Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Research Study On Management - 1710 Words

Henry Mintzberg, a world renowned professor at the prestigious McGill University once stated, Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet. There are many ways one defines management. Throughout the last 5 weeks I got to grasp some of the key concepts one needs to acquire to become effective in management. I was able to gain the knowledge for these main ideas through the small group projects, the in/online class discussions, and the analyzed paper we ve completed thus far. Overall, BUS 250 has demonstrated the importance of teamwork, leadership, organization/planning, personality traits, social responsibility, decision making, ethics, along with various other key concepts I will share with you. To begin with, as one could imagine, teamwork plays an especially important role in management, so it really laid an impression on me when we attacked the idea in class. Teamwork is the way employees and managers interact with one another to achieve a common goal. I first encountered this idea in a group project we had in the first day of class where we were assigned to build a boat out of construction paper. In groups of three we collaborated and came up with one boat design we would mass produce. We then came together as a class to determine which boat would be the best option to mass produce and sell to customers. It was pretty chaotic and hard to figure out the best design everyone wanted to produce. Learning the best way to work in a teamShow MoreRelatedA Research Study On Management Studies Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesAfter a great deal of self evaluation, I have resolved to pursue management studies. Management studies have never been my goal until I graduated, saying othe rwise would be just an equivocation of the fact that slowly and steadily I started considering management studies to accomplish my long term goals and enhance my management skills. 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