it before coming to a conclusion. Reflectors until and unless are sure about the conclusion does not give their opinion or judgement as they are very cautious and thoughtf ul. Reflectors favour intellectual activities, situations that are passive, for participative activity need substantial briefing beforehand, preparation time, thorough research, learning situations that are structured and do not favour pressure or time limits. They do not cope up well with lack of adequate information and well laid instructions, spontaneous thinking and time bound activities (UMIST, 2003 and University of Southampton, 2003). My main personal goal is to become a Diplomat and a good martial arts teacher because I am interested in diplomatic service and learning martial arts from a long time and want to impart the knowledge to others and popularize the art form, other than that I want to score good grades in the Business Management course, the below analysis examines whether my learning style helps in achieving these goals. A critical reflection of the identified learning style-Reflector in the context of three personal development goals. Basing on the principles of C- SMART goal setting that stands for the goals that are Challenging, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (Life Rocks, 2007; ECU, 2010; University of Ballarat, 2012) I have set my goals as follows. I want to become a Diplomat and a Capoeira martial arts teacher – an Afro-Brazilian martial art combined with dance but before that I want to secure good grades in the Business management course ending May 2014. I want to secure A+ grade in the course, meanwhile work part time as a Capoeira martia

Monday, October 7, 2019

Marketing Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Strategy - Research Paper Example Small and medium scale enterprises have shown strong needs to purchase business (specifical accounting ) software in order hasten and make more accurate current manual accounting business transactions. Such companies have back offices where accounting and bookkeeping (Larson, 1995) services are being processed. The medium and larger companies do need software that can make their tasks easier. When the accounting system is accurate and is updated constantly by the computer, then the customers and suppliers will know, as soon as possible (ASAP), what the daily business problems are so that remedies that will lessen the damage done will be put in place earlier. This is where Sage comes to the rescue. Sage will help, in a big way, the small and medium rate industries with their bookkeeping needs and accounting functions. The software, however, is being purchased by some the small companies. Based on the above, the company has been very successful with the present marketing strategy (Thompson, 1999). The income statement clearly shows that there is its present income has been on the rise. Because the present strategy is on the right track, then we will now be implementing a new strategy will be discussed below. This strategy is called Resource based marketing (Kinnear, 1996) strategy. According to Sage Chairman Michael Jackson, Individuals in Sage are being treated very highly and respected as a person. Sage company is constantly invented new products and new processes for its large customers’ activities.