Friday, October 4, 2019

Quality Assurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Quality Assurance - Essay Example Therefore, it is in the interest of a firm to ensure the goods that are produced are of high quality and are appealing to the market as a whole. In making this a reality, the firms have to indulge various aspects which include strategic planning, data collection and effective communication; both inside and outside the firm. The Core Concepts of Quality and Total Quality There are various concepts that are used by firms and businesses to improve the quality of production. When these concepts are implemented the firm gains by giving satisfactory results to customers. The first concept in TQM is developing customer focus (Rawlins, 2008:12). Customers create the main demand for the products and services that are offered, and will have direct impact on the performance of a business. Therefore, as a measure in a firm, it should structure the best ways of creating an impressive reception from the customers. This can be done by ensuring the products that are produced according to customersâ €™ needs. Production in a firm involves transforming raw materials to finished goods, which are used by the clients. Therefore, a business has to ensure it is centred on the production process, which will generate finished goods. This is a concept that involves structured processes that are repetitive. As such, a firm should have a developed way of ensuring these steps are followed to the latter, in ensuring the products are available at the right time (Rawlins, 2008:15). In implementing such procedures, the firm is likely to reflect satisfactory results in terms of production of products and services. 2.0 Total Quality Application to the Organisation in RWDI Formation of an integrated system is a concept in TQM, which explains the connection of all the functional parts in an organisation. While some organisations use the vertical integration of management, other firms embrace the horizontal structure of management. All these activities are vital in coming up with the end produc ts. Therefore, a well arranged structure will accrue the best results in a firm, depending on their effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, a business has to involve both minute processes and the other large process to record the desired results. Many firms apply the aspect of continuous improvement, especially in performance. This is done in many ways where the products and services of a firm or organisation have to keep improving. In many instances, organisations direct their focus on improving the quality and effectiveness of products and services. With a constant improvement in the products and services, it is guaranteed that the organisation will attract a larger number of customers. As such, it increases the demand for the products of the firm, which in turn increases the performance of the firm. 3.0 Problem Hard and soft problems RWDI has been 3experrincingh a number of problems in regard to its performance. Its performance has been dwindling with time, which has lowered its reception in the market. However, there are two types of the problems that affect the firm. These are soft issues and hard issues where some are measured while others are not measured. To begin with, the firm experiences hard problems which occur from submerging profit levels. This is reflected from the low performance and appeal to the market. Apparently, the costs incurred in the firm are increasing day in and day out, which

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